Young Chris's Questions

by Cal < 100622.2517@CompuServe.COM >

Young Chris, the American high school gymnast, wrote this to James before he returned to school, but anyone wishing to reply to him and who does so will have the message delivered. The spellings, etc. are as it was on the computer "auto file" after he sent it out.

"Sir (but I don't know how I should call you),

I'm sorry I never wrote back, but I was ashamed cause he spanked me a lot cause of what we did and Mea's Uncle spanked me too and I was very scared that time and even the motorcycle cop paddled me cause of it. I really got it! I know I deserved it and we all did, but it really hurt a lot! And other people saw me get it too, even saw me crying a lot but I couldn't help crying. I am still ashamed, but he said to drop you a line before I go home, so here goes. I always wear my cycle helmet now for sure!

I never thought it would be like this ever when I first met him in Washington. No one had ever talked to me like he did and anything I wanted to talk about, and Guiermo was nice to me, but when I got to Amsterdam I was in for a big surprise cause no one had just like all of a sudden just taken down my pants and spanked me like he did that first time I complained. It was wild. I wanted to run to fight back cause he had no right to spank me but I didn't. He knew how to help me I guessed. It hasn't been easy, but what I got was something I'd been needing for a long time, I know. A man who took me seriously but taken my cloths off any time he wants to and who doesn't hesitate for a minute to make me bare my ass and bend across his knees so he can spank me any time I do something wrong and no matter who is there to see me get it. It's been bare and spanked a lot, especiall,y this summer, but I've learned a lot too from being over his knees and otherwise as well.. To be honest, I respect this man an awful lot and just had to finally accept it that the Man I found to help me and teach me was just going to do it with the paddle he made me make and that I have to carry with me when we go places. How would you liked to have had to sit beside a Man on a plane who had just paddled your bare ass before you left for the airport and know that you had the paddle in your suitcase and he was probably going to do it again when we got to the next place? For me, I think it hot and exciting to be beside him when my ass's hurting and I'm very proud he lets me work with him, but also terrifying at the same time. How would you have felt at my age? I feel good and no good at same time.

We're going around Thailand and maybe down in Malaysia and Indonesia to Denpensar, if we make it that far. I can't wait!. Just he and I are going alone!

I'd rather stay, but my dropping out even for a year is not an idea he will consider. Maybe you could have me talk him into letting me stay? I don't know what it will be like being back home after all I do here, and my Dad's waiting for me. Ever since he and my Dad talked and he came up to New York City Easter weekend, he's been trying his way of raising us boys and using an old ping pong paddle on my brothers and even on me too. My brothers tell me he's still is. It's embarrassing. We all wish now I hadn't introduced him to my Dad, but there was no other way he'd have let me go to Holland last Spring Break. Dad said on the phone last night he was looking forward to getting me back and we'd be spending what he said would be "lots of private time together to make up for the past." I think I know what that means and you probably do to. I think he's going to paddle me when I get back. Dad's really into taking his fatherly responsibilities seriously now, so I guess I'm in for my senior year with a lot of time over his lap if I don't do so well. It's not fair. I think I will write him a note. Can you give me some ideas to say? He thinks he's making up for when he was too busy to spent time with my brothers and I, but I don't think it's right and don't like him taking down my pants and over his lap for one of his paddlings. I feel funny. It doesn't hurt like with him here and I never cry with my Dad like I always do with him here, but I just feel very funny to tell the truth. Did you feel the same way with your Dad when you were my age and you had to take off your pants and bend over his lap? Your Dad did it the same way? Did your Dad take down your pants for you or did he let you taken them down yourself.

How did you feel when he was taking them down? I always feel both terrified and excited when he takes me into his study here and even more so when he begins to unbucked my belt and undo my fly. It's a feelig like I never had before cause I am so ashamed at what I done yet I know in a few minutes I'm going to be crying while he's spanking me and he's going to be watching my bare ass turn real red and seeing everything as he's spanking me. It's really scary cause I know from past experience when his hand lands on my ass it's going to really hurt and I'm really really going to get it cause I'm taking up his time and he has to take time out of his day to spank me but I also feel real grateful and honored that he's taking his time to teach me something and I really try to take my spankings like a man (even though I never do and always end up crying like a brat) and make him proud of me and do better. After when he decided to stop and He's holding me, I feel so good and happy crying on his shoulders and he always takes his time to make sure I understand exactly what I just did wrong. No one's ever taken so much time to help me learn things and show me things as well as he always does no matter how busy he is. He always has time for me and I can go to him anytime about anything at all. I never thought it would be like this. Does this sound strange to you? Honestly, with him, I don't have a choice but I always know where I stand, but with Dad nothing's clear and I don't know what he expects. It's my problem. I feel stupid with Dad Did your Dad ever forbit you to wear your pants and briefs around the house after he'd spanked you? Sometimes he does that to me here. That OK when we're alone cause I worked on my body in gymnastics and am proud of it. I don't like it if someone else is here or when he makes me when somebody else sees. With the other guys here it's OK cause he treats us all the same and we all like his help and appreciate all he does for us. The other guys have bad backgrounds but with him they have a good chance for a future. Mea already had another job offer but he turned it down to stay with him. I think he was right, but I think he should have told him about it. I don't think he still knows here.

I don't know what to write about except like stuff above cause you'll understand me and how I feel I think. I can tell you I've been good and haven't gotten spanked as I much as I thought I would lately. But the other day I got spanked again for stupid mouthing off and it was a real stupid thing for me to say but sometimes things just slip out or I just do something I already know I shouldn't do for sure, and he spanks me but then there are the other times when he just decides I needed it cause like maybe I'm not doing my best and he notices and so he tells me to go into his study at home and wait for him there and then he comes in and spanks me and so I get it anyway. Sometimes I can tell when it's going to happen but to tell you the truth sometimes now I can even tell myself when I'm slacking off and and I know a spanking would get me going again right. I can't just ask him to give me a spanking on those times, but I heard him and Mea talking once and Mea I heard him tell him he needed spanked and so he took Mea inside and I heard him give him his spanking and Mea crying. Gee, I wish I could do that but I'm too embarrassed. He seemed real proud of Mea when Mea asked and knew he needed one. _d_a_m_n_. It hurts! But so do Niwat and Mea and Paolo. Paolo gets spanked most, not me.

Can you help me get him to let me stay?

Do you know any boys around my age who I could talk to through his e-mail. It would really be nice to talk with others who get spanked like I do.

Wow This note got longer than I expected. Guess I really want to talk to someone who would understand even if you aren't my age anymore. I guess I got lots maybe you can help me with. Do you mind my writing so much? I cannot talk to just anyone. But I gotta go before someone comes in a read this. Mea reads good English and so does Niwat, but Mea's not home from his Uncle's yet and Niwat had to go back to his study to get spanked. I don't know what he did but he sure is crying a lot now. He's going back with his Dad soon, but he don't want to go and I guess his Dad don't want him either but I don't know why. He's nice to me though. He's older but he's nice to him too.

Got to go quick! Your Buddy, Chris

PS. he said you were a English Professor. Sorry but I don't know how to check grammar on this but I checked my spelling for you, but don't tell him about any dumb English mistakes. If he hears I'm making stupid mistakes, you know what. Remember how much it hurts when it's for a school reason? If you don't know, just believe me. Please! Chris again"