A Roman Holiday 14

by Zelamir <Zelamir@hotmail.com>

This story is pure (if that is the appropriate word) fantasy. It involves the _s_e_x_ual and physical abuse of children by adults. If you are under age or do not enjoy such stories please do not read it. Comments and suggestions are welcome and should be sent to zelamir@hotmail. com. The only comments I will not reply to are complaints that this story includes descriptions of the abuse of children by adults. That is what this story is about. You have been warned. Earlier instalments of the Roman Holiay story can be found at the author's archive at MMSA Stories:.

By next morning the cold wind that had been blowing the previous evening was driving heavy rain before it. Pisclus and Bestia hesitated a second or two at the foot of the stairs before venturing out into the inn yard. Then mindful of the penalties that had been threatened if they delayed they scampered across the streaming cobble stones to the open double doors of the stables.

Pisclus slipped inside the doors and stood blinking nervously. This was a moment he had been dreading through out his stay at the inn. Would the groom remember him and would he try and carry out his threat to rape him now he had been forced, as the man had forecast he would, to return to the stables?

It was dark inside the building and for a moment Pisclus could see nothing. Then standing by a loose box to the right of the door he saw the man. Wearing only a strip of cloth wound around his waist, barrel chested, bow legged and holding a pitchfork, he looked to the frightened boy, like some half human monster.

"Well," the man leered, "you've come back to me have you my pretty little friend and all naked too, just as I want you."

"Please," Pisclus pleaded backing away from the looming figure, "we've been sent to get our master's animals ready they're leaving today. If we don't get it done straight away they'll beat us for sure."

"You can have the animals my darling and I'll help you saddle them too but I'll have your arse first."

The man put down the pitch fork and made a lunge at Pisclus who darted away to one side.

"My bum's all sore. Please don't make me," Pisclus begged. Indeed if his bottom had been in a better shape he would have submitted himself willingly enough, to the man's lust. Being _f_u_c_k_ed by the man would have been a small price to pay for getting the horses ready quickly and escaping a beating. A few days rough treatment by Marcus had been enough to persuade him of that . However his bottom was still very painful following Corax's assault on him and he remembered how much having even Marcus's boy's prick inside him had hurt. How much more would the grooms _c_o_c_k_ hurt especially if was in proportion to the rest of the man's body. "I don't care how sore it is....I have to have it before you can have the horses."

The groom moved towards Pisclus who backed away from him.

"Why don't you have me instead," Bestia suggested moving forward into the stable so the man could see him. "I would give you a really good time."

The man glanced round at the other boy and stood for a moment considering him with his head on one side. Pisclus took the opportunity to dodge round him. Unnoticed by the man he picked up the pitch fork.

"No," the man said. "No I like them younger than you. I'll have my dark haired little beauty. Now come on boy the more you bugger about the harder it will be for you."

He turned back to Pisclus and saw the boy crouched before him the pitchfork levelled at his stomach.

"Oh no my little sweet heart," he said grimly. "You can't frighten me like that. A little whore like you wouldn't have the guts to use that."

He stepped forward. Pisclus knowing he couldn't bring himself to drive the prongs into the man's bare guts lifted the fork. At the same moment Bestia, desperate to defend the younger boy, grabbed a bucket from the floor and launched himself at the man. He swung the bucket high in the air and brought it cracking down on the back of the groom's head. The man staggered forward and one of the tines entered his throat. He made an odd choking sound. He lifted his hands to his neck. Dark blood welled from between his fingers and he fell heavily to the floor.

"I didn't mean to do it," Pisclus gasped and began to cry.

"Do you think he was free?" Bestia asked in a frightened voice.

Pisclus stopped crying and the two boys stood for a moment in terrified silence. They both knew that if the man had been free nothing would safe them. Not their youth, not the fact that what had happened was an accident or that the man had been the instigator of the incident. If they were lucky they might die during the preliminary flogging or the soldiers might be merciful and quietly kill them, that had been known to happen, otherwise it would be days hanging from the nails through their palms and ankles until death brought them relief.

"No, I'm sure he can't have been," Pisclus whispered. "Not the way he was dressed or the work he did."

"We're still due a terrible flogging," Bestia said.

"It's my fault. I'll say I did it. There's no reason why two of us should have our backs bloodied.." Pisclus tried desperately to sound brave but his voice wavered.

"I expect we'll both be beaten what ever you say." Bestia sounded hardly less frightened than the younger boy. "You help me and we'll drag him into a corner and cover his body with straw. We'll be away soon and once they find his body they won't know where we are and may be they won't even work out we did it."

The two naked boys caught hold of the man by his ankles and tried to haul him into a dark corner of the stables. The body was a heavy one and blood made the flagstoned floor slippy. They found it easier to move the body by rolling it. The cloth about it's waste rode up as they were doing this. Pisclus caught sight of the shaft of dead meat flopping between the corpse's legs and felt thankful that he had been spared so massive a _c_o_c_k_ up his still painful bum.

At last the two boys got the body behind one of the loose boxes. They worked feverishly to cover it with straw. Then they realised how the man's blood had soiled their own bodies. Desperately they rubbed each other down with handfuls of hay trying to clean the tell tale stains from their bare limbs. Finally Bestia tipped some buckets of cold water over the floor washing away the worst of the blood.

"It's pretty dark in here," Bestia said glancing round. "With a bit of luck nobody'll notice for a bit that anything is wrong. Come on we better get the animals ready or we'll be getting our bums warmed for being slow."

Working feverishly the boys got Corax's and Marcus's mounts saddled up and a bridle on the mule. Throwing sacks, as they had been instructed, over the backs of the horse and pony to protect them from the rain, they led the beasts out into the yard. They tethered them by the foot of the steps leading up to their masters rooms and hesitated not knowing what to do next. As he stood, the cold rain streaming down his naked body, Pisclus wished that some one had thought to provide some protection from the elements for the slave boys as well as the animals.

Ceres ran over to them from the kitchens. He was hiding something behind his back.

"I pinched this for you two," he said breathlessly producing a mutton bone. "There's quite a bit of meat still on it and it's only a couple of days old. Hide it under one of the sacks for the time being. Quick if any one sees me with it I'll get a hiding. And I'm to help you get the animals loaded up"

For the next half hour the three boys were engaged in lugging the baggage into the yard and loading it onto the mule. Corax and Marcus very sensibly stayed in the dry until this was done and only then came outside. They had sheep skins draped over their shoulders to protect them from the rain and cold.

Corax inspected the mule and then turned to look at the three naked shivering boys.

"Do you expect this poor beast to carry all this luggage you lazy little animals. It'll break it's back and it would cost more than all three of you are worth to replace. It's time Pisclus and Bestia you actually did some work. Come on get most of that load off him and onto your own backs."

Under Corax's supervision bundle after bundle was lifted from the mule and heaped onto the backs of the two boys. Even before they started on their march Pisclus could feel the rope holding his burden in place galling his shoulders. He could tell that Bestia was in no better condition from the way the boy staggered under his load. Corax positioned the two boys so that Pisclus was standing behind Bestia. He then roped them together by their collars and carried the rope forward to the mule.

"Are they going to make it loaded like that Father? Marcus asked and added, showing that his concern was for the practicalities of the journey and not the well being of the boys. "It would be a nuisance to have to shift their loads if the brats can't keep going."

"They will keep going," Corax replied grimly. He handed Marcus a horse whip. "It'll be your job to keep them moving. Any signs of them slowing down give them a taste of this. It's surprising how far they'll carry those loads with the lash to encourage them."

Corax gathered the lead reigns of the mule and swung himself onto the back of his horse. He dug his heels into the animal's sides. Marcus cracked his whip giving Pisclus a painful flick on his bare rump. The boy squealed and started forward. The long journey to London had begun.

Corax set off at a steady walk. But it was a pace that his horse kept up for mile after mile. The two boys plodded along wearily behind him their backs and legs aching from the effort of carrying their loads, just as much beasts of burden as the mule to which they were roped. The road was wet and passing horsemen and carts splashed water up at them. Soon their legs and flanks were flecked with mud. It was as much as they could do to keep going but keep going they did for the slightest hesitation or stumble brought a savage cut from the lash on a bare leg or shoulder. Hour after hour they plodded forward, backs bent, conscious only of the road under their feet, the cold rain and increasing exhaustion urged remorselessly on by Marcus and his cruel whip.

At last Corax reigned in his horse. The burdens were lifted from the two boys raw shoulders. The two boys were left, huddled together for warmth, crouching in the shelter of a wall with the animals as Marcus and Corax entered an inn in search of food.

After a minute or two Bestia shuffled cautiously over to the mule and pulled out the mutton bone from where he had hidden it among the bundles on the animals back. He squatted back down and tore a mouthful of flesh from it. Chewing steadily he passed the bone to Pisclus. The boys did not speak to each other. What was there for them to say?

Men passed going in and out of the inn. One or two glanced at them appraisingly but quickly looked away. Cold wet and dirty they were a miserable looking pair.

Soon the bone was picked bare. Still they were hungry but despite this and the rain and the cold so exhausted were they that they slept.

They were roused by sharp kicks in their ribs. Then they were once more back on their feet, staggering wearily along behind Corax and the mule, spurred on with frequent cracks of the whip.

Pisclus could remember little of the march. Just the pain and the weariness. He saw nothing of the country about him or the other users of the road. All he saw was the road a few feet in front of him and the backs of Bestia's bare legs as they plodded onwards.

They shared a stable at an inn about ten miles on the London side of Chelmsford with the animals that night. One of the grooms took pity on them and begged a bowl of gruel for them from the kitchen but famished as they were they fell asleep while eating it.

They had completed about half the journey. Corax remarked to his son as they went up to their rooms that the boys were lucky. They had shelter and dry straw to lie in.


Marcus despite his sheep skin was chilled from the journey. His father could see this and ordered that a bath should be prepared for him. Corax examined his son as he stripped off. So far as he could see their was no damage from his love making with Falco the previous night. He sat beside the bath watching as two giggling girl slaves poured steaming water over his sons bare back and chest The girls obviously thought the boy a handsome one and Marcus, Corax could see from the stiffening of his little _c_o_c_k_, enjoyed the girls' attentions. He was pleased about this. The more of life's pleasures the boy could appreciate the better for him.

Corax dipped his hand in the warm water of the bath. He, like Marcus, was still cold from the journey. The back of his hand brushed the side of the boy's thigh. Marcus glanced up at him and smiled. Corax decided that his son would have to postpone experiencing a new pleasure for the moment and made a sign to the two slave girls. Making little noises of mock disappointment they scuttled from the room.

"Falco didn't hurt you last night?" Corax enquired.

"Well just a little to begin with Father but then it was all right."

"All right?" Corax said quizzically. He moved his hand so that it was resting on the inside of his son's thigh.

"Well it was very good Father. One of the nicest things I've ever had done to me. He was in me as far as he could go. I could feel his crutch pressing up against my bottom and his _c_o_c_k_ exploded right inside me. It was like his prick was pressing up into my belly. It hurt a lot at first really but it was worth it."

"Were you sore this morning Marcus?" Corax began to slide his hand slowly up Marcus's thigh..

"Just a bit Father but not too bad. Not so bad as to make me feel it wasn't worth it." Marcus gave a little shiver of appreciation.

"You saw me in the baths," Corax remarked. "Is Falco about the same size as me?" Corax's hand was now at the juncture of the boy's legs. He moved his thumb slightly so that it caressed the lad's balls.

"He's quite a bit smaller Father but.. but..but if you want to _f_u_c_k_ me I'm sure I could take you." The last part of the sentence came out in a breathless excite rush.

Corax lent forward and kissed Marcus gently on the forehead. Then he put a hand under each arm and lifted the dripping boy out of the bath and onto his lap. Marcus felt his father's prick pressing hard up against his bare bum through the coarse material of his tunic. He twisted round and clasped his arms about the man's neck. Corax kissed the boy hard on the lips. For a moment Corax's tongue probed the boy's mouth. Then he lifted the child to his feet and stood up himself. He slipped his tunic off over his head. He saw Marcus staring at him, his eyes fixed on his swollen _c_o_c_k_, an expression of mixed wonder and apprehension on his face.

"Are you sure you can manage it?" Corax asked again.

Marcus said nothing but simply nodded.

Corax rummaged in his baggage until he found his jar of grease. He returned to his chair and reached out once more for Marcus. The boy lay down over his father's knees. Corax could feel the lad's little _c_o_c_k_ hard against his own bare thighs. He manoeuvred Marcus so that his own prick, which was fully erect, rested against the side of the boy's rump. Dipping his index finger into the jar Corax began to work grease along the lips of Marcus anus. He noticed that there was no sign of tearing or soreness. He thought Falco had indeed been very gentle in his love making. He pressed his finger into Marcus's body. This time there was only the briefest moment of resistance and then the boy relaxed. He pushed his way past the sphincter and the boy's flesh closed about his finger seeming to try to draw it ever further into his body.

Corax felt the boy's _c_o_c_k_ begin to throb wildly. He began to ease his finger out of the boy's body. At the same time he pressed the index finger of his left hand hard against the boys body just behind his balls and kept it there until his prick, starved of blood, began to soften. Marcus gave moaned quietly. Corax allowed the lad to lie still across his knee for a moment as he softly stroked the lovely boy's bottom so invitingly exposed to his hand and eyes.

Marcus rested for a moment taking pleasure in the feel of his father's hand caressing his backside and experiencing a strange but deeply satisfying feeling of contentment. He could feel the blood pulsing pulse in his father's hard _c_o_c_k_ as it pressed against the side of his own bum. He slipped to the floor at his father's feet and taking the jar of unguent in his hand began to grease the man's rod.

Corax looked down on his son's fair head bowed over his crutch as the boy's nimble fingers massaged his prick. The boy's face was blank, his lips slightly parted, it seemed that his whole being was concentrated on ministering to his father's rising passion. He bent forward and touched the tip of Corax's _c_o_c_k_ with his lips. He ran his tongue along the crack at it's tip. Corax's body shuddered in anticipation of the pleasure to come.

Marcus rose and taking his father by the hand led him over to the couch. He moved to lie on his face but his father taking him by the shoulders turned him and pushed him downwards so that he was sitting on it. The man caught him under the knees tipping him so that he fell backwards his bottom lifted ready for his _c_o_c_k_. Corax pressed downwards forcing the boys knees back so that they rested against the couch on either side of his head. Marcus pinned in place by his fathers weight felt the man's _c_o_c_k_ pressing into his hole. Corax thrust forward . Marcus bit his lip to hold back his scream as the pain tore through him. It was much worse than anything he had experienced with Falco. But then he thought proudly my Father's that much bigger and stronger even than that man.

Marcus did not cry out but tears ran from his eyes and flowed down his face. Corax saw them and was touched. He kissed his son, tasting the salt of the boy's tears. Marcus was too proud to scream but his eyes betrayed his suffering.

Corax did not want to hurt his son but his lust was too strong for him. He thrust down again pounding his prick savagely down into the boy. Marcus felt intense pain but also, as he had with Falco, a deep penetrating pleasure, that obliterated the tearing agony in his bum. So hard were Corax's thrust that he drove the boy's body across the couch. He pulled back almost withdrawing his prick. Marcus grabbed the couch's side with both hands and dragged himself forward until Corax slammed down again, once more impaling the panting boy on his gigantic member. Sweating, moaning Marcus reponded to his father's violent love making. Finally Corax drove the full length of his _c_o_c_k_ into the boy's body and held it there. Marcus felt the man come deep inside him.

They rested like that for a moment and then Corax withdrew his _c_o_c_k_. Glancing down he saw there were a few flecks of blood mixed with the _s_h_i_t_ that stained it. If Marcus had been a slave he would have made him lick his member clean, indeed Marcus in that moment of delicious surrender would not have even thought of protesting if his father had required it of him, instead Corax used water from the bath to wash it.

He turned back to tender to his son. Marcus though was back on his feet. The boy knuckled the tears from his eyes and smiled.

"Was I all right Father?" he asked anxiously

Corax did not answer him but kissed gently him on the lips.


When Corax and Marcus came out to the inn yard the next morning they found the rain had cleared overnight. There was still a cold wind but the skies were clear and the sun shone brightly.

The grooms had the animals already for them. Pisclus and Bestia were squatting on the ground beside their burdens, already roped by their collars to the mule. They looked utterly wretched, their shoulders raw from the ropes holding their loads in place and their bodies bearing numerous livid welts left by the whip. They did not even look up when Marcus and his father approached. They seemed to be exhausted even before the beginning of the day's journey.

"Get up, you lazy little tykes," Corax shouted kicking them viciously to their feet.

"Come on Marcus," he continued more quietly. "Help me get them loaded up. We've no time to loose we have to catch the tide by late afternoon. You'll have to drive them hard today. Don't spare the whip."

More stories byZelamir