Joy Ride

by Roland <>

My father walked into the house just as the phone started to ring. Drew answered it. "Hold on a minute.......Dad it's for you." He yelled.

My father, still dressed in his uniform went to the phone. "Hello." "This is Rick McClure...........Yes Malm, how are something wrong?"

I lissoned intently, waiting to see who it was on the phone, but I couldn't tell. "Drew, who is that?"

"I don't know....some lady. Why?"

"Oh, no reason." I said trying to act natural.

He _c_o_c_k_ed his head to the side and gave me a look. "What did you do now?"

"Nothing." I said but I could tell by the look on his face that he did not believe me. "Well nothing real major anyway."

"Where, at school?"

I shook my head yes.

"What's he done?" My father asked the person on the other end of the line. Then I knew it was about me. "He was caught smoking in the boys lavatory?" He asked, sounding very suprised, then his eyes fell on me.

I cringed.

"Good lord......Yes Malm.......yes malm.......No malm.......No malm.......I understand Mrs. Hunter, I'm very sorry about my his behavior. I can promise you that I'll deal with this......Yes malm .....Yes malm......Yes malm......Thank you." He said and hung up the phone. Then I heard him bellow out my name. "Michael James McClure!"

"Yeah..." I said as I backed away from him, slowly, one step at a time.

"That was Mrs Hunter....the principal at your school." He said still coming.


"She told me that you were caught smoking in school today."

"Uh huh." I said moving towards Drew.

"She also said that when you were cought, you were told to go to the office......"


"But you didn't go to the office did you? No, acording to her you picked up and walked out of the school."

"_d_a_m_n_." Drew said from accross the room.

"Any of this sound familiar?"

"Maybe a little."

"YOUR GROUNDED!!" He yelled suddenly making me jump. "For a month."

"A month!!!!!...for this!!!!!"

"That's right....I done told you about smoking"

"Oh man....I just got off of being grounded." I yelled. "This sucks!!"

He walked over and looked down at me. "What was that?"

"Nothing..." I said quickly.

He reached down and grabbed my face suddenly. The sudden movement made me flinch.

"I'd advise you to change your tone when speaking to me little man! I'm your father and you will show me some respect, you got that."


"One month......and god help you if you leave this house." He said.

"Alright." I said still trying to remove his hand.

"And if you ever walk out of school again, there's going to be hell to pay......understand?"

"Yes." I said still trying to pry his hand loose. He finally let go of me and walked out of the room.

Well I had no intention in staying in that house all day. When my father left the house to take my little sister, Alison, to dance class I jumped on my motorcycle and headed for the track. I knew he'd be pissed, but I really didn't care at the time. It was a mistake of course, but I was a young, hardheaded, arogant, _c_o_c_k_y thirteen year old boy.

At the track, my friends and cousins and I were sitting around, taking a break from riding and just talking and joking and having a good time. My cousin Ian stole a half a pack of cigarettes from his mother and I had my pack so we handed them out to our peers and had ourselvs a smoke too.

There were seven of us. Kyle, Ian, Danny and I were all related, and the other three boys, Jason, Matt and Todd were friends that we all knew and hung out with on a regular basis.

I noticed the older kids(My brother Jeff included), who were in their usual spot under the trees accross the track, were drinking and partying, but there was this unspoken agreement between us that we wouldn't squeel on them if they didn't squeel on us we. But I guess everything had it's limits. And I think I stretched them a little too far.

I was talking to Jason when I noticed Jeff's car pulled in accross the road. He usually parked under the trees, but there was no room due to the other vehicles so he was forced to park out by the entrance. As soon as he got out of his car, he saw me and walked over. I was ready to take a drag off my cigarette when he stopped in front of me. I thought he was going to give me an ear full about the cigarette in my hand, so I copped an attitude. "What's your problem?"

"I don't know what you did, but you better find Dad before he finds you."

"Yeah, OK." I laughed.

"I'm serious, he's pretty pissed......Whats going on?" He said looking at me closely.

"Nothing you need to worry about."

"I'm not worried, I just think...."

"Yeah well nobody cares what you think, OK!" I snapped.

"You're acting like an ass....You know that, right?"

"Shut up."

"You better just go home and face this, what ever it is.....and that's good advice."

"Don't tell me what to do. You don't know anything."

"OK...I tried to warn you. Don't cry to me when he finds you."

"I'm not going to cry to anyone."

"Yeah, your real tough."

"Shut up!"

"Fine." He said and walked away from me. "Be a dick head."

"_f_u_c_k_ off." I said just loud enough for Kyle and Dan to hear me. I didn't feel like I had to explain myself to him, Mr. Perfect. I just wanted to do my own thing.

So, there we were sitting around, smoking and laughing and carrying on something wild when I got an idea.

"Hey, want to go for a ride?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jeff's car." I said with a grin as I pointed accross the road.

"Why not." Kyle said throwing his hands up in the air.

"Cause Jeff will kill us, that's why not." Ian said.

I looked back and saw that Jeff had his back to us, and he was just talking to his friends.

"What's he doing?" Danny asked.

"Talking to somebody?" Kyle said.

"Come on we'll just drive up the road and back."

"I don't think so." Jason said. "Jeff will loose it if you touch his car."

"Come on wimp." I said.

"No way, you go ahead."

"Alright who else."

"I'll go." Kyle said getting to his feet.

"So will I." Danny said with a smile.

"Ok, lets just walk over there nice and easy."

When they both decided to go along with the idea, I don't think they had any idea where it would lead. Neither did I actually, but the three of us walked casually over to Jeff's car and got in. Kyle in the front passenger seat, danny in the back and me behind the wheel of all places. The keys were in the ignition as I figured they would be. Jeff always left the keys in it in case someone had to move it, but I don't think he ever in a million years would have expected what we did, and remembering it in the future would remind him never to leave his keys anywhere but in his pocket.

I was way too short to drive the car in the position the seat was in, and I had to move it up as far as it would got just to reach the pedals properly.

"Are you sure you can drive this thing?"

"Sure, how hard can it be."

I put one foot on the clutch and one on the brake then released the emergency brake. "Here we go." I said and took a deep breath. After one more quick look back in Jewff's direction, I started the engine and quickly put the car in what I thought was first gear. As the engine roared, I could just imagined Jeff's head whipping around to see who was in his precious car.

I released the clutch and quickly hit the gas, making the car lunge forward. It almost stalled at this time, and, but I stomped on the gas harder and the car flew accross the road. I shouted out in excitement and started to laugh like I had gone crazy. It was fun even thought I didn't know how to drive a lick.

After we got going a little, it was easy to shift gears. I had watched Jeff and my father enough times to at least look like I knew what I was doing.

"Mike slow down." Kyle yelled with a laugh.

"Did Jeff see us?"

"Yep, and he's still running behind the car." Danny said looking out the back window.

"Does he look pissed?"

"Oh yeah."

I laughed and turned on the radio, loud. We were at the end of the road in a flash. Originally I was going to turn back when I reached the gate, but something in me said to go on, and on I went, threw the gate at the end of the road and onto the street.

"Where are you going?" Kyle yelled. "Not on the road.......are you crazy?"

"Maybe." I said and started to bang my head to the song on the radio.

We were cruising fast when we came to the fork in the road. Left led to town and right circled around back towards the track.

"Which way, right or left." I shouted not slowing down.


"Right or left?" I shouted running out of room for either choice.

"Right." Danny shouted.

I cut the wheel hard to the left and skidded accross the road and onto the shoulder, which scared me a little because I thought I was going to loose control of the car, but I let off the gas and soon regained control without Kyle or Danny ever knowing the difference. Once I had straightened out I stomped on the gas again and headed towards town.

"What are you doing, he said Right." Kyle yelled looking real worried.

"Oh come on lighten up, we'll just ride a little further and turn around." I said and gave him a grin.

He looked at me like I was posessed or something. "Mike, come on just turn around now."

I looked over at him and gave a crazy laugh. "It'll be fine ya pansy." I said.

Driving that car was the most exciting thing I had ever done. It was powerfull. The road flew past in a blur as I rounded the corner.

It was a few minutes before I realized the blue and red lights in the rear view mirror. "Oh _s_h_i_t_," I said and turned down the radio quickly.

"What." Kyle said looking over the seat. "Oh _s_h_i_t_." He yelled when he saw the police car.

"What should we do?" Danny yelled.

"Pull over for Gods sake." Kyle said.

"Man we can't get caught." I said trying to control the car and look in the rear view at the same time.

"Just stop, maybe it'll be OK."

"Yeah will it be Ok........there's no way.....hang on." I said and pressed the gas pedal to the floor.

"Mike!" Kyle shouted.

We were almost to the main road . I looked in the rear view again and saw the police car was still behind us. "_s_h_i_t_!" I yelled. It wasn't till I looked back at the road ahead that I saw the truck. Danny and Kyle started to yell out just as I reacted. I stomped on the brakes and whipped the steering wheel hard to the left and skidded accross the main road on what felt like two wheels.

"Hang on." I yelled, but I really didn't have to say anything to my cousins. They were holding on for dear life and screeming for me to stop as we skidded accross the dirt and gravel. The car slide sideways onto the main road, passenger side first, heading right for the truck. Seeing it coming, Kyle jumped accross the seat so far he was almost on my lap.

I closed my eyes and waited for the impact, just praying that it wouldn't hurt too badly, then a second later Kyle, Danny and I felt what later was refered to as the minor impact of the accident along with the sound of metal scraping against metal.

It was some time before we realized that the car had come to a stop, and I had this feeling that I was leaning on my left side. When the dust settled I realized that we were sitting sideways in a ditch facing the oposite direction we had been traveling in.

"Jesus." Kyle said in a paniced voice.

"Are we alive?" Danny asked.

"For the moment." I said. "Kyle get off me, you're crushing me." I said trying to push him off of me.

"UH OH." Danny said pointing straight ahead.

I looked threw the windshield and saw the Police officer who was chasing us running towards the car. I realized almost instantly that it was my aunt's boyfriend and fathers friend, Jonathan and he looked really mad.

"Oh Jesus, it's Kathy's boyfriend."I said and sank down in the seat, like that would help me.

"We're dead." Danny said and sank down in the seat also.

Jonathan stopped running and was now walked up cautiously with his gun drawn. When he realized who his evaders were, he came to a skidding halt and his mouth dropped open.

"Hey," Kyle said with a timid smile and a wave.

Jonathan dropped his arms suddenly and reholstered his weapon. "You boys alright?"

"Yes sir." Kyle said.

"Then get the hell out of there!" He yelled and walked over to help.

Kyle climbed out of the open window and stood next to the car. I stuck my head out to do the same, but I guess I wasn't moving fast enough for Jonathan because he reached in and yanked me the rest of the way out and pushed me onto the road. "Go stand next to your cousin."

Without trying to look as scared and paniced as I felt, I walked over to Kyle. Danny was pulled out in the same manner and pushed next to me.

"First off, are you sure your alright?"

"Yeah." We said quietly.

"Good. NOW WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING!!" He shouted suddenly.

"Uh...taking her for a spin." I said with a slight smile.

He stepped forward with a stone cold look on his face and fixed his light green eyes on me. "This isn't a joke."

I dropped my head and tried to control the urge to smile again.

"Who's car is this? Is this your brothers?"

"Yes." Kyle said dropping his head..

All of a sudden another police car pulled up and Doug Mathews another one of my fathers fellow police buddies)got out. "What's going on?" He asked when he saw us.

"They were out for a Joy ride." Jonathan said.. "Can you check the other driver Doug."

"Sure." Doug said and ran back to the truck where an elderly man sat still gripping his steering wheel tightly.

"Are you alright sir?" I heard Doug ask the man.

Jonathan got on this radio and called in everything thatwas going on. Kyle, Danny and I just stood there wondering what was going to happen to us. I didn't know if we were going to go to jail or not, but I was getting scared. I looked around at the accident scene and tried to figured out just what happened. By the look of the skid markes on the main road it looked like the driver of the truck saw us at the last minute and slammed on his brakes and turned towards the shoulder trying to avoid hitting us, but the tail end of Jeff's car clipped the front end of his truck, which sent us spining around, facing the oposite direction, into the ditch.

I guess hearing that there was a high speed chase under way, every cop in the area came to get in on it because there was about six of them showed up. Good thing too because the three of us were going to need them when our fathers found out. To tell the truth I couldn't figure out why mine wasn't there by now. I figured surely he would have heard all about it on his radio by now.

Instead of sitting there worried about my father coming to kill me, I should have been worried about my brother, because all of a sudden Jeff came busting threw the police officers and ran at us, looking like he wanted to kill.

"Somebody grab him!" Doug shouted when he realized there was about to be a murder.

Kyle, Danny and I scattered to get out of the way as Jonathan reacted. He was in front of Jeff in an instant pushing him back . "NO, NO, NO."

"They took my car!"

"I know they did, I know."

"You're dead, All three of you little bastards." He yelled.

"Jeff stay calm."

"Stay calm, they stole my _f_u_c_k_ing car."

"I know they did. But you need to calm down."

Jeff pointed his finger at me. "You're dead, you hear me you little Bastard. I'm going to kick your ass for this."

"I'm sorry Jeff." I said feeling like I wanted to cry.

He gave me a raised eyebrowl look as if he were shocked. "Sorry, you tell me your sorry now." He shouted clearly becoming more enraged. "You'll be more sorry when I get my hands on you."

"I'll pay for the damage I swear." I pleaded with him.

He stopped suddenly. "DAMAGE!" He yelled and practically ran to his where he knelt down beside the back end.

I watched as his face turned from red, to white, to red again, then he looked up from the car and staired me right in the eyes. "You little mother _f_u_c_k_er." He hissed as he rose slowly, and began to walk towards me, but that walk quickly turned into a run.

It was all Jonathan could do to keep him back. "Jeff, now Jeff, calm down, you hear...Just let us handle this"

"Get the _f_u_c_k_ off me man." He shouted and continued to fight him.

"Come on now, don't make me put cuffs on you, OK."

"Cuffs on me, they are the ones who stole and wrecked my car."

"I'm going to take them in, don't worry, but you need to stay out of it for're too angry."

Well we were arrested and taken to the police station where we had to wait for our fathers to come get us.

Danny, Kyle and I were sitting on a bench by the front desk when Kyle's father, my uncle Steve, walked over, and stopped in front of us, looking very angry. He stood there arms crossed, just glairing at the three of us. I was about to say something but Kyle beat me to it.

"We didn't mean it." He pleaded.

"Are the three of you out of your minds? Do you know how dangerous your little prank was?"

"We know." Kyle said almost in tears.

"And you.....What do you have to say for yourself?" He said looking at me.

"Nothing to you." I said sarcastically.

He staired at me for a minute then he spoke. "Oh, you don't." He said with a cold grin.

Just then I saw my aunt, Danny's mother walking threw the front office being led by my Uncle bill(who was also a Police officer). She looked very pale and weak, and I could tell she had been crying. Uncle Steve turned to see what I was looking at and when he saw it was his sister-in-law, he stepped aside.

When she saw Dan, her chin started to quiver and a flood of tears ran down her face. Danny jamed his hands in his pockets and looked at the floor. A second later she was all over him, hugging and kissing him, and crying hysterically, telling him how scared she was when Uncle Billy called her. "I thought I lost you." She cried.

I could tell that he felt like the most horrible son in all the world to have scared his mother like that, and I knew he wished none of it had ever happened. "I'm sorry mom." He said as she held him.

Suddenly my fathers friend Doug was shouting. "Try to be calm Rickie!"

I looked back to see my father coming down the hall looking more furious than I have ever seen before. I backed away a few steps, but there was no place to go and the next thing I knew he had me by the arms and jacked up against the wall.

"You little son of a bitch.......Are you insane!"

My heart was beating like madd and I started to sweat profusely.

"We just wanted to have some fun." I said in a shakey voice. "We didn't mean it."

"FUN....My god Boy.......Steeling your brothers car, running from the police and causing an accident is your idea of fun."

"No, I guess it ain't." I said feeling close to tears.

"What the hell were you thinking to pull a crazy stunt like this....... you could have killed......" Then there was a long pause as if he were thinking about it but couldn't find the words, but finally they came. "EVERYBODY!!!!!!"

"I'm sorry dad."

His face was changing from one shade of red to another. "Your going to be even sorrier when I get you home!" He yelled not taking his eyes off of me. I staired at him for a few seconds then had to look away. But even looking elsewhere I could feel his eyes burning holes in me.

"I think all y'all done lost your minds!" Uncle Bill said.

"Are they done being arrested?" Steve asked.

My aunt gasped.

"Yeah, like we would really get arrested."

"What, do you think you're above geting arrested?"

"We're family."

"Oh and because your family that means you can break the law and not be arrested."

I was quiet, but yes I thought that meant we could get away with certain things that the average person, who's Father and Uncle were not police officers, could not get away with.

"Well being family is not the _d_a_m_n_ point!" My father shouted, sounding like a total lunatic. I looked around and saw that everyone was looking at me and some had smiles on their faces which made me real angry. I was so embarrased that I could have died. He was making me look like a little kid, which I was at the time, but I didn't want to be reminded of that. I couldn't let everyone think I was afraid of him. I had to do something.

"Then why don't you just tell me what the hell the _d_a_m_n_ point is then instead of screaming in my face." I shouted.

He looked at me as if he were both shocked and amazed, then he gave a cold laugh "Oh there are going to be some changes made around here today, you can bet your ass on that.......You think you can run around this town like a crazy person and no one will care!.......Well you got another thing coming little man!" He yelled shaking his finger in my face.

I felt like grabbing that finger and breaking it off his _d_a_m_n_ hand, but I settled for just slapping it away. "Get your finger out of my face!" I said threw my teeth.

I think everyone gasped in unison, not believing what I had just done. He looked down at me with his mouth dropped open and his eyes as large as saucers. He was genuinely amazed that I would dare do such a thing. To tell the truth, so was I.

He reached out quicker that I could blink and latched onto my arm with this death grip like grasp. "Oh, we are going home....NOW!" He yelled and yanked me off the wall in one quick jirk.

"Owl...your hurting my arm." I yelled as his fingers dug into my flesh.

"That ain't all that's going to be hurting. Get your ass out of this office before I loose control of my temper and drop your pants right here in front of everybody!" He yelled and pushed me down the hall.

Everyone in the whole building seemed to be watching as my father took me out of there, ranting and raving about how he was going to whip so hard that I wasn't going to sit for a week. God it was embarrasing.

"Let go!" I yelled as he shoved me threw the door.

My uncle Steve came out a second later with Kyle following behind as my father continued to push me over the his police car, which was half up on the sidewalk and grass in the front of the building, with the blue and red lights still flashing.

"Will you please just calm down." I said, sounding a little worried.

"I'm about as calm as I'm gonna get."

"Remember Rickie....don't kill him or anything." Uncle Steve shouted from accross the parking lot.

"Yeah, that goes for you too."


When we got next to the car my father opened the drivers side door and pushed me in. "Get your ass in there." He said coldly. I crawled in and he got in after me and started the engine, threw it in reverse, and hit the gas so hard the tires squeeled .

"You don't have the slightest concept of discipline, or self control.... ...and that's my fault for not making you mind me." He yelled as he drove. "....but all that is going to change right now!"

Now I really got worried. I knew he was really going to let me have it when we got home, and once he had his mind set, there was nothing I could do to change that.

When we got home he grabbed onto my already soar arm then pulled me accross the seat and out threw the driver side.

"Ouch." I yelled and tried to pull my arm free from his strong grip. "Get off of me" I demanded.

"Get up there." He yelled as he pushed and prodded me all the way up the front walk.

"Alright, just quit shuving."

He opened the door and pushed me in the house roughly, causing me to stumble forward. Once we were both inside, he slammed the front door shut and them whipped around and grabbed me by the wrist and slung me into the livingroom.

Now in the middle of the room, I turned and looked back at him with a look of amazement. His eyes were fixed on me and he was giving me a look that told me that it was going to be a long day.

"I'm real sorry Dad.." I said as I watched him carefully.

"I'm going to whip the tar out of you." He yelled pointing his finger at me.

"But I'm thirteen." I said.

"That's too _d_a_m_n_ old to be pulling this kind of crap." He said and unbuckled his gun belt and layed it carefully on the table.

" about........because........." I tried to come up with some reason why he shouldn't whip the devil out of me, but the truth was that there was no good reason why he shouldn't. I knew I deserved it, hell deep down I actually expected it, but that didn't stop me from trying to get out of it.

"Come on, Please Don't....I'll never do it again, I swear."

But my words didn't faze him. "Get your pants off."

I swallowed hard and my stumach started to squirm and turn. Getting your butt whipped was usually rare in my house, but not if you did something that was illegal, dangerous, or life threatening, and steeling my brothers car, running from the police and getting into a wreck fell into all three of those categories, so a first class butt beating was highly called for.

I was about to say something more in my defence when I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. I snapped my head in that direction and saw, there, leaning against the door frame of the kitchen, were my two brothers. Jeff was standing with his arms crossed over his chest, just smiling like an idiot, and Drew stood there looking like he had no clue about what was going on.

"Jeff! Go get my belt son." Dad yelled suddenly

"Yes sir." Jeff said with a smile and I watched as he went up to get it.

"I don't know what the hell's gotten into you boy," My father spoke, causing my attention to return to him. ".... but you're about to get the whipping of your life." Then he started to close in on me.

"Dad Don't." I pleaded, as I backed off. "....come on....I won't do anything like this again........I'm telling you."

"Yeah well I'll just make sure of that!" He said calmly.

"Please ......" I said desperately.

"UH-Uh, It's too late for all that." He said as he came at me. "And don't run, cause it won't do you a _d_a_m_n_ bit of good........."

Not paying any attention to that, I turned and made a dash for the front door, but he was faster than I thought, and a second later, after a small scuffle, he had me around the waist and was hauling me over to the couch (Unbuttoning my fly as he went) then he sat down, pulled down my pants and jirked me accross his lap all at oncea.

I started to fight, kick, and thrash around so hard that he had to wrap his arm around my chest to keep me in position.

"Maybe this will help you remember not to go around steeling cars and run from the police." He yelled and rainsed his hand high.

I threw my hand back to try to protect myself, but he pulled it away and immediately started to slap my ass, hard, with his bare hand as my brother, Drew, watched.


"Dad!!!!! I'm sorry!" I yelled as I kicked and tried with all my strength to push myself up and out of the way of the imminent blows, but I was no match for his strenght.

"You are...SLAP....going to...SLAP...regret...SLAP....everything....SLAP, including.....SLAP....Yelling at me.... SLAP....Slapping my hand away....SLAP....acting Like a.....SLAP..... jirk....SLAP!"

"I'm sorry......" I cried.

Jeff must have come back down with the belt, because suddenly the SLAPS of his hand were replaced with CRACKS of his belt, which changed my yelling to screaming.

".......And I better hear you making some apologies to your brother ."

I started to yell out my oppologies to Jeff, and then began to beg him to please make my father stop, but there was no way in hell he would have done that. Not after what I did to his car. If anything he would have liked to have been the one whipping me.

My father licked me with that hideous belt till I was reduced to a Screaming, crying, begging, sorry, heap of a boy then, finally, he lifted me to my feet.

I looked up at the clock suddenly and, threw my tears, tried to see just how many hours had passed. I was shocked to realize that The whole whipping only lasted about five minutes. Man, it sure felt like hours.

When it was done he stood up. "There, that aught to settle you down for a while."

I dropped down onto the floor and rubbed my burning butt like there was no tomorrow, crying like a baby the whole time, but I was only there a minute before he pulled me to my feet and made me stand in front of him.

"This better never.....EVER.. happen again, you hear me son?" He said and gave me a good shake. I was too busy trying to get the fire out to answer him.

He pushed me towards the steps. "Get youself up to your room right now, and think about THAT for a while." He told me, putting emphasis on the word "that."

'Think about it....was he crazy' I thought. I couldn't think of anything else. I ran accross the room and flew up the steps in a flash then baricaded myself in my room where I flopped, face down, accross my bed.

Later that evening my father came up to my room where I was laying in in the same spot, watching TV. "Can I come in?"

"It's your house, do what you want." I said flipping the TV off by the remote..

He walked into the room with a plate and a glass of ice tea in his hands and sat them on the night stand. "I brought your supper." He said and sat on the edge of my bed.

I didn't say anything. I just staired at the black TV screen.

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and looked at the floor for a minute and sighed. Then he turned his head and looked at me sympathetically. "Look, I know your upset with me because of what I did this afternoon..........."

I looked up at him strangely. "Yes I am."

"Are you alright?"

"I'm still soar." I said trying to bleed it for all it was worth.

"I didn't like having to whip you, boy........I'm still sick to my stumach over it......but what you did was just crazy as hell. You could have killed yourself and everyone else envolved: Your cousins, that old man, Jonathan. Things like that always get out of hand as you of all people should know because of what happened to your momma."

"I know."

"......and I know I was hard on you, but I think you got exactly what you deserved."

"Maybe so"

"But there's more."

"Oh god, here we go.....he's going th start whipping me again." I thought.

"You are also grounded for another month."

"Another month?"

"Yes, one for Smoking and walking out of school and another for this. And for two months your butt better not leave this house or touch that got me?"

"Yes sir." I said looking down

"And if you ever, and I mean ever....... pull a stupid, fool stunt like this again, not only will I give you the hideing of your life, and ground you till your eighteen, but I'll sell your motorcycle."

"It ain't gonna happen again"

"I hope not son." He said and nudged my leg with his fist.

"It won't."

He smiled. "Aright then..... Eat your supper so I don't have to worry about you."

"I will." I said and tried to sit up slowly.

He smiled at all the trouble I was having and started for my door.


He stopped "What?"

"Does this mean you're not mad at me anymore?"

"Oh I'm plenty mad at you, and so is your brother, but your my boy and I love you no matter what."

I smiled at him.

"Alright,." He said and turned to leave again.

"Umm Dad." I said.

He stopped again and looked back slowly.

"Umm, I was just watching this movie, and well if you wanted to, I mean, if you weren't doing anything else......." I said stumbling on my words.

"Hey ," He said Looking real interested. "....Do you mind if I watch TV in her with you? Alison is watching some crazy show and I don't think I can take anymore of it."

"No." I said. "I don't mind."

"Then scoot on over," He said and gave me that big goofy smile of his, and I couldn't help but to laugh as I slowly, and carefully moved over.

He sat beside me, leaning against my headboard and put his feet up. "What's the movie."

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