Brad's Parents Come For a Visit

by Dirk104 <>

"The roast is in the oven, the vegies are nearly done. I think that almost covers it," Dirk muttered as he prepared the last minute preparations for tonight's meal with Brad's parents. It had been nearly a year since they visited, and Brad was greatly looking forward to their arrival. They were a little hesitant about their son being gay, and Brad was paranoid into thinking that they would never speak to him again. Fortunately for brad they have accepted his lifestyle, and his lover, Dirk.

Bing bong ding a ling ding

Upon hearing the doorbell Dirk immediately ran to the window and noticed a middle aged couple standing and looking about. The resemblance was uncanny, Brad looked exactly like his father! David looked to be about forty years old with salt and pepper hair cut short, and a very trim waist line like that of his sons. There was no doubt, this couple had to be Brad's parents. They were a couple of hours early, but Dirk was ready for them.

Dirk opened the door and introduced himself as Brad's life long partner.

"Hello Brad it's nice to finally meet you. I'd like to introduce you to my wife Lana, and I am David," Brad's father said as he introduced and made acquaintances with Dirk. "You look a little older," David enquired, "than Brad, but not by that much. How old are you, and what do you do for a living?"

"I'm 27 years old," Dirk commented, "and a lawyer."

"Count me impressed," said his mother, "I was shocked to hear of Brad's lifestyle, but it really is his choice, and we are just happy he found someone that he can love and trust like yourself. You seem to be a nice young man," she boasted happily upon hearing of his career.

Dirk showed Brad's parents around the home, and handed out drinks while they joked around in the living room getting to know one another. The minutes ticked into hours. Brad arrived home immediately after hockey practice, and flung his books onto the floor quickly embracing his mother's and fathers love. Tears welled up in his eyes. Brad turned his face from Dirk, embarrassed by this show of emotions.

Supper went off smoothly, as Dirk proved to be a fantastic cook. Brad's parents were falling in love with Dirk, and everything seemed to go perfectly. After dinner Brad and Dirk were cleaning up the kitchen while David and Lana went into the living room to rest up, and wait for their hosts return. They talked for a while, but both were a little tired and mainly sat in silence. The books carelessly tossed onto the floor earlier grabbed his attention.

David reached down and picked the top book off the pile 'Bio-chemistry' and leafed through the pages with mild fascination. He was the local Chemistry teacher in the high school Brad had attended, and had always been impressed with how well Brad seemed to understand everything. Fond memories creped into his mind, 97 98 90, his son was near perfect. A pride that only a father can feel burst through his chest as he reminisced.

"Do you remember how great Brad was in Chemistry honey?" he inquired of his wife, "I had never seen anyone quite like him. A chip of the old block."

"You say that because he was your son," teased his wife.

"Yeah yeah, I know you know it to," David replied smugly. He picked up the binder left on the ground, and began rummaging through it. Brad and Dirk had finished with the kitchen and walked into the living room startling Dave and causing him to jump slightly. As he jumped something shook lose in the binder and out fell a few sheets of paper stapled together neatly.

David picked up the paper, intent on just placing it back into the binder when a number encircled near the top corner caught his eye, '43'. "43," he muttered, "if you got 43, what was the test out of?"

"_d_a_m_n_ IT," thought Brad, I knew I should have gone straight to that _d_a_m_n_ed test, but I had an early morning hockey practice to go to. The Big game was on Saturday, and there was no way I was gonna miss that, or blow it because I wasn't able to practice. Brad looked hesitantly about the room, and noticed that not only were his father's eyes piercing into him, but also that of his lover. A tight pulling sensation began to stir in his groin, and he felt his heart dropping into his stomach. "This is ridiculous," he though, "my father hasn't spanked me since high school, and Brad wouldn't dare do so with my folks here, but why am I reacting this way?"

Brad's face paled, and then just as quickly began to crimson as he tried explaining the test. "Dad," he stated, "that test wasn't fair. I tried my best for that, and the teacher must have something against hockey players or something. I did everything he taught us, and there is no way I deserved that mark. I had planned on writing a letter to appeals and forcing him to reevaluate this grade." Brad didn't have to look at Dirk to know he was glaring into the back of his neck, and knew his ass would pay the moment his parents left.

David nodded as he began flipping through the pages of the test, and noticed page after page of incomplete and uncomprehensible answers. "Brad," he stated firmly, "You took absolutely no care at all in the writing of this exam, and if you had taken any time at all you would have gotten at least a 70. I can tell this by the answers you have provided thus far, but you screwed around and it looks like you just wanted to get out of there in a hurry." He flipped a few more pages and read the professors comments on the bottom, 'I'm sure if you weren't over an hour late for this exam, you would have had the time you needed to complete your answers.'

Dirk politely excused himself and went out onto the back yard porch. "What the hell is wrong with that boy?" he muttered, "Just wait till I get my hands on him! Here he was meeting Brad's parents for the first time, and Brad pulls a stupid stunt like this. If they weren't here he'd be well punished by now, and promising never to do it again. I'm furious with that boy, how can he do this to himself, to me? He knows Chemistry is his best mark, what the hell was he thinking!?!" Dirk's thoughts were momentarily disturbed by the clicking of the door behind him. He turned around expecting to find Brad, but instead found David looking as worried and stressed as himself.

"Let me ask you something," David said, "If you had come home with marks like this, what would your father have done?"

"W-well," Dirk stammered, "My father was a drunk who never really knew his kids, and didn't care one way or the other what we did. I was the oldest child, and pretty much raised my three younger brothers. My mother had a nervous break down when I was twelve years old, and I raised my brothers ever since. The youngest is in his second year of university, and doing well. We seldom had food to eat until I was able to get odd jobs and work around town for a few bucks here and there. I saved like mad to get into university, and studied hard to gain scholarships to help me through. There was no way I wanted to live in poverty again, and I am determined my brothers have a chance in life as well."

David listened to this story with admiration and awe. The two men continued talking for a while, and began sharing more and more of themselves as they bonded.

"So," asked David, "with the influence of your father, how did you prevent your brothers from following his footsteps?"

"I became head disciplinarian," Dirk informed him, "and their butts paid for their mistakes."

"You were just a child yourself," stated David, "what happened when you made a mistake, or when you strayed?"

"I am human," replied Dirk bashfully "and earned myself some real scorchers. All in all though, I was too busy trying to raise the family to get into a lot of trouble. I owe a lot to Mr. Hendricks, who was my next door neighbour at the time, for guiding me when I failed. He knew the role I played, and taught me of adult responsibilities. He said the authorities could come and take care of things for us, but that would probably break the family apart. He trusted me, and said that with his help we may be able to remain a family. I agreed with him, and he set me up with my first job. He also provided our family with a lot of food in my earlier years, and my backside with proper reminders when needed." Dirk said blushing profusely, "I recall one particular lesson he taught me, the most painful one I had ever felt. My younger brother of 12 had just come home and had helped himself to some scotch from my father's vast collection. I went nuts, took off my belt and started wailing on him and asking him how stupid could he be. He ran out into the yard with me chasing behind him cracking that belt hard against his ass any time I could, and hitting his back and legs in the process. I had completely lost my temper and was out of control with rage when Mr. Hendricks came into our yard and firmly took away my belt asking what all the fuss was about. When explained he looked over Timmy's markings and determined that he had learned his lesson, and that he wanted to speak with me. I was fumed at this point and told him to mind his business, as I had to take care of this incident. With this he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his home sitting me down on the couch while we spoke. He informed me under no circumstances is it considered proper to spank anyone while you are angry as you will do much more damage than you actually mean, and that I was way out of line there. Yes my brother had done wrong and deserved to be punished, but I had handled it all wrong. He dealt with me as an adult, and showed me my error. By the end of the session I was crying, and realized how right he was. He then led me into his shop and informed me that it was ok, and that no one was injured. I was a kid acting like an adult, but that isn't any reason I still shouldn't be punished like a child. With that he bent me over the table and proceeded to strap me. I remember I didn't cry out, I felt so badly that I just stood there sobbing my heart out."

"That's quite the story," David remarked, "Mr. Hendricks was a very good influence on you Dirk. You say your youngest brother is still in college? What would you do if he came home with a mark and an attitude like Brad's?" he asked.

A look of determination replaced the dispar in his eyes as Dirk replied, "I would go to his dorm and paddle his butt every night if I had to. I refuse to accept anything but their hardest efforts, and all my brothers reported to me with their term marks as they went through university. As long as I'm supporting them, and as long as they are single, they are not too old for a spanking." he stated.

At this remark David beamed broadly at Dirk, and stated "I feel the same way. I'd do that with Brad now, but as you say I'm neither supporting him nor is he single."

Silence fell over the air as the realization of what David had said began to sink in. Turning towards David, Dirk got the confirmation he was looking for. "Could I be imagining it," he thought, "or does he actually want me to spank Brad?"

"Sir," Dirk stated feeling somewhat compelled to call him Sir at the moment, "I feel I must be honest with you. If you and your wife had not been here tonight when I discovered that exam, Brad would have found himself getting some much needed spanking by now."

With a smile spreading across his face David replied, "Dirk, I now have no doubt you are the man for my Brad. I trust your judgment completely and know that you will do what is in his best interest. If you are looking for my permission son, you definitely have it. The sooner the better."

Tears welled up in his eyes, "dad?" he said, "is it ok to call you that?"

David nodded his head yes, as the two men embraced.

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