Corporal Punishment - 2050

by The Belter

In the year 2039, the new ultra-conservative government of the United States issued a brochure outlining the new laws concerning corporal punishment. Since taking control of both houses in 2030, the extremist party had initiated many new programs, concerning especially the discipline of America's youth, many of which prescribed a good lashing for youths (male only) convicted of most felonies and misdemeanors. When the coup d'etat of the U. S. government occured on May 14, 2039, all control and power was taken away from the separate states, and was invested in one central government. The following is excerpts from the brochure on corporal punishment.

Article One - The following is a summary of crimes and convictions punishable by whipping of the male found negligable: Petty Larceny Grand Larceny Public Display of Unrest Traffic Misdemeanors of various cause Violation of Probation Public display of drunkeness _s_e_x_ual Grievances Homo_s_e_x_ual Crime

Article 2 - Corporal punishment of male offenders is to be carried out only on those men who have reached the age of 13 at the time of the crime. Male offenders over the age of 40 at the time of their crime are exempt from corporal punishment.

Article 3 - Corporal punishment of male offenders is to be carried out with the following guidelines according to age at the time of the offence.

Age 13-15 Punishment is to be carried out on the naked buttocks, with the whole of the male's body being stripped naked. Punishment is to be delivered with a strap of leather not exceeding 2 feet in length (minus handle) and not exceeding 2 inches in width nor being less than 1 inch in width. Punishment is to be well laid upon said buttocks. Punishment will be no less than 10 nor more than 60 lashes of said strap against the buttocks. The male to be punished will be strapped by the wrists, ankles, and waist, with enough restriction to hinder the male's movement. Punishment will be carried out in full public view.

Age 16-19 Punishment is to be carried out on the naked buttocks, legs, and back of the male's body being stripped naked. Punishment is to be delivered with a "cat-o-nine-tails", an instrument of leather with 9 lashes of 1/3 inches in width and 2 feet in length, not including handle. Punishment will be no less than 20 nor more than 80 lashes of said cat-o-nine-tails against the back, legs, and buttocks. The male to be punished will be strapped (as outlined above) to a suitable whipping platform. Punishment will be carried out in full public view.

Age 19 and above Punishment is to be carried out on the naked buttocks and back of the male's body being stripped naked. Punishment is to be delivered with whip, an instrument of entwined leather not exceeding 4 feet in length, nor more or less than 1 inch in diameter. Punishment will be no less than 30 nor more than 200 lashes of said whip against the back and buttocks. The male to be punished will be strapped with leather straps to a whipping post, with straps encircling and restraining the wrists, ankles, and genitals. Punishment of male offenders age 19 and above also includes testicle compression, whipping of the genitalia, and penile branding. These punishments will be outlined in further brochures.

To be continued............

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