Spankmaster 5000 Ricky's Story

by Nathan <>

[Authors note: This story was inspired by Millards Futurespank series. Its my own work, with my own idea of how it might go. Still, because the subject is similar, i. e. a paddling machine, there are some similarities. – Nathan]


Watch your mouth young man.....dont talk to your mother that way.


With that, the teenager just jerked open the front door and then, with a hard slam, he closed it and was gone into the early evening, moving at a dead run and obviously headed for a friends house and a ride to the big shopping mall where they always hung out. The womans eyes watered, and she held in the tears, the feeling of helplessness almost overwhelming her.

Her husband glanced up, and shrugged his shoulders, and then went back to the paper. What the hell could he do? It was just a faze, sure-as-_s_h_i_t_ it had to be that, and in the end their son would come around. Even as he formed that thought though he knew it wasnt true. He stared at the paper, but he didnt start reading it again. The words were blurred now, and he too felt the feeling of helplessness start to overwhelm him. Then, as he looked up, he watched as his wife came up to him and rested her arm on his shoulder.

George, please.....we have to do something. Rickys out of control, and I just dont know what to do. Perhaps.....well, perhaps you ought to think about that pamphlet....from the school. You know the one.

Her husband looked at her, and he nodded. He had never given it much of a thought, but their kid was sure out of control, and if they couldnt reach him soon it was going to be too late. He was just doing what he wanted, and tonight he had just gone way overboard. Grounded, and restricted from going out with his friends, he had blown up and left for the mall regardless of what they had said. Perhaps she was right, and so he nodded, and then, he dropped the paper and went to the drawer where he had stuffed the big envelope from the school not so many months before.

It didnt take him long to find it. It was titled Stillman High School Student Handbook – A Guide for Students and Parents, and it covered everything from the football schedule to dress codes, rules of behavior, and discipline matters. He flipped to the contents, and then to the page where the school discipline section began. He was looking for the section he had heard about, and it was there in bold print. It was tabbed CONSEQUENCES OF MISBEHAVIOR and so he turned to that section, and with his wife at his side, they began to read with interest.

CONSEQUENCES OF MISBEHAVIOR: Breaking school rules will not be tolerated. It disrupts the educational process, and is counterproductive to the purpose of the school you are attending. Your school PTA with approval from the school board has elected to use the Spankmaster 5000 paddling machine for most school discipline matters. The machine is installed in room 216 (the old basketball gym). This is the finest spanking machine in the world today. For this school year, it has been installed as an experimental program, but offers tremendous promise to hold young men and women accountable for their actions, while minimizing missed classes and lost educational opportunities that are the typical norm for standard punishments used in other high schools today. Unlike detentions and expulsions, most Spankmaster 5000 paddling sessions last less than an hour, and the misbehaving teenager is back in class with only the most minimal disruption to the school routine. There is less time away from class, which means more learning. Even so, the machine is effective, and can create behavioral changes in even the most stubborn teenagers within a single session.

The man flipped the page, and there was a picture of the machine, gleaming in chrome. It appeared to lie within a framework, with some kind of louvered walls, and it was hard to really figure out what he was looking at. Still, he could make out the paddle, and it sure looked somewhat barbaric. God! A paddling machine! Who would have thought? If he wasnt reading the pamphlet himself, he would never have believed it. Still, it was interesting, and well, he flipped the page, and started reading again with an even greater interest.

The Spankmaster 5000 series machine is designed to give appropriate punishment to boys and girls from thirteen years of age up through, and including, teenagers as old as nineteen. Under no circumstances will a child less than thirteen be placed into the machine. The device is manufactured to the strictest tolerances, and is designed to allow school administrators, teachers, principals, and even parents, to direct given punishments as needed to gain the behavioral modifications required for misbehaving teenage children.

He was reading with concentration now, absorbing every word and letting his mind linger on the possibilities. He sure had a sixteen year old that needed a behavioral modification! He smiled, and glanced back at the picture of the machine. He couldnt imagine his own son in the thing, and he really didnt see any way he could get him there either. But, intrigued, he read on.

The program is totally voluntary on the part of the parents of all students at Stillman High School. Any parent wishing to opt out of the program, need only to sign onto the school website, select the page for the Spankmaster 5000, and then follow the menu selections to exempt your child from participating. You will need your childs personal information, and your parent PIN control number, to choose the opt out option. Your PIN control number is available at the school office, and is not given out except in person. Students whose parents have opted them out of the program, will receive conventional discipline measures for misbehaviors instead of a Spankmaster 5000 session. These can include counseling, parental involvement, activity removal, both in school and after school detention, and expulsion up to and including total removal from the school for the entire academic year.

For all other students, the Spankmaster sessions can be ordered by any school administrator, teacher, or parent. Parents can order sessions for misbehaviors that occur at home, and those sessions will be given by the school at a time set by the machine, usually the following school day. All web ordered punishment sessions will require the use of the parental PIN control number. Working together, parents and school officials can use the Spankmaster 5000 to control misbehavior in errant teenagers. Better behaved students mean better grades and higher scores on all standardized tests. Its a machine for today, and its at Stillman now.

George Worrent looked at his wife and she was staring at the pamphlet. She looked at him and whispered The pin number is 9638.......I went by the office yesterday.

He looked at her in amazement. Hell. She had obviously had this on her mind for a while. Well, might work. With her at his side, the two of them moved down to the study, where their family computer was, and signed on line. Within a few minutes they were on the internet, and it didnt take them long to move quickly to their sons schools website. Two mouse clicks later they were on the home page for the Spankmaster 5000. As he and his wife studied the discipline page, they slowly became aware that they suddenly had a new and very powerful tool at their disposal.

The Spankmaster 5000 series spanking machine offers for the first time total control over the discipline session. The machine effects its punishment in three ways. First, the implement of punishment can be selected. Current options include a wooden paddle, a lexan paddle with an electrified strip (called an electropaddle) and the conventional leather strap.

Second, the punishment force can be set from MILD, to MODERATE, or to INTENSE. A MILD paddling produces a gently warming of the entire buttocks area, a pink skin tone and a warmth associated with the experience. A fairly slow moving paddle is used, and can accomplish bottom warming in only a few minutes.

A MODERATE session will result in a bright red, hot bottom, thoroughly well-spanked and with an overall glowing warmth that will last for several hours. A moderate spanking will cover the entire bottom of the teenager, including the upper thighs and between the cheeks. It normally is not bruising, and there are no raised blisters after the session is over. Still, the paddle force is intense, deep and penetrating, and moves with a speed that exceeds a human delivered hand spanking. It leaves a very red bottom. Its an excellent setting for the _c_o_c_k_y teenager who likes to do his own thing.

An INTENSE session will result in a bottom that is completely spanked, glowing cherry red or even slightly purple, and which is hot to the touch and completely covered, up and down the upper thighs and between the cheeks, with some possible bruising and usually with a pain that radiates throughout the buttock area and lasts for an extended period of many hours. Intense settings drive the paddle at maximum force and at maximum speed, and the impact can turn a teenagers bottom into a flaming cauldron that burns as if it has been set on fire. An intense setting will usually result in a minor blistering of the ass of the teenager who receives it, and should only be used for the most stubborn students where lesser settings have been shown to be ineffective. INTENSE sessions can not currently be ordered for female students.

Third, the humiliation level can be set from MINIMAL, MODERATE, or EXTREME. The ability to adjust the level of humiliation that the misbehaving teenager is subjected to during the punishment session allows for tailoring the session for the student, which will in turn generate the fastest behavioral change possible. Humiliation level is controlled by the time of the appointment, the level of privacy offered the student as he is punished, and the amount of clothing, if any, that the student is allowed to wear while the punishment session is taking place.

There was a lot more information on the website, and then, at the bottom of the page, was the button he was looking for: ORDER A SPANKMASTER SESSION FOR YOUR CHILD. He clicked on that one, and a new page appeared, with lots of blanks to be filled in.

He started inputting the data. Ricky Bryan Worrent. He typed in his sons social security number, and about half the page blanks filled in automatically. Male. Age 16. Brown hair. Brown eyes. Grade: 11. There were several additional blanks, and he filled them in, one by one. Weight, 155 pounds. Height: 5 6. Physical limitations: None. Current medications: None.

Reason for Punishment? he read the question his mind raced. God...what a question! There wasnt a blank, but instead there was a pull down list of misbehaviors. Obviously, if the misbehavior wasnt on there, then no punishment session could be ordered. The first part of the list had things to do with the school.....skipping class, being tardy, disrespect to school officials, failure to turn in assignments, fighting, etc. But as he read on, he realized that it was a pretty extensive list, and covered a lot more than just school related behavioral problems.

Besides the school specific problem behaviors, the pull down menu box had other more general reasons and they ranged from lying, cheating, stealing, to shoplifting, harassment, failure to follow directions, failure to do chores, etc. The last one though seemed to fit their son perfectly: Oppositional Defiant Behavior. Yeah, that was it, sure-as-_s_h_i_t_ it was, and so he clicked on the menu and made that his selection.


He hesitated. Placing the cursor over the device resulted in a small pop up window that explained the choice. He scanned them all, one by one.

WOOD PADDLE—conventional wooden paddle, made from seasoned hardwood. 24 x ½ x 6 wide. One dozen holes down the center of the board insure a searing burn that gets right to the point. This is a very effective traditional punishment implement. The wood paddle may be used in conjunction with the strap.

ELECTROPADDLE—clear lexan paddle, 24 x ½ x 6 wide. This is a lighter paddle, which moves faster through the air. An imbedded strip of copper plate fires an electric charge at high voltage and low amperage, snapping the exposed buttocks just before the paddle is retracted for another smack. The paddle produces an initial, radiating burn, that is immediately followed by a snapping pain that has been likened to a thousand angry hornets all stinging simultaneously. This paddle is very effective for teenagers with an attitude. May also be used with the strap.

STRAP—Conventional leather strap, made from full grained cow leather and tanned smooth. Leather strip is 1 8 thick, 18 long, attached with a wooden handle to a hydraulic paddling arm. Machine rotates the strap as it is applied; causing an intense, stinging sensation that literally paints the exposed buttocks and rapidly turns it into a bright flaming-red and very well punished bottom. The strap may be used together with either paddle option.

George looked at his wife. Always a techno-buff, he then clicked on the box by the ELECTROPADDLE. There was a beep, and then the little image of the lexan paddle was illuminated. His wife spoke: I think the strap is what he needs George. Thats what my father used to use on my brothers. I think we should make sure his bottom gets really covered; you know he is a pretty tough kid. He looked at her, and shrugged his shoulders. Then, obediently, he moved the mouse to the STRAP, and selected it as well, and a small strap appeared next to the picture of the paddle. Moving the mouse downward, he came next to the intensity of the punishment.


The pop up box said The punishment level specified will control both the strength of each paddle strap blow but also the duration of the session and the number of blows that are given.

He didnt have to think about this one. Remembering the way his _c_o_c_k_y teenager had stormed out of the house, he went right to the INTENSE button. His wife said George! I dont want him tortured. I just want him spanked, and I think for the first time we ought to be satisfied with just...well, how was it worded?.....a thoroughly, well-spanked bottom. He looked at her, and moved the cursor to the MEDIUM setting, and clicked the mouse button. As he did so, a drawing of a perched up bottom clad in white jockey shorts turned bright red, cherry red almost like a glowing light bulb shining through the underpants. He almost laughed at the picture and the way it illuminated.


Above the COUNTED selection the window said A counted session delivers a specific number of smacks, each one counted down by the machine. The teenager being punished knows the number of smacks that their bottom will receive before the session begins, and as each blow is delivered they can watch the count move downward until there are zero remaining.

A TIMED selection will give the teenager a specific time window within which his punishment session will occur. A clock will be displayed, counting backwards, and the student will be able to see how long he must continue to endure the punishment that is falling onto his bottom. A timed event is more stressful under normal circumstances than a counted event.

An AUTO selection will result in the machine automatically gauging the teenagers reaction to his own paddling as it is happening. Heart rate, respiration rate, skin conductivity associated with perspiration level, and strength of the struggling within the machine are all compared against a desired punishment level. The punishment will continue until the machine detects that the selected level has been reached. The AUTO setting is very effective and raises the stress level as the teenager has no idea how much longer he will have to endure the punishment his bottom is receiving. AUTO is the recommended Spankmaster 5000 setting.

George Worrent selected AUTO....not having any idea what else to pick. It was easier to let the machine decide how many times to hit him, and he had no idea what a normal amount would be anyway. It was just easier to go with the recommendation. All he knew for sure is he wanted his son to learn from it.

He moved the cursor down to the humiliation level, and hesitated. As he moved the cursor over the choices, he read the pop up windows and contemplated what they would mean for Ricky.


At humiliation levels set to MINIMAL, the students appointment will usually be set before school hours. This will insure that the punishment area will be unoccupied, and by the time most of the other students in the school find out that a punishment was scheduled it will already be over. At the minimal settings the students privacy is maintained, and the actually punishment takes places with the machines modesty walls in place, isolating the student from any observers. The student is paddled in private, and is allowed to wear a t-shirt and white, jockey underwear during his punishment session. The underwear minimizes embarrassment while still allowing the student to feel the punishment levels selected with the most minimal of protection.

At MODERATE humiliation levels, the appointment will usually be set during school hours, but still at a time when the majority of students will be in class. The audience that will gather as witnesses will normally be small. Male students will normally be naked above the waist and the only thing they will be allowed to wear is a single pair of tight fitting jockey underwear. The machines modesty walls will be retracted throughout the punishment session, allowing the few witnesses to observe the paddling on the underwear clad teenager.

At the EXTREME humiliation level, the appointment time will normally be set during the lunch hour, insuring that the majority of students will be available as witnesses for the session. Male teenagers will be stripped naked for their punishment, although the genitals will be shielded from view. The spanking will take place on the bare buttocks in front of as many of their fellow students as are present. All EXTREME sessions take place with the shutters retracted, so that the entire session is open for viewing maximizing the embarrassment potential.

He started to click the MODERATE button, but his wife spoke up: No...George....I think he needs to learn from this. If hes wearing underwear he will laugh it off. My brothers never got to wear any when they got a whipping. You know Ricky likes to be cool. I think it needs to sting. Im tired of his behavior, and he needs to know that we mean business. I want that strap on his bare bottom, so he feels all of it. If we do this right he will remember it and he wont want to go back

With her words, he moved the cursor and clicked on the EXTREME HUMILIATION button. A sound of laugher came out of the computer speakers, and the underwear on the little image that was still being spanked disappeared. He wondered if it would be too much.

The computer screen flashed a message across the bottom of the screen:


Looking it all over, he typed in the PIN number, and then clicked Proceed. The little graphic showed the lexan paddle smacking the upturned and very naked bottom, followed by the strap, and as the graphic took the hits it changed from flesh colored to bright red. Then, he saw a green bar appear, which grew longer as his choices were being sent, and then, after a minute or so, he saw this on his screen:


He clicked the box, and his printer came to life. A few minutes later, he picked up the slip, a very detailed strip, with some bar codes on the bottom and the words STILLMAN HIGH SCHOOL across the top. Under the school name was a session code number. But it wasnt the official look of the note that got his attention. No, it was what the note said that held his stare:

For Ricky Bryan Worrent, age 16. You are hereby assigned an appointment with the Spankmaster 5000 paddling machine on Thursday, at 1205pm, in room 216 for your recent display of OPOSITIONALLY DEFIANT BEHAVIOR. Your session parameters were customized for your misbehavior by PARENTS. The purpose of this appointment is to teach you consequences for your misbehavior so that you can make better choices under similar circumstances. Do not be late. Late arrivals or missed appointments will result in extended paddling sessions and higher machine punishment levels and will always take place on a bare bottom in front of witnesses.

After reading it, Mr. George Worrent smiled. He could almost picture his son as he saw the note. Then, with it in hand, he took the note and went into his sons bedroom and dropped it off on his pillow. After that, he went back to his easy chair, and began the wait for his sons return. His wife went to bed, and the house grew quiet, the clock ticking hour after hour.

Finally, just after midnight, he heard a car, and then, a few minutes later his son came through the front door. The boy saw that his dad was up, but ignored him, and started for his room. The man spoke up, RICKY, WE NEED TO.... but the boy cut him off LEAVE ME ALONE—Im GOING TO BED.

A few minutes later the boy slammed his bedroom door. Mr. Worrent glanced at the clock, and watched. It took less than a minute, and suddenly the boy jerked his bedroom door open and then he was bounding up the stairs and into the room, the note in his fist and his anger clearly visible painted on his face. Dad...WHAT IS THIS? WHAT THE _f_u_c_k_ IS THIS?

Oh, you mean the appointment slip? Ah, well......I believe it is an appointment for your spanking. Things are going to change around here, beginning tomorrow at noon. You are our son, and quite simply, we love you too much to just let you do what you want. I hope you learn a lot tomorrow.

The teenager stood there staring at his father. You could see the look, the fear even, as he held his note and contemplated its meaning. You could almost sense his mind racing, searching for the words to make his father change his mind. The boy was scared suddenly, and his lip quivered.

Ur....Dad....please. Listen...I...I am sorry. You cant do this...I mean....this is just.....Dad, Im sorry man!

Mr. Worrent smiled at his teenage son, the boys sweat visible under his armpits and already darkening his shirt with two spots the size of quarters. Then he spoke to him, slowly and carefully.

Ricky, I am sorry too. Very sorry. And, well, Im not sure if you are really sorry right now or not. But I read the literature your school sent home, and Im pretty sure that you will be a very sorry young man this time tomorrow. I know your bottom will be, even if you are not.

The boys face flushed red. Dad...for Gods cant do this. You cant! You dont understand....Im have no idea what you are trying to do to me!

Tims father smiled, and then he said softly: Well, I think otherwise. You will do what you are told in this house, and you will start speaking to your mom and me with respect. We are tired of your attitude, tired of your refusing to do what you are told, and we are tired of your language. This issue is closed. You are going to be spanked for your bad choices you made this evening. Thats final.

Dad...its a torture machine!

Son...I disagree. Its a spanking machine, and you sure deserve a spanking after the little antics you pulled tonight. So, face facts son....your bottom is going to be spanked, and spanked well, and in fact I think it will probably feel like its on fire by the time the machine finishes with you. I sure hope you learn something, because Im tired of your games young man, and if you dont figure it out soon then you will need to get used to having a very, very sore bottom a great deal of the time.

Good night son.

With those final words, Mr. Worrent stood up and went to his bedroom, leaving the teenager standing, mouth agape, holding his appointment in his fist and staring, the shock of his new reality just beginning to dawn on him.

After the boys father disappeared into his room, the boy slammed his fist onto the table and said _f_u_c_k_..._f_u_c_k_ THEM! Then, determined, the boy headed back downstairs and went straight to the family computer, where he set down and immediately tried to cancel his appointment. He was smart, and knew a lot more about computers than his parents. First, he examined the web history, back-tracing his parents steps. The PIN wasnt stored in the registry, and even the temp files holder had nothing he could use. He started to panic then. _f_u_c_k_....his school was using an encrypted website, and slowly it dawned on him he was screwed. _d_a_m_n_! Without the _d_a_m_n_ PIN number he couldnt change anything!

The boy was in a panic then. He next went to his room and called Phillip Jennings, his friend that had dropped him off, searching for ideas. Phillip was even sharper on the computer stuff, so he dialed his number and crossed his fingers. Unfortunately, he didnt have any other ideas, and all he could do was laugh....although he suggested that Rick try the begging approach to his parents before he gave up. God Rick....(giggling)...I cant imagine you with your ass on display....thats the lunch hour! (laughing harder)....OK...OK..Im sorry man. I guess Id promise your parents anything to get out of it. Then, he burst out laughing again, and started in kidding him about the red ass he was going to have. God! Rick slammed the phone down, and paced his room. He didnt even try to sleep, and finally decided his best bet was to talk to his mom in the morning. She was easier to get through to, and he was starting to convince himself that she would get him out of this if he begged her hard enough.

So, the following morning, Ricky Worrent was up early. As soon as his father had left for work, the boy made his mom breakfast and soon was knocking on his moms door to surprise her with it. As soon as she told him to come in he painted a smile on his face and entered, and then, breakfast in hand, he carefully started begging for a reprieve. She normally was softer than his dad, and he could usually talk her into almost anything. All he needed was the _f_u_c_k_ing PIN number and he could cancel this entire thing! Yeah, the PIN code was the key to everything, and he had torn the house apart looking for it. Still, no matter where he looked he had come up empty handed.

He tried to gage his timing. He offered her breakfast and as she sipped on her coffee, a smile on her face, he decided to give it his best shot. He used every trick he knew and begged her to listen to him. She stared at him as he talked, and he began to grow hopeful as she listened. Then he finally got to the point, using his sweetest voice as he blinked his big brown eyes: Mom.....please....can I have the pin code? Please mom, Im really sorry, and it wont ever happen again. I promise!

She smiled, and said: Ah, honey....I know you. And you know what, you need this. I know you do. Your dad and I have discussed this, and we think a hot little bottom is just what you need to get yourself under control and start behaving around here. We sure hope you learn from this, otherwise we will have to warm up your bottom again, and again after that if need be. From now on we plan to have you spanked whenever you need it. You dont need the pin number. You just need to learn to start behaving yourself.

The boy could have died. His hopes shattered, he finally just had to give up, and filled with anger he said I HATE YOU! and slammed the door, heading to the school bus early and the worst school day of his life. God, there was nothing he could do! He felt like _s_h_i_t_, and every time he looked at the appointment his parents had made for him he felt sick. There was nothing he could do! On the bus he was quiet, ignoring his friends and refusing to joke and play like he normally did. They tried to get him in a better mood, but he ignored them and so they left him alone.

God, how long could he keep the secret? They had no idea what was wrong, at least not until they arrived at the school. As they all stepped off the bus and came into the school together that all changed in a single instant. There, right in front of them, was the big sign, flashing its daily announcements as students streamed in through the front door. Usually it said MID-TERMS IN TWO WEEKS or FOOTBALL TRYOUTS FRIDAY or IN-SERVICE DAY NEXT MONDAY. Today, it was flashing its message in big letters, filling the screen. All it said was SPANKMASTER APPOINTMENT FOR RICK WORRENT TODAY AT NOON. Oh God he was screwed!

Now, there is nothing cool about being spanked. Nothing at all. No matter how cool your jeans are, or how in style your shirts are, or even how cool your haircut is, it didnt make any difference if you were getting your ass spanked. At sixteen it was about the most embarrassing thing that could happen, to be bent over and spanked while everyone watched and laughed. Rick Worrent was used to being in the in crowd, one of the guys, popular with the girls and a cut up in class. He was well liked, and he had a lot of friends. He was used to being cool. Very cool. On this day, he was more of a nurd, the odd ball who was supposed to be paddled, the kid in school who was due to get a bright red fanny. He wasnt cool anymore, not once he had the appointment, and so everyone it seemed wanted to see it happen and they werent afraid to tell him so.

Hey gonna cry?

Tim.....I cant wait to see your ass!

Hey dude....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

You really getting a spanking? a kid? God....what did you DO man?

When his girlfriend Cheryl saw him around ten, his face flushed red and he almost died. Of course, she had to comment, and her words hit him hard. God Tim.....I cant believe it. Is it true? Really? Oh, how embarrassing. Well....Ill be there. I guess everyone will see your butt getting hit.... Ah..uh...well, I hope its not too red. I guess it will.....well, ur, I guess its OK and all. Oh..I was going to tell you earlier....but I....I cant go to the dance next Saturday.

The classes seemed to pass in a blur, and suddenly it was eleven, then eleven thirty, and then, oh GOD...THEN...then it was time and he suddenly started moving to the room, to the machine and to his fate. He was so _d_a_m_n_ scared! He tried to be as hopeful as he could. He knew the protocols, as everyone at Stillman did, and he tried to imagine his parents doing the selections. He was pretty sure he wouldnt get it on the bare, and perhaps if he was lucky they would leave the walls up. Yeah, as he thought of his mom he was pretty sure it would all happen in private. Still, what was it going to be like? There had already been a slew of kids in the school paddled on the machine, and it all depended on what they had done and who they had pissed off. Usually they got sent for a spanking because of something they had done at school. More than a couple of boys had gotten their bottoms blistered for fighting, but generally the machine wasnt used very often and he didnt know of ANYONE whose own parents had sent them into the machine!

Rick tried to think, remembering the other spankings and what they had been like to observe. Most of them were done in the morning and he hadnt seen very many. Now, here he was, at noon, and it seemed everyone was rushing to watch it happen! He had seen only four paddlings himself, and one had been over almost before it got started. Just a few little swats on his underwear, and the kid was freed. One of the kids was a freshman and he could remember his face as he had gone into the machine, and the door had closed. He had received his spanking in private. Yeah...but as Rick remembered the kid he especially remembered when he came out, his eyes teary, sucking in his snot, and rubbing his jeans. He had obviously been crying, so it must have hurt like hell. But still he had himself pretty much under control when he came out, and so there hadnt been much to see. Perhaps his session would be the same.

The other two sessions he had witnessed was something he didnt want to think about. Two of the guys in his gym class had held down another boy and taken his pants off of him, as a joke, and so they had both ended up getting their asses spanked then and there. It had all taken place during the gym period, and the entire class had gone to the Spankmaster room and watched the pair as they received their spankings one after the other. The only thing they let them wear was a thin set of jockey shorts, and he could still remember the way they both had screamed, as they were each strapped into the machine and had taken their smacks from that big wooden paddle again and again and again. It had all happened on their cotton covered bottoms and it was obvious the thin material didnt offer much, if any, protection. That thing had just pulverized them and on one of the boys his underwear fabric had literally ripped across the seat, and his exposed skin was blazing red, so bright that it had shined. In the end both boys had been nothing but blubbering crying kids, begging for their mommies and totally defeated in front of them all. God, their bottoms had been given a thrashing. Yeah, that was something he could never forget!

He forced himself to knock, for his own appointment. He knew it would be worse if he didnt and the threat of an increased punishment gave him the courage he lacked otherwise. So, at exactly 12:02, he reported, and his principal was waiting for him. The room that held the Spankmaster 5000 was big, and was already half-filled with students that had come to watch. More were streaming as he stood at the door to the booth. God. The booth itself had a door on one end, and he went into it, with the principal, and there the man took his appointment slip. The school nurse was there too, and she listened to his heart and took his pulse, and then the two of them started to step outside. OK Tim said his need to get undressed. On the table is a pair of white jockey underwear. Please put those on, and put the rest of your clothes, and your watch, in the wire basket. You wont need any of them until after you have received your spanking. I will be back in five minutes, and you need to be dressed in just the underpants and ready for your spanking by then. Otherwise, you will be given extra swats from the machine for your delay and I can assure you that you dont want that to happen.

With that, he was suddenly alone, standing in the end of the room, the apparatus of the machine quite apparent. He was looking at it, the paddles, the cuffs, and the like, but he couldnt figure it out or even how it worked. Well, what-the-hell, he jerked off his shirt and unsnapped his jeans. There wasnt anything he could do about any of it now, and besides, he tried to tell himself, jockey shorts were about the same as the swimsuits they wore on the swim team. He bit his lip, and struggled to keep from crying. As he pulled on the jockey shorts, he was surprised at how tight they were. The waist—_s_h_i_t_...they were only 26s and God they were tight!!! He almost hesitated, to try and tell them to get him another pair, but hell, he knew if he tried to delay things it would be a lot worse so he pulled them on and waited, crushing up his balls and _c_o_c_k_ in the process.

Right on time, his principal returned. Thank God nobody could see, because it was embarrassing to be just standing there, in nothing but white jockey shorts with his growing teenage package stuffed inside the little-boy pants. Then, the principal led him forward, towards the machine itself, where it was waiting unmoving and quiet. The first thing he had the boy do was to put his feet over two marks on the floor. Then his principal wrapped two leather cuffs around each ankle, which were attached to two steel rods that were a part of the machine.

That left him standing up, his secured feet slightly apart. Directly in front of the boy was a padded rail, covered in leather and which ran horizontally parallel to the floor. It was almost a foot in diameter, and about four feet long, and it was obviously meant for a person to be bent over it. It was held off the floor by what looked like two hydraulic cylinders, making the height of the padded rail totally adjustable. His principal moved a lever on the wall, and lowered the round padded rail, until it rested directly in front of the pouch on his underwear.

There, in the padding, was a small indentation which was obviously made to accommodate a males anatomy, and the bulge in his underwear nestled right into the groove. The principal put his hand on the boys back and pushed him forward, until he was leaning over the rail, resting against it. He felt the principals hand pushing him down harder then, over the rail until his weight was on it, and before the boy knew it he was bent over it, with only his tiptoes still on the ground. Stretched over the rail, his ass jutted up, into the air. The principal secured his hands together and then in turn tied them to a pole that was attached to the floor. The pole was polished chrome, like the legs that held the rail, and it pulled his arms out, like a perverse imitation of superman.

Finally, the principal tightened up the cuffs on his wrists, and after that he was helpless, held within the grasp of the machine. The last thing the principal did was to bring down a metal securing lock bar, that was hinged to the side of the device. It came across the teenagers back, and rested there, in the small of his back just above his ass. It totally prevented him from rising up, and he couldnt go forward because of the rail he was bent over.

Next, the principal slid two wires down through the boys underwear and threaded them out, through the leg openings of his jockey shorts. He connected the loops of wire to the two arms on the side of the machine that were made to accommodate them. The boy had no idea what they were for of course, but that was probably for the good, because if he had known, he probably would have panicked. Finally, the boy was ready. The principal looked at his watch; it was almost time.

The principal leaned over and whispered in his ear: You know Mr. Worrent, you are one _c_o_c_k_y teenager. Well, Im looking forward to your spanking. The Spankmaster 5000 is designed to really heat up that little ass of yours and Im sure it will. I talked with your parents about an hour ago, just to confirm the settings they had selected. You are going to have to change things at home young man, or your ass here is going to be sending you messages on a regular basis.

As he said that, he dropped his hand on the teenagers rear, feeling the curves of his ass as he allowed his hand to roam up and down over the boys underwear. As he did so he kept talking: are one _c_o_c_k_y teenager and you are going to have a very sorry ass today....a well deserved very sorry ass I might add. Frankly, I love this machine, and I hope you enjoy the paddle and the strap together....its very effective I might add. Yes, I wonder which you will like the most, the paddle?...or will it be the strap? I like the paddle myself, the way it shocks your ass after it smacks it. Yeah, Ill be curious which is your favorite after today. Do you have any questions? As he said the last word, he brought his hand, up between the boys legs, and semi-cupped the boys bulge, feeling his scrotum through the boys jockeys and giving it a squeeze.

The young man gasped as he felt that, the mans hand on his underwear and cupping his genitals. He stared into the wall in front of him, tied into the machine now, his legs forming that inverted V and he now helpless to stop whatever was going to happen. He looked back to his principal, and asked: How many hits am I getting?

The man smiled, and slid his hand over the cheeks of the boy again, feeling the curves of his bottom within the confines of the white cotton. Ah, such a good question for an untouched, eagerly waiting bottom. You know, I have no idea....I just know that your bottom will be very well spanked. Red, yes, Id say it will be flame red and very hot. Very hot indeed. All I really know it that you will be spanked until your entire bottom is well paddled, and you are very sorry teenager. I guess you will know it is over when your bottom tells you it has had enough and you are sorry for what you did.

With that, the principal walked out of the machine, and for a few minutes the boy was there, by himself, waiting for whatever was going to happen. He was contemplating the principals words when suddenly, he heard a whirring sound, and as he looked over his shoulder he could see two mechanical arms moving behind him. On one of the arms was a paddle...clear, and thick, and it was moving around like it had a purpose. It was scary as hell. The entire thing was scary, and as the paddle moved to its firing position it almost seemed alive. Next to it, on the other side of his butt, was a second steel rod, and on the end of it there was a strap, the leather hanging down. The strap looked evil too, and it had a line of holes that ran all the way down its length. He jerked his bonds, but couldnt really move even a single inch. It was bad position to be in, a very bad situation, and as he waited, he could only wonder when it would start. At least he was alone.

Suddenly, he heard a voice, a mechanical voice and it was speaking, to him, and to those outside.



With the last word, there was a sound like steel bolts retracting, and simultaneously, all four modesty walls of the booth began to slowly retract, downward, disappearing into the floor. All that was left was the frame, and the paddling machine, the boy strapped to it and now nothing but air between him and everyone else. As they were retracted, the boy freaked out, jerking against his restraints as the retracting walls exposed him. There was lots of laughter then, as the teenager who was about to be paddled bobbed and jerked in his white BVDs. There he was, in front of everyone, the room packed and he restrained in place within the machine, waiting, bent over the rail with his bottom jutting up and eager even, begging for his well deserved spanking to begin.

As the walls came down the boy was suddenly spread out, stretched out and staring at a room full of his peers. God! He was not alone...everyone could see everything. Then, the machine started to move the restraints that held his ankles, pulling apart his legs and forming a wider V. At the same time the padded rail began to rise higher, pushing the bent over teenager up, and then up some more. With his arms and feet tied in position, only his bottom went up with it, higher and higher into the air. As it did so, the metal bar that was resting on his back pushed downward into the small of his back. The result was that he was forced to perch his ass up, jutting it up into the air, his legs spread and his ass ready and waiting for the spanking it deserved. Everyone laughed, at the boy and the way the machine was moving him; getting his bottom perched up and ready, jutting high with his back arched and his ass on display. In fact, the position of his perched up bottom made it almost appear as if the teenager was begging to be paddled. God!

The students in the room were all around him, most of them sitting in the bleachers that had been pulled open for the event. Some of them were standing on the floor near to the machine, to get a better look and be as close a possible to the action. Directly in front of him was Cheryl, and he could have died!

Everything was visible, and the teenagers face flushed red with his shame. His friends could see his legs, now spread wide and separated, the hairs on his thighs black and thick. In contrast, the boys chest was smooth, as smooth as a babys ass, and his face matched his chest, with only the slightest wisp of a mustache just beginning to darken his upper lip. Under his stretched out arms two very thin and very small patches of _s_e_x_ hair were visible. That armpit hair was jet black too, matching the hair on his legs. The boy was sweating. The armpit hair was damp, and his back glistened under the bright lights. The boy was in shock, shock that he was so exposed. God, the jockey underwear was so humiliating! Nobody wore white tight BVDs anymore and he was stretched out in them in front of the entire school! The pair they had given him were extremely tight, concealing almost nothing, and his _c_o_c_k_ and his balls were literally stuffed within it, the bulge of the boy pronounced and jutting out, forward, into the groove on the rail. The boy of course had thought his spanking would be a private thing, and so when the walls had retracted and he had been suddenly put on display, the humiliation factor had risen a hundred fold.

Then, there was a snap sound, and in an instant his nightmare intensified a hundred fold again. The machine retracted the two thin wires that were threaded down through the legs of his little jockey shorts. The wires just snapped tight, and when they did so, the wire literally ripped through the thin cotton fabric. It sliced through from the waistband all the way down through the leg openings....ripping open both sides of shorts simultaneously. Of course, as it happened, the boys underwear was no longer attached to his body. With the ripcord effect of the wire, his jockey shorts separated in half on both sides of his waist, so that the legs just opened up and the waistband disintegrated.

The boy felt it, felt the underwear falling, and he screamed NO!!!! just as the machines firing solenoid released the gate and 3000 pounds of hydraulic pressure brought the plastic paddle into a blur of motion. There was a tremendous bang and it all came into play in an instant that would be burned forever in his mind.




With the bang, the hydraulic lexan paddle slammed into the boys rear end, smashing into his buttocks with a crack and driving itself right into him. The boy screamed, the look of shock on his face, and then, a half second later, he screamed again as a charge of electricity snapped from the paddles metal strip and penetrated into his rear. The electricity felt like a hundred hornets, angry, intense, simultaneously stinging his flesh all along the length of the paddle that had just burned into his rear. He jerked against the restraints and screamed.


As the paddle retracted his underwear fell free, and the pink mark from the paddle was immediately apparent, a defined line of redness that went straight across his bare ass.

The boy jerked harder then, and bobbed his now naked rear up and down, the entire student body in the room watching him do so. Immediately, laughter erupted in the room, and slowly grew until it roared. The machine could have cared less. It didnt care about the boys struggles or about his nakedness. It didnt care about the way he was yelling. And it didnt care about the laughter. No, the uncaring machine was a heartless, mindless device, and it didnt hesitate to continue the bare-assed spanking it had been programmed to deliver.

Consequently, there was no hesitation as the plastic paddle lifted off of the boys ass. Immediately, there was a second BANG, followed immediately by a whistle of wind and a SLAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP as the leather strap was driven into his rear. The leather burned right into the boy, curling around his left thigh and coming within a hairs breath of burning across his balls. The boy jerked, screamed, and jerked again, the fire in his ass already greater than anything he could ever have imagined.

Oh GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD the teen yelled.

Then, he bobbed his naked rear, up and down, trying to move it and to somehow, someway get it out of the way.




PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE he screamed, as the lexan paddle ripped into his rear again and the color of his bottom blushed bright and pink. The computer had adjusted the angle of the paddle, giving the motion a slight upper cut this time, smashing into the under side of the boys rounded cheeks of his ass. They flashed pink from the hit, and the SNAP of electricity that followed made the boy scream like there was no tomorrow!


The electricity burned like bees, and the boy felt it as if he had been stung by an entire hive at once. He bobbed his ass up and down, up and down as the fire shot from the paddle and penetrated into his skin. There was no protection, none, and his ass burned like it was on fire.



The boy jerked, as the leather strap burned across his bottom, cheek to cheek this time and right across where the paddle has just landed. He yelled, bobbed his bottom, and twisted within the restraints.....the combination of the plastic paddle and the leather strap more intense than could be believed. STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! he yelled. Oh GOD...please............. PLEASE STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!




Again, the paddle smacked into the boy, smashing into is naked bottom and burning across the upper cheeks of his ass. The hit went straight into him, the impact so hard he felt it like a nuclear fire. His eyes went wide, and as he stared across the room at all the gleaming faces staring back at him. At that second, the SNAP from the electrical paddle shot into his ass!


ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH he grunted, the feeling just surging through his naked buttocks, hot, intense, like a flash of pain that lasted but an instant. He bucked his hips again, and as he did so the lexan paddle retracted in a blur, replaced immediately by the leather strap moving in the opposite direction.



OH _s_h_i_t_TTTTTTTTTTTT he screamed. The strap arm had rotated, so that the strap was delivered in a diagonal rip, across his buttocks and curving up, under his right cheek, and into it. The teenagers bottom flashed red, the mark of the leather outlined as if it had been painted. The small holes made the burn much more intense that it would otherwise have been, and as he felt them he screamed and struggled.

And so, it continued. The paddle and the strap, the strap and the paddle, again and again and again they smashed into his bottom. His eyes were wide, as he stared across the room, and the faces that stared back at him were filled with amazement at the intensity of the spanking and the effect it was having. For Ricky Worrent lashed into the Spankmaster 5000, it was a nightmare, his ass burning so bad it felt like it was being burned right off.

He heard her voice, then, laughing, and his eyes focused on his girlfriend. Her tits were filling her blouse, and her beautiful face was radiant, watching, staring at him and his bouncing bottom that was turning redder by the minute.

It was about then that he went hard, his prick stiff and eager and literally jutting from underneath of him. The rounded punishment pad that he was bent over hid most of it, the groove designed just for such a possibility. Still, the groove of leather was soft and supple and it accommodated his prick like a woman holds a man. As the boy struggled, his prick bobbed and jerked and bounced, as it slid up and down within the groove in the leather. The teenager was only partially aware of his dick, aware perhaps of the feeling. But it didnt mater...for he couldnt have controlled it even if he had tried. The paddle and the strap just consumed him, turning his ass redder and redder with each blow. Soon it was crimson, flame red, burning red like a glowing coal.

YEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW screamed the boy as the electricity shot into his ass once again The teen was wild, out of control, jerking against the restraints and struggling like there was no tomorrow. As his ass jerked and twitched and he struggled to dodge the paddle, his squirming made his dick slide wildly within the leather groove that hid it. Suddenly, it just happened, as he looked at his girl and she stared back at him. In the ninth minute of his spanking, when the feelings of the paddle and the strap and the electricity all became too much and his girlfriend was staring at his every movement, he suddenly lost control. He arched his back and stared at her, his eyes wide and his mouth open. Then, as his girlfriend watched his faced flushed so red it matched his ass and thats when he ejaculated.

He grunted as he shot his wad, his semen shooting out of his teenage dick and filling the gap in the punishment pad. He shot and shot, the semen flying out of his dick. Most of it was hidden from the students, but still it shot out between his legs and onto the floor, and he saw his girlfriend watching it happen....seeing him spew and dump his load as she watched it all. As he squirmed over the big pad that forced his ass to stick out and eager, his slime matted down his pubic hair and squished onto his belly. The machine didnt care, and the paddle burned even as he shot his wad, the snap of the electricity perhaps adding to the intensity of his ejaculation. For the boy, it just destroyed him, the laughter of his girl just a roar and the humiliation of what was happening greater than anything he could ever have imagined.



Suddenly, the machine moved his legs again, stretching them even wider, opening his legs so wide that his hole opened and he farted. The strap came up under him, the very tip reaching to his hole, where it burned across his open anus, and flicked into it, catching the entire side of his crack and smearing it red as if it was painted. The boy jerked and jerked, trying to pull his legs together to somehow protect the inner creases of his bottom that had become the machines new target. It was a useless gesture, and as the machines program turned to that portion of his bottom, the leg restraining bars moved outward even more, stretching his legs and opening his entire inner crack to the mercy of the paddle and its companion the strap.

Whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... BANG!!!!!!!



The machine had rotated the plane of the paddle, until it was striking downward, from a position above the middle of his back. It was a vertical smack, and the tip of the paddle came right up between his cheeks, missing his balls by an inch and smashing itself directly between his legs and into both cheeks simultaneously. Instantly, the untouched areas of the boys bottom were turning flame red. The once white and very sensitive inner areas of his crack soon were cherry red and were glistening hot with his sweat.


The snap of electricity shot into the boy, and he felt it this time all the way from the top of his crack, across his hole, and just under his balls. He screamed again, the paddle burning like nothing on earth as the electrical hornets repeatedly stung his ass.

His girlfriend was just laughing now hysterically, her boyfriend reduced to a humiliated teenager with a bright, flame-red fanny and a spent dick to match.

He looked at her and his prick spasmed again, a dry ejaculation while the boy humped the rail, the essence of his manhood already spent and on the floor. His ass was bobbing up and down as he looked at her, _f_u_c_k_ing the rail as he jerked against his restraints. He had emptied his balls already, and the pain had intensified as the humiliation of it all had gripped him. It was just too much. The tears just came. They flooded out, the snot dripping from his nose, the teenager crying like a little boy as his naked ass continued to take the paddle and the strap. The boy babbled then, crying unashamed, his spanking just too much for him to handle anymore. The tears flowed, and the watching students laughed and laughed and his girlfriend turned away, embarrassed to even have known him.

Still, it went on. As the paddle retracted the strap took its place, fired up from under him and directly into his crack. He jerked his thighs hard, trying to pull his outstretched legs together, to protect his inner reaches of his bottom from the onslaught of the leather. The boy arched his back and yelled, as the strap ripped into him, into his ass and into his being.

Again and again it went on....until slowly the boys ass was painted red, bright red, hot and red and oh-so-paddled. His entire ass was flame red, from top to bottom. Even the skin around his hole was bright and enflamed, his hole itself puckered up like the lips of a woman. Everything was red and hot, the boys ass burned from one side to the other. It all was bright red, like fire engine paint, glowing like a tomato fresh from the garden. Finally, when the boys ass was well-spanked, and thoroughly covered, the machine was done.

As the boy whimpered, the mechanical voice of the machine spoke.



With that, the modesty walls began to rise, and the room of his peers burst into a thunderous applause for the thoroughness of the spanking. As they were clapping the teenager disappeared from sight. After that, the boy was removed from the machine, and then he was allowed to dress himself in private. The entire session had lasted all of fifteen minutes. A few minutes later the well-spanked teenager emerged from the machine to the ridicule of his peers, his ass burning within his pants and sore to the touch. He said little for the rest of the day, and instead concentrated on his classes and listened to his teachers even as he squirmed in his seat trying to minimize his discomfort.

Four hours later he was home. His bottom was still hot, but not as intense, and the burn had decreased and was now more of a glow. As he came through the door his mom smiled and said Welcome home Rick....I left a snack out in the kitchen. You need to get your homework done, and then your room cleaned, because I think your father wants to go out for dinner when he gets home and he wants your work done before we go.

The boy looked at his mom, and he was amazed that she was ignoring the spanking. He started to protest, but hesitated, and then he asked I still grounded?

She looked at her teenage son and smiled. Ricky, I dont think so. I dont think we will be using groundings anymore. If you misbehave we will just send you in for another spanking. I hope you understand. Do you?

The boy stood looking at her, his face flushing red with the shame. God.

Yeah....yeah I UNDERSTAND he said with an attitude.

Try that again young man; Change your tone and try it again......unless you want another SPANKING!

He looked at her, his lip quivering. She was all business, and she was dead serious. The sting in his ass was still there, his flame red ass still hot in his jeans. He sure wasnt stupid. Yes.....mam he said. Then he added, I understand mom, and Im sorry for the trouble Ive been causing.

She relaxed her gaze, and then she smiled. Looking at him, she spoke: Now, thats much better. I love you Ricky. Go get your work done.

Then, she watched as her well-behaved teenager picked up one of the hot cookies she had pulled from the oven just before he had arrived home. Her boy headed down to his room, his school books in his hand and without any protest on what he was supposed to do. She couldnt help but smile. As she watched him go, she could see he was walking carefully, the boys tight jeans stretched over his bubble but. She wondered what it looked like, her boys bottom, and how red it must be. Well, it didnt matter, she had the PIN number and she knew in her heart that things were on the right track. Oh, she knew that with certainty.

[Authors note: © Copyright October, 2002. All rights reserved. Not to be copied without the consent of the author. nathan9001@yahoo. com]

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