Grandpa's House 2

by Graham

After those initial, shocking, double spankings by his Grandfather on that early September, Wednesday morning, Todds outlook, attitude, and behaviour changed dramatically. He was keen to comply scrupulously, and without hesitation, with the rules, requests, and directions of his Grandparents.

The next Sunday – a week after he had come to live with his Grandparents – Todds parents called from Houston to ask how he was doing. His Dad questioned whether he was helping his Grandparents, doing what he was told, and staying out of trouble, to which Todd eagerly responded that he was. "Thats good, Todd," his father told him, "because Grandpa is strict and a stickler for obedience, respect, and discipline."

"I know, "Todd only too readily agreed, but he said nothing about the recent experience of his sessions with Grandpa.

Over the next three months, his parents called every Sunday. Todd was a much more chastened young man than he had experienced in an number of years, and than he had ever imagined would happen to him before coming to live with his Grandparents. He became a model young man, working, studying, helping out his Grandparents, doing their bidding, showing them due respect and obedience. Always a basically courteous kid, Todds conduct and speech became even more respectful and deferential. Just a glance from his Grandfather was enough to remind Todd of that dreadful, twice-blistering, September morning.

His life quickly developed a structured routine – waking early every morning, seven days a week, up promptly when the alarm sounded at 4:30. He worked hard, and more efficiently and skillfully, doing the daily farm chores. He went to classes five days a week, studied hard in between and during the weekend hours that were available to him. Sunday mornings was church with his Grandparents, who had also consented to his going to the college students youth group at the Methodist church on Sunday evenings at 7. But he always had to leave at 9:15, in order to be home, and in bed, by 9:30, so his Grandparents house would be quiet and settled down. Everything seemed to be moving along on a conveyer of consistency and conformity, without any more cause for problems or concerns with his Grandparents.

In the meanwhile, in early October, he began coming home about 4:30 every day, not just Tuesday and Thursday. That meant he joined in and helped his Grandfather earlier and longer every day, seven days a week. When Grandma and Grandpa had asked why he was arriving home at 4:30 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Todd told them that his class at 4 p. m. had been changed. Then he hurried out to the barn.

On the first Monday in December, after the first snows had hidden the rock-hard ground, the mail carrier brought a couple of envelopes addressed to Todd. One was from the university; the other from the highway traffic department. Grandma Jamison had put the envelopes on the counter in the kitchen for Todd to open; but Grandpa spied them and picked them up, held them up to the light, and then decided to open them.

The first was a notice of withdrawal failing in the course that Todd had been taking at 4 p. m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. What?! thought Grandpa. How can this be?! He said it was changed to a different time. And he studies so much and so hard. It was obvious that Todd had dropped this course, without saying anything about it, and then lied when questioned about it. Grandpas pulse began accelerating and his blood pressure rising.

The second was a notice from the State that Todds drivers license had been suspended for failure to pay two speeding tickets he had gotten in September. Grandpas temperature spiked. Todd had been speeding twice, got caught, and never said a word about it! Nor did he do anything about it – like pay them. He had stashed them away and concealed the evidence from his Grandparents. And now he was driving their Volvo without a valid drivers license! Grandpa stuffed both letters back into their envelopes, putting them in the pocket of his overalls.

At 4:30, Todd drove up, parked the Volvo in the garage, and raced into the house to change into old jeans, a sweatshirt, thick socks and boots, and an old, winter jacket. Then he bounded out of the farmhouse to the bottom level of the barn. Instinctively, he began milking the cows, while his Grandfather brought in the rest of the animals. About 6:15, he had finished, put everything away, and went looking for Grandpa. Todd quickly scaled the hillside and entered the third level of the barn, where the hay and feed were stored. Grandpa Jamison was finishing opening bales of hay to drop down the chute to the first level, to use for the livestock the next morning.

"Hey, Grandpa. Were done in record time tonight," Todd exclaimed.

"Thats true enough," his Grandfather replied. "Come over here, Toddy," he called. Todd quickly was at his Grandfathers side. "I sure do appreciate that way you work and help out everyday, Toddy. Whatever happened to that 4 oclock class that you had on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday" Grandpa asked.

"Ah, . . . it got changed, remember?" Todd responded. The strong, older man grasped the back of his grandsons neck, pulling him firmly in and holding the young man close to him. Todd was taken aback by his Grandfathers sudden, strong brusqueness. "What, Grandpa?" he asked.

"You just lied to me, boy – again! Take a look at these. They came today," his Grandfather held the boys head still as he pulled out the two envelopes and notices and shoved them in Todds face. Still securely fixed in his Grandpas grip, he took the two envelopes in his hands, and opened the first one – from the state highway traffic department. Opening it, he spotted immediately the boldly lettered Notice of suspension. In an instant, he saw the two, unpaid speeding infractions, and realized what had happened. Unknown to him, he began breathing shorter, more sharply, and more quickly.

He thought it better not to say anything while he opened the second one, from the university. The notice of withdrawal failing. Oh, oh. Besides the anxious breathing, his stomach suddenly felt queasy. He looked up at his Grandfathers face and immediately recognized that somber, angry, look of determination. "Aaaah, I, ah, I can explain all this, Grandpa," Todd began extemporizing an attempt at mitigating his plight. "Ah, well, ah, I just couldnt, ah, keep up with that class, ah, Grandpa, and, so, instead of failing it, ah, I dropped it."

"Did you think you were free to do that, mister?" his Grandpa snapped at him.

"Well, ah, sure. I mean its my course load, and . . ."

"Except, we paid for your classes, Toddy, and youre living here, with us, so you can finish college. You had no right to do that without our permission. Thats stealing, boy. Taking money for a purpose, and never doing it."

Oh, boy! Todd thought. Here he goes again, wanting to control everything I do.

"What about the speeding tickets, boy? We gave you the car to drive, but not to drive beyond the law."

"Ah, Grandpa, ah, I, ah, was running late a couple of times and got stopped on the way to school, and . . ."

"And you havent said anything about them? And you havent paid them? And now youre licensed is suspended?!"

"Ah, I just forgot. Ill payem and get everything fixed . . . "

"But until you do, you dont have a license to drive! How dyou expect to get to school?"

"Well, . . . " Rapidly, Todd had run out of explanations.

Grandpa Jamison had heard enough. Todd watched his Grandfather walk over to where an old, dark, long, leather strap was hanging from a hook on the wall. Todd felt himself shivering from the cold, night air, and from fear, as his Grandfather took down the strap and walked towards him with it in hand. Suddenly, he felt very vulnerable, trembling slightly, as his Grandfather walked up to him. He felt like a small boy who had been bad, standing looking down before his Grandfather.

Grandpa stared slightly downward at his grandson, lips set tightly, but shaking his head slightly nonetheless. Taking Todd's left arm with his right hand, he turned the boy around to face him as he sat down.

"Boy, defiance and dishonesty are absolutely not tolerated, and they always carry a painful price tag of punishment. You should know that full well by now."

"Awwwwww, Grandpa . . ." Todd interjected. "I know, but this isn't necessary. I wont do it again – ever. I promise. You don't have to do this."

"Be quiet, boy! You dont make that decision. Unfortunately, Toddy, it is necessary. Your behaviour has made it necessary. And because of that, we do have to – and were going to – do this now, and also over the next 6 weeks."

"Next six weeks?!" Todd exclaimed.

"Exactly. You dropped that course, and never even told us. Thats one. Then you lied to us about it. Thats two. Then you just lied to me again a few minutes ago. Thats three. Twice you were caught speeding. Thats four and five. And you hid them, and did nothing, and allowed your license to be suspended. Thats six and seven. You're getting the first one right now – and youll get six more every Saturday morning for the next six weeks."

"What?! Six weeks?! Wait a minute! You cant do this."

"Now, Toddy, you learned better than that right after you came here, three months ago. Theres no point in waiting any longer. We may as well get started now. Over you go, boy." With that, Grandpa gripped Todd's left arm with his left hand, while his right arm guided the lanky, tall, 22 year-old, college student being hauled down and across his Grandfathers lap.

"Uummmmmmphaah! Naaaaaaaw!" Todd sighed a scarcely audible grumble, as he sprawled across his grandfather's knees. He had been dragged across his Grandpas lap faster than he expected. The tall, lean young man lay stretched out over his Grandfather's lap. His toes were barely on the floor. While he was still off-balance, he felt himself bobbled and bounced up and down on his Grandfather's lap a few times, so that Todd's head and arms were over his Grandpa's left leg, his arms and hands holding his head and face from nearly touching the floor.

He felt his Grandfather's left arm and hand reach around the overturned young man, securing him with an iron grip around his waist. Then, his Grandfather's right hand grabbed the waistband of his jeans, pulling them up high and tight, almost lifting him off the lap, as the young man's feet slipped, and his small, flat, tightly muscled bottom was aimed high. Without any more words spoken, Grandpa cracked that strap down across Todd's upturned bottom.

THHWAAACK! Without warning or delay, the strap snapped against Todd's poised behind. He twisted around and nobody has ever seen such a stunned, physiological reaction of shock on a 22 year old's face in his whole life. His eyes widened and his mouth opened, as his brain reacted with the jolt of this unanticipated, fiery smack to his backside. He was completely taken aback, taken by surprise, by the noise of the blow, by the incredible stinging impact, and then by the pain that quickly followed. He let out an involuntary gasp of pain, even after vowing not to.

THHWAAACK! The second swat came rushing behind the first, hitting a little lower, causing a whole different sensation of pain, half on untouched skin, half on skin that had suffered from the first blow. Then a third.

THHWAAACK! Oh! Ah! Wow! Ah! Whewaaaah-whoaaah! Although it had only been three months since he had been in this position, and last felt the blistering bite of his Grandpas hairbrush against his rearend, this kind of agony was newer, and even worse. Although for some time now, he had suppressed, ignored, had nearly forgotten, what it was like to feel his behind tanned powerfully, hanging over his Grandfathers lap, he still could not have imagined the instantly excruciating fire of his Grandfather's strong wielding of the razor strap.

THHWAAACK! THHWAAACK! But now, it was happening – suddenly and swiftly – hot, heavy smacks against the snug, taut seat of his jeans, and he was not prepared for it. A sudden desperate wave of fear rushed through him. He needed to get out of this – fast! The unrelenting succession of spanks was igniting a fiery inferno on his backside!

THHWAAACK! THHWAAACK! THHWAAACK! . . . Each smack came without pause, jarring his brain into sharper realization of the pain, and his mouth opened as his eyes again widened.

THHWAAACK! "Uummmphaaaooooo!" Todd's open mouth whistled, then hollered, his eyes moistening, his brain reacting to the heat being stoked to his behind. By the sixth swat, Todd was tensing before each blow, and relaxing for a second after it.

THWAAACK! THWAAACK! THWAAACK! THWAAACK! THWAAACK! . . . The pain was incredible. Nothing had ever hurt him like a spanking by his Grandpa. But, oh, how it smarted – sooo baaaaad! – against his behind! Each successive stike of the strap jolted his backside and brain with the stinging pain and increasing heat. "Auh-aaaah! Uhaa-ummphaaah! Aaauumphaaaooo! Oaaaaaa-uh-mmphaaooooo! Oooo-uh-ooooaaeeeyow!"


Grandpa launched a rapid series of hard snaps of the strap, cracking against different areas of his grandson's bottom. Todd began squirming and rocking on his grandfather's knee, as the fiery strap scorched his bottom again and again! His eyes widened and squinted, as they begin filling with tears. Beginning to buck and kick, while twisting and wriggling all over his Grandfathers knees, the gangly young man, was breathing short, quick, gasps. A lump quickly formed in his throat, as he tried in vain not to cry. His behind was being battered bad, and the tears were flooding the gates of his eyes. He had to get his Grandpa to stop. He had to. He had to. He had to . . .

"Aieeeyaughaaaa-noooooooooo! Not agaaaaaaaain!" he screamed his protest and wrestled around, struggling more! It was useless. He could not escape. "Grandpa! Grandpa! I'm sorry! Please, Grandpa! Stop! Don't spank me! Grandpa, don't spank me! Please! Grandpa! Please! I'm sorry. Really! Honest! I aaaaaaam!"

"You haven't" THHWAAACK! "been honest THHWAAACK! "for quite a while," THHWAAACK! "Boy!" THHWAAACK! "How" THHWAAACK! "can you expect" THHWAAACK! "us" THHWAAACK! "to believe" THHWAAACK! "you" THHWAAACK! "now?" THHWAAACK! THHWAAACK! THHWAAACK!

"Oh, Grandpaaaa! I really aaaaaam! Oooooaaaaaow! Grandpa! Grandpa! I MEAN it! Owww! I'm sorry! Ooooo-ah-oww! Ah-stop it! Please! Aayoww! Oooo-ah-oww! It hurts, Grandpa! Stopit! Stopit, Please! Please! It hurrrtz-aaaa! Soooo, uh, baaaad! Ah-ah-ah-owww! Grandpa I said I'm sorry! Grandpa! Grandpa! Stopit! Stopit! It's hurting! Pleeeeez!"


Grandpa kept the strap resounding against his extended grandson's butt. Grandpa was neither fooled, nor moved, by this hysterical grandsons frenzied thrashing or vows. Todd continued to move with each crack of the strap, begging as if for his life, for his Grandpa to stop. He was weeping freely, but quietly, now. Kicking and bucking, he tried to twist around and block the blows that kept raining down this intense pain on his bottom.

Todd dashed his right arm and hand up to try to block the strap, and protect his flaming behind! Yeeeowww! The strap licked its fiery tongue on his hand, which Todd was shaking with pain and fear. Grandpa released his clamp on the overturned, young mans waist, and without missing a beat, grabbed the boys right hand and arm, and jerked them up, pushing up his t-shirt and centering them against the middle of the lanky boys upper back. The wresting of Todds arm against his back, created new pain that momentarily settled him right down, while the spanking went on.


"Stop! Stop! Augh-uh-yow! Uh! Y-you-uh-uh! Were right! Aieeeyow! Stopit! Stopit! stopit! Ooo-aa-yow! Stop, uh, spanking! Stop-ah-spaaang-augh-uh-keeeng-ghaaa! Oooo-ah-yow! Ah-ah-uh-uh-uh! N-n-n-nooooo! Uh-ah-uh-uh! M-moooor-uh! Sp-sp-uh-uh- spaaank-uh-uh-keeengaugh! Uh! uh! uh!" he hollered.

Suddenly, his Grandpa stopped. Todd was already so spent, he didn't think he could force himself up and off his Grandfathers lap, to run for it. No matter. Grandpa had no intention of letting his wilful, disobedient, mouthy, young, college-student, grandson up. Instead, all at once, he felt his Grandfather lifting him up off his lap, standing the boy before him.

Losing his balance, he fell backwards, heaving and weeping, his hands now wrapped around behind him to clasp his blazing backside. His Grandpa reached for the waistband of the young mans jeans, and caught him, holding him steady from falling. Next thing, he felt his Grandfathers fingers quickly unfasten and unzip his jeans, tugging them swiftly down his thighs to fall to his feet. He released his hands from his smoldering bottom, and reached to try to stop his jeans from falling.

"Whatr you dooooooing?!" Todd roared. "Nooooooooaaaaaaaa!" His Grandpa quickly yanked him back off his feet, back over, face downward, across his Grandfather's knees. As his eyes faced the dirty barn floor, his feet once again swung above the floor. Grandpa rapidly returned to dispensing another torrent of spanks to the thin, cotton seat of the squirming young mans boxers.


"Yeeeoww! Owa! Owa! Ooooaa-yeeoww! Ooooaaeeyoweeyoweeyoww!!"

The burning strap bit into and ignited his bottom through the thin, cotton boxers that still covered his behind.


"Yeeeow! Owowowow! Ooooo-aaa-Yow! It HURRRTS! Grandpa! Grandpa! Ooooo! Oweeeupweeeupw! Grandpa! It hurts! Grandpa! Grandpa! It HURRRRRTZ! Eeeyaaaa-oooo-eeeyowowoweeeyow! It hurts! It hurts! It Hurrrrrrrtz-uh-oooooo-uh-waaaaaaaaa!"

Still crying, Todd screamed.

Grandpa stopped again, grabbed the waistband of his grandson's boxers, yanked them rapidly down over the young man's now-reddened bottom, to gather into a tangle with the jeans at his ankles. With his left hand, he pulled Todd's t-shirt up his back over his neck and shoulders. Todd's head snapped around to the right, looking upwards, as he felt his Grandfather's powerful hand jerk his boxers over his burning buttocks, past his thighs and knees to join his tangled jeans at his ankles.

"Nooooooo-aaaaaaa! Nooooooooo! Grandpaaaaaa! Not thaaaaat! Nooooooooooo!" Todd shrieked in vain his protests.


Instantly, the strap resumed blistering the lean, but muscular, young man. He was truly beside himself. Bare from his neck to his ankles, the excruciating bite of the strap resuming its punishment of his battered backside, stunned the struggling youth. The cool air on his buttocks, thighs, and legs shocked Todd into a ruder consciousness of what was happening to him. Grandpa kept cracking the strap, turning Todd's reddish-pink, flat bottom into a heated, blistering, red, smouldering ember.

Grandpa made the strap dance all over Todd's small, hard, flat, now-red-hot bottom, the curved parts that met his thighs just below his buttocks, especially his inner thighs, and even at times within the cleft of his buttocks. This ongoing, escalating pain – and the humiliation now added to it – was beyond belief! He tried to beg, plead, and promise through wailing shrieks, racked with choking gasps and coughing. He thrashed about, thrusting and bumping across his Grandfather's lap, but to no avail.

"Ooooaayow-ow-ow! Grandpa! Grandpaaa! P-Pleeeeez! Ooooo-ah-yow! Aaaaa-augh-ooooo-ow! Stop! Ow! Stopit! Stopit! Pleeez! Ooo-uh-ow! Ow! Ooooo! I-uh! Oooo-uh-n-never! Ooo-uh-ow! Eeeyow! Uh-uh! Pleeez! Oweeyoweeeyow! Grandpa! Grandpa! Oooo-uh! Grandpa! I'll be good! Grandpa! Yeow! I'llbegood! I'llbegood! Oooo-uh-nooo-uh! Grandpa! Nooooaaaa-moooor! Owee! Owee! Yeowww! Augh-uh-uh!"


He shrieked and screamed more, redoubling his writhing and jumping, but futile, struggle to get loose. His Grandfather only intensified the smacks to the boy's bare behind. Todd shrieked still more, as his Grandfather ratcheted higher the intensity of the bombardment against his butt. Still not speaking, Grandpa rained what seemed like an unending assault of spanks down on the frantic, young, college students already smoldering behind!


Pushing the lanky, young mans sweat shirt up to his underarms, his Grandfather circled his lower back and waist with a vice-like clutch of his left arm, slanting the boys head and arms farther over Grandpas left leg and towards the back of him. Todds legs were dangling off the ground. Heaving with sobs, he shuddered from the cooling evening air as he lay naked from his back to his ankles, across his Grandpas knees. His flaming bottom was shifted higher, a ready target positioned for more harsh, battering strikes that teemed from the strap being wielded by the powerful hand of this incredibly strong man.


The rough, snake-like, biting strap resumed working every inch of Todds buttocks, thighs, inner buttocks and thighs, and sit-spot where his bottom reaches his thighs! Every part of his butt was angry, red, and hot to touch. He jumped and jumped in his Grandpas secure grip each time a smack blistered his behind more. He yelled and wailed, heaving and shaking, coughing and gagging. His initial sense of shame and disgrace were pushed to the background of the mounting affliction to his bottom by the fiery torch that was singeing him over and over.

Frantic from the fiery pain mounting and mounting, cracking and throbbing against his behind, he was desperate to get out from under this torrent of swats against his smoldering rearend. His reddened face, gaping mouth, disheveled hair, and squinted, streaking eyes reflected the torment to his searing rearend. Shouting and pleading with pain, screaming and calling out, begging his Grandfather to stop, all the while Todd was struggling furiously, futilely, to escape the punishment scorching his blistered behind. Twisting and squirming, trying to get off his Grandfather's lap and away from the thunderous pounding of his behind, he could not break loose. Once more, he was a captive, powerless mess in the jaws of this unceasing spanker, his Grandfather – helpless in his Grandfather's grip.

"Grandpa! Uh-ooo-uh! Stop spaaanking! Grandpa! Oooo-uh-ow! No moooor-uh-uh-spankeeeng! Graaampeeeeee! Pleeeez! Ooooeeeyowowow! Ooooo-uh-Grampy! Uh-oooo! I'll n-nev-uh-er! N-never! Again! I'llbegood! Aieeyowowow! Uh-uh-augh-uh-ah'll uh-uh-beeee-uh-gooood! Grampy! Grampy! Stahp! Ohno! Ohno! Ohno! Ohno! Ohnoooooaaa-uh-yeeow! Ooooaaa-uh-uh-nooooaaa-uh-uh-moooor! Awaaaaa! Pleeez! Eeeyow! I won't, uh, uh, be baaaad, huh-uh, agaaaain! Augh-uh! I wont! Grampy! Grampy! Augha-uh-waaaaa! Ugh-uh-augh-uh-uh-uh! Oooo-eaugh-uh! I wooon't! Uh-ooo-uh-Grampeeee-uh-pleeez! Yeeeow! Ow! Ow! Ooooaaa! Yoww! Aigughaaa! Eeeyow! Ooooo-uh! Noooaaa! St-op! Nnngh-uh! Puh-leez! Ooo-stopspanking-uh-uh-meeee! Uh-uh-uh! Pleeeez! Illbegood! Illbegood! Illbegooood! Ah-uh! Grampy! Uh, uh-stop-uh-spaaaang-uh-uh-keeeeng-gaugh-uh-uh-uh-meeeee! Waaaaaa! Ooooo-uh! uh! Neverrrr-uh-uh-uh-gaaain! Oooo-uh-pleeeez! Nnnnghaa-waaaaa! Uh-rrrranghaugh-uh-uh-uh! Ooooo-uh-uh-waaaaaaaaa!"

He answered with a fresh attack on the sprawled, young college students branded, blistered butt. "Be quiet, boy, or you'll get a double-header! Is that what you want?"

"N-n-uh-noooooooooooo, uh, uh, Grandpaaaaaaaa!!" he wailed. All at once, he couldn't hold back any longer. "Ggg-augh-gg-aaaeeeyow! Augh! Uh-uh-un-uh! Oweeyoweeeyowww!!" As he shrieked, the doors of his widening-squinting eyes burst wide open, the tears and sobs rushed forward from his throat and eyes. He collapsed into bawling and wailing, still bucking and kicking out as the paddle relentlessly torched the boy's rearend. He howled and hollered as Grandpa Jamison continued to deliver a long, thorough thrashing to Todds battered backside. "Oooo-ah-yowowow! Nooooo-ah-owww! Grampy! Pleeeez! Grampy! Uh-Grampeeeee! Puh-LEEEEZ! Oooo-ah-ya-ow! Waaaaaaa! Ow! Owwweee! It HURTS! Oweee! Oweee! Yeeowowow! Waaaaaaa! Uh, uh, waaaaaaaaa!"

His shoes flew off his feet and across the barn as he bucked and kicked, bounced and twisted across his Grandfather's lap. His jeans and boxers were snarled together at his ankles, trapping his legs together, restricting the kicking and bucking he could exert. Trying to balance himself with his left hand, his right arm flew up instinctively to try to protect his pommeled behind. Grandpa released his left arm encircling Todd's lean waist, and grasped his grandson's right hand and arm, jerking them up above the small of Todd's back. As he did, Todd slid forward further, forehead touching the barn floor, his feet now dangling off the floor.


Todd was crushed – emotionally overcome and surrendering to the helplessness of being restrained against unrelenting pain, he capitulated. He could no longer plead and beg, much less protest. He wailed and screeched, amidst choking sobs, trying to end the inferno that was burning his behind. He had crumbled from a guilty, vulnerable young man being punished, to a broken, bad boy who could only shriek and cry, bawling and sobbing with each new blistering smack that singed and torched his backside again and again.


Grandpa had no intention of lessening this lesson – or any others that might follow – that this young man must learn from his lax behavior. If anything, Todd had come to them as if he were exempt and impervious to any other rules or order, and this recent behaviour showed signs of the same attitude again. Grandpa Jamison was determined that this young man would remember this pain or punishment, to curb future prospects of disobedience and deceit. So, he intensified the force, and accelerated the speed with which he delivered still more snaps of the strap.


The strap scalded the top, bottom, outer and inner of his buttocks, upper and inner thighs. With searing, hot, burning smacks, he jumped and wailed each time the strap struck another stinging blow against his bottom. At this point, there was nothing else in the world, to Todds consciousness, but that strap -- that burning, fiery, biting, blistering strap! With smack after smack after smack, Grandpa Jamison worked that strap into his 22 year-old, college-senior, grandsons bottom, burning it so hard that the leather grew hot to the touch. The boy bucked his hips and screamed, jerking and thrusting with every single blow.

He could not muster any strength to try to fight or avoid this scalding strap, or to protest or plead against it further, however. He completely abandoned any more attempts to argue, plead, promise, beg, or even fight against the onslaught of spanks that his Grandfather was administering with the strap. There wasn't anything he could do. He had given up on his pleas and promises, choking and gasping, bawling and sobbing his eyes out, wishing for the end – then forgetting about anything except each moments new, fiery agony to his bottom.

It took a few more minutes and more strokes of the strap before Todd's Grandfather really heard his grandson. It wasn't that Todd was sobbing and bawling – he'd been doing that for a while now. But this particular wailing, sobbing, wasn't of a 22 year-old, or an 18 year-old, or a 15 year-old, or even a 10 year-old. It sounded just like a little child, and Grandpa Jamison realized he'd taken this boy all the way back to his childhood, that Todd was just feeling and acting like a small, naughty little boy over his knee now. He delivered a few more barrages of spanks to that suffering butt.

Todd continued to squirm and sob wildly, as if he were being launched over his Grandfathers knee. His bottom pulsed still, his buns opening and shutting. From his waist to his thighs, from one hipbone to the other, all down the cleft of his rump, even his asshole itself – everything was scalding and crimson. There were spots that were darker, almost blue, from where that rule had struck, and the scarlet expanse of the 22 year-old rearend was criss-crossed with welts from the strap. As much as he could think – which was very little in the overwhelming throes of pain and shame – he knew that, totally defenseless and powerless, in the control of his justifiably angry Grandfather, he was paying the price for his insolence and deception.

Yet, at the same time, through this nightmare of horrible punishment that he was experiencing, he sensed the security of having his Grandfather's love, guidance, and resolve. For many reasons – starting with the agonizing inferno on his bottom – he did not ever want this to happen again. Yet Grandpa had said SIX MORE WEEKS?!

Eventually, Grandpa Jamison stopped spanking his grandson, and Todd lay there then, crying, babbling it out in great heaving, gagging sobs. He was beaten. Grandpa let him lie draped across his knees, suspended over his lap. Todd was whimpering like a well-spanked, little boy, gasping for breath and heaving in great sobs, trembling, and shaking, intermittently weeping, choking and coughing, gasping, sobbing. It took a few minutes before the boy even realized it was over.

After a while, when Todd's crying subdued considerably, Grandpa reached under the arms of the young man hanging over his knees, lifting him up to stand on the ground. Todd's legs wobbled and betrayed him. He collapsed to the barn floor, still shaking and crying. Grandpa could tell this grandson of his was now, finally and totally defeated.

Grandpa stood up, and again lifted his grandson to his feet. The young man doubled over before his Grandfather in pain and chastened shame. Bouncing up and down on his feet, he danced the spanked-little-boy dance, standing in place before his Grandfather. This time, Grandpa took his grandson's face in his hands, and raised it, along with his torso, up to face him. The cool air registering on his exposed back, from his shoulders to his feet, and especially against his fiery bottom, made the young man shudder. Todd's eyes, wide and terrified with pain and shame, were wet and red, his face streaked with tears and from his running nose, his hair tousled and disheveled. He appeared to have been the trounced victim of a hard, wild, and ferocious scuffle.

"You'll be fine in a few days, son – and a lot better boy for it. But for now, and the next several days, you'll be remembering, relearning, and re-impressing an important lesson. Every time you sit, walk, or bend over, you'll recall over and over again that you were bad – disobedient, devious, dishonest – and this is what has come from that. Then, every Saturday, for six Saturdays, you will be reminded again; and in between youll have the days following each of them to remember how bad youve been, young man. After a while, your bottom will recover, Todd; but I want you to remember this lesson, and this experience, for as long as you live. Do you understand what Im saying, son?"

"Uh, uh, y-yes, uh-uh! Grandpa . . . uh! uh! Ooooooo, uh, I doooooo!" the lengthy, thin young man stood, jeans and boxers still wadded at his ankles, bare bottom branded by the paddle, and leaned into his Grandfather, throwing his arms around his neck. He cried and cried. Finally, his Grandpa helped him stand up straight and directed him to redress himself.

"Pull your shorts and jeans back up now, son."

Todd winced and grimaced both when he bent over to reach for his boxers and then his jeans, and especially as the fabric of each rubbed against his bruised, inflamed bottom. He hobbled barefoot to where his shoes had flown off and stepped stiffly into them.

"Get yourself to the house, and to bed, right away now, young man. Youve forfeited supper tonight. Ill be in to check on you and say 'goodnight' shortly. "Don't let me catch you not obeying, boy, or we'll be back out here again before you can get to bed. Understand?"

Thoughts of the studying he had planned to do flashed through Todds mind, but the pain and fear of his Grandfathers warning produced a rapid response with the certainty to reassure his Grandfather. "Okay, uh, uh, yes, uh, sir, uh, uh, Grandpa." Hastily, he hobbled out of the barn, to the house, down the hall and to his bed. Grandpa replaced the strap on the barn-wall hook, and walked back to the house.

Twenty minutes later, Grandpa Jamison looked in on him, his grandson was sound asleep, lying on his stomach with his head buried in his pillow.

The next morning, Todd was up at 4:30, working with his Grandfather, then coming in and getting ready for school, eating his Grandmothers breakfast. Instead of heading out by himself in the Volvo, however, he had to wait for his Grandpa to drive him to the UW-Superior campus and drop him off. Grandpa then paid the tickets and the reinstatement fees, to get the suspension lifted from his grandsons drivers license. That afternoon, Grandpa Jamison had to interrupt his own chores, to drive back to UW-Superior to pick up his grandson. Standing out waiting for his Grandfather, and then riding in the Volvo, with him driving, was embarrassing for Todd, not to mention his throbbing bottom resting against the car seat.

The remaining three days, Todd returned to getting up at 4:30, working hard, coming in and showering and dressing for school, eating breakfast, and then leaving with the lunch his Grandma prepared for him to drive the Volvo to school. At the end of his school day, he drove home to work hard with his Grandfather until dinner, and then study until 9:30 p. m.

Saturday morning broke like any other morning, with Todd getting up immediately at the 4:30 alarm, proceeding to the barn for the milking and other early morning chores. They came in and simply washed up for breakfast, without showering. After breakfast, Grandpa ordered, "Clear your table, Toddy; then go out to the barn, third level, and wait there for me."

He doesnt have to tell me to clear my table anymore, Todd thought to himself, but his eyes involuntarily widened, and his face registered dread consternation over the fate that awaited him. Nevertheless, he did as he was ordered, and walked briskly up the hill to the third level of the barn.

Inside, he shivered from the combination of the winter cold, and the memories – recent and from a few months ago – of the spankings he had gotten from his Grandpa. He remembered how much those spankings had hurt on that early morning, and then last Monday night. He also remembered how suddenly he had awakened to the fact that his Grandfather was a man he had to listen to or else! And how he had been painfully reminded of that only four days ago!

Almost an hour passed before Grandpa Jamison entered the third level of the barn. Todd immediately stood up. His Grandfather hurried into the barn, over to the hanging razor strap, and took it off the hook. Then, he immediately sat down on the same stool where the young grandson had been waiting for him, awaiting his punishment. Grandpa quickly pulled the lean, young college student almost off his feet, yanking him first towards himself, and then splayed over his knee and lap.

Grandpas old, leather, razor strap now had to do what it had long been famous for. That early Saturday morning out in the barn, – and for five more Saturdays – Todd was going get a licking. Grandpa had told him it was coming – along with others –, and this was a promise that the young, college-student, boy had waiting for him. No other thought or reason occurred in Grandpas mind, once the boy had been caught lying and disobeying. Discipline first thing in the morning, Grandpa thought, has a way of setting the tone for the rest of the day, and the weekend, and also of reminding his grandson of the submission and obedience that Grandpa required.

Grandpa abruptly stopped, lifted the boy back up off his lap, and stood him up tall in front of him. Todds eyes were a bit red then, and he was obviously happy to be up off Grandpas lap having felt that strap. It was a disappointing, next step, then, when Grandpa began to undo the boys belt, and with a firm tug those jeans fell to the floor of the barn. Without a word, Grandpa quickly pulled the boy back down over his lap and once again that old strap struck hard on his grandsons cotton boxers. This time it was very clear Todd could feel it.

"Ow!" Todd let out in spite of himself, but the strap kept striking. Grandpa let the strap fly against the boys bottom that was now only protected by his boxers. Todd began wiggling and squirming. He was biting his lip and trying his best, but the strap was quickly getting to the boy. Grandpa gave the boy a good fifteen or twenty more swats. Maybe it was the fact that they were in the barn, rather than inside the house, but Grandpa sensed that Todd was not yet responding in the way a boy needs to when he gets punished with that strap. Todds body was swinging, flailing, and bouncing up and down, from one side to another, and he was jerking his legs up when the strap landed and struggling forward; but the most that was coming out of the young mans mouth was a whole lot of "ows" and "ouches," and a lot of "Im sorrys" and "Ill be goods." That, Grandpa knew well, had not really reached and registered with his grandson.

He reached down to the crotch of his grandsons boxers, yanking them down over the dismayed young mans hips and buttocks, past his thighs and knees to his ankles. Instantly, Todd jerked and jumped around on his Grandfathers lap. "Nooooooo, ah, pleeeez, Grandpaaaaa!" the boy begged openly now. As Grandpa pulled down those old, cotton boxers, the young mans bare bottom appeared, exposed naked and tightly clenched, the baby-smooth, flawless skin was rosy red all over. As soon as Todd felt the icy, cold air in the barn on his now very bare and vulnerable butt, he clenched his buns tightly over Grandpas knees.

Grandpa was in no hurry. The anxiety of the squirming, young man over his knees was by now familiar. Todd, for his part, was awash with anxiety and frightened cold sweat of panic, fear, and dread, that, once more his now-upended, bare bottom was going to be stricken by his Grandfather. The boys bare bottom was rosy and stinging right now as he hung exposed over his Grandfathers knees. He had felt the strap across the seat of his jeans, then also across the cotton seat of his boxers; but Grandpa intended this young man to be spanked the way young men have always been spanked with a razor strap. The instantly burning, hard licks of the strap in Grandpas hand were going to burn his young grandsons bare bottom until his body struggled over his lap and the strap brought the tears and bawling sobs the boy needed to let out that first Saturday morning.

Until Grandpa raised that old, leather strap and brought it down hard across the lowest and most fleshy parts of the young mans bare bottom, it was very silent in that old barn that Saturday morning. The crack of the leather biting the boys bare flesh reverberated like a shot from a gun and bounced off the walls of the old barn at that moment. The chickens startled and were scared and began fluttering and clucking at the sound, but it was Todd who cried out loudly as the strap landed over and over across his bare bottom. He began crying uninhibitedly now. Very quickly, it brought him back to apologizing, promising, begging, and pleading as well.

Grandpa spanked his grandson openly and freely that Saturday morning in the barn and the old, leather, razor strap did what it has always done when correctly and properly applied to a young mans bare bottom. It had immediately caused the boy to sob and turned his bare bottom scarlet. Bruises appeared, but only way down low because of the way Grandpa was holding the boy and strapping him down there.

The descending strap continued its bite, and the young man continued struggling on his Grandpas lap as his tears and cries reached an all time, feverish, high pitch. Grandpa administered a long, slow spanking that rose to a crescendo of strength and intensity. Todd twisted and bucked and bounced, but he could not evade it. Grandpa was only doing what he intended to do. He was simply giving the boy his promised, Saturday morning spanking. But he was also taking his grandson to where the boy needed to be. Todd was beside himself. Finally someone had actually taken control of him.

All at once, Todd stiffened and arched tautly, then seemed to succumb and relax a little, just kind of go limp, and then it started. Grandpa couldn't quite believe his ears. Over the noise of spank after spank as the belt bit the upended young mans bottom, there was also no doubt about it. This big, long, lanky 22 year-old, college-senior grandson began once again to squall like a five-year-old. Grandpa glanced down at his grandson, who involuntarily tried to twist and turn and look up over his shoulder at his Grandfather. Todds face was contorted in pain and humiliation, hot tears streaming from his eyes.

In a matter of minutes, every notion of resistance had been defeated, and Todd shook and sobbed, choked and gagged, lurching and screaming with the faster and harder smacks from the strap. He cried, then wailed, then finally sobbed and kept on crying too. Grandpa watched his grandson twisting and writhing and bouncing all over his knee, while hearing the boys tears and pleas increasing in intensity, but he paid no attention to the tears. Man, oh, man! Did that little fanny of Todds squirm this way and that, up and down, back and forth. The bawling was so loud, and his rear end was as red hot as a stove, and, the way he was carrying on, it must have felt like it to him too.

Grandpa whalloped his grandsons dancing rump for at least another ten minutes, just to make sure he'd learned his lesson – this bawling, bare-butted, 22 year-old wasn't going to forget this little session for a long time. He spoke with flat, icy sterness that he would teach his grandson that he expected him to obey, to be honest, and to seek his Grandparents approval before taking it on himself to do things that they might not allow.

When it was over, Grandpa sat quietly for a long while, letting his grandson shake and sob it out, while dangling with boiling, reddened, bare butt overturned across his lap. Finally, the young man stopped wailing and remained shuddering and whimpering, still hanging across his Grandpas legs. Gently, but firmly, Grandpa lifted his grandson up off his lap, stood him on his feet in front of him, and waited until the heaving young man could stop stomping and straighten up.

Then, he directed the boy to pull up his boxers and jeans, and follow him out of the barn. Todd looked continuously down at the barn floor, as he continued whimpering. Then Grandpa, pulled the trounced young man into his bear-like arms that surround and hugged the boy, who leaned into and on his Grandfathers chest and shoulders, and began sobbing again.

Tousling the boys hair with his big hand, Grandpa spoke, "Cmon, Toddy, lets get busy. Weve got a lot of work to do. Afterwards, they worked together on the farm all day, stopping for a delicious, but very quiet lunch. Back at the farmhouse when they had finished bedding down the animals for the night, Todd went into his bathroom to take a shower. He was shocked at the complete, scalding, pain that every place on his bottom and thighs radiated from the spanking with that razor strap. The flow of the shower, even lightly, was torturous.

He was even more shocked, then, when while he was still showering, Grandpa just walked in, sat down on the toilet seat-top, and waited while Todd continued showering. Todd knew better than to say anything about it, however. After all, it was his Grandparents house and he was a guest here; and, besides, he sure didnt want to risk sounding disrespectful.

"Toddy, Grandma and I were thinking that you ought to go home to your folks and sisters for Christmas. Were going to get you a roundtrip flight so you can be with them for the holidays."

Todd was shocked, but excited. "Uh, gee, Grandpa, you dont have to do that. I mean, it would be great, but I know you need me here."

"Oh, we appreciate everything you do, Toddy, and its always needed; but you should be with your parents and sisters for Christmas. So, well get you a flight on Saturday, the 22nd, and you can return on Sunday afternoon, January 6th."

Todd gulped with emotion and gratitude. He knew that, even though he was gonna get five more spankings from his Grandpa, his Grandparents really cared deeply about him. Then Grandpa got up. "Hurry, now, Toddy. Grandma has dinner just about ready." Then he walked out and closed the door, leaving Todd to finish showering in a hurry.

The next Saturday, December 15, was a repeat of December 8. After breakfast, Todd was dispatched to the barn by his Grandfather, to await his punishment. A long, hard spanking demolished the young mans resolve not to collapse into begging, pleadings sobs and bawling; but afterwards his Grandpa had comforted and reassured the subdued, chastened boy that he was lovingly and caringly in the control of his Grandparents. Then they spent the day working hard together.

Saturday, December 22, dawned with additional excitement. Todd was flying to Houston to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents. At 4:30 a. m., he got up quickly, and joined Grandpa for the initial, farm chores. Then they consumed the delicious, warming breakfast that Grandma had prepared for them. Todd wondered, hoping, whether Grandpa would forego the promised, Saturday morning spanking, since the college boy was headed to the airport in a few hours to fly home. Grandpa dispelled those hopes. "You know what to do, boy," Grandpa looked and spoke directly to him. "Ill be out to tend to you in the barn, third level, shortly."

Todd grimaced and he cringed inwardly. Why did he have to be spanked over and over by Grandpa?! Sure he did wrong, but he was also an adult, a college student, and this was such a disgraceful thing to have to take. Slowly, almost as if sleep-walking, he got up, cleared his table, and walked out of the kitchen, across and up the hill to the third level of the barn. Inside, he sat down to wait for the spanking that loomed imminent.

In about 35 minutes time, Grandpa walked into the barn, retrieved the long, leather, razor strap from the hook on the wall, and quickly sat down, beckoning his dejected grandson over to him. Without any conscious reason (because he surely knew better), Todd stood frozen with fear and dread. "Toddy, get yourself over here now, or well add another weekend to the schedule! Maybe thats what you need!"

Like walking to the executioner, Todd moved, slowly walked closer towards his Grandfather. Grandpa grasped his grandsons arm, jerking him off his feet, tumbling over his knees. Todd hated this humiliating plunge across his Grandfathers lap. "Noooooo, Grandpa! Please! Not again! No more! Pleeeez! Ive learned my lesson. Pleeeez! Youve gotta stop doing this! Im too big! Im too old! I hate it! Nooooo! Pleeeeeeez!" He was begging already.

Instead of speaking, Grandpa simply unfastened Todds jeans and pulled them down over the boys butt, thighs, knees, down to his feet. Then, he juggled the young, college student across his legs, positioning the boys butt higher, and reaching for the waist of his shorts, yanked them, and then his boxers, down his buttocks and thighs, past his knees, to catch at his feet and join his jeans. He wasted no time in lambasting the lanky young mans bottom, inner buttocks and thighs. Todd burst into wailing, kicking and bucking furiously all over his Grandfathers lap. He screamed pleas and promises, apologies and confessions. Grandpa paid no heed.

Todd howled and sobbed until he couldnt speak anymore for the choking, strangling, heaving sobs and bawling shrieks bursting forth. Still Grandpa blanketed the overturned boys behind with the blasts of that paddle. It was astonishing how fast he delivered such a thorough, sound punishment to his grandsons rearend, and how fast the boy capitulated to the repeated, chastening impacts from the strap. He regressed to a small, young boy, entreating his Grandfather, through squalling and wailing, to stop spanking him. In less than 10 minutes, Grandpa had charred his grandsons bottom and brought him into line like a sorry, crying, young boy.

Unaware of the elapse of time, Todd next found himself back on his feet. Grandpa firmly pulled his thin grandson up off his lap, and stood him in front of him, while the young man doubled over, stomped and jumped up and down, dancing the "spanked-little-boy-dance," heaving, and weeping. After a few more minutes, Grandpa hiked the boxers and jeans back up over the smoldering behind of the trembling, young, college student.

Todds hair was disheveled and out of place, his face streaked with tears, his eyes and face scarlet from weeping and wailing, his bottom really smoking and stinging and burning; but, otherwise, no harm done. Grandpa held him tightly in his bear-hug until the boy calmed down, then took him by the arm, led him out of the barn, and ushered him back to the farmhouse. "Hurry! Get showered and dressed, Toddy! Were leaving for the airport in an hour." Awkwardly, Todd ran back to his bathroom, closed the door, stripped off his clothes, and jumped into the shower. His bottom was in agony as the water cascaded over his head, face, and body; but he was excited about the prospect of flying to Texas and spending Christmas with his parents and sisters.

The hour-long ride to the airport with his Grandfather was excruciatingly painful and largely in awkward silence. Again and again Todd kept thinking, how can this be? Here he was, leaving to fly to Houston for Christmas with his family, and his Grandpa had just unbelievably blistered his butt! At the airport, Grandfather and grandson hugged. Then Todd turned to enter the long concourse toward the gate. Grandpa could not follow, but waived and spoke, "Be a good, Toddy. Grandma and I love you."

"I will. I love you both too," Todd called back, then began walking away toward his gate. As he walked awkwardly, it seemed to the thin, lanky young college student that it had to be obvious to people in the airport, and especially on the plane, that something upsetting had recently happened to this young man, before his arrival at the airport. He kept his eyes cast downward, deliberately avoiding bringing his eyes to look at anyone, almost fearing that a direct stare from anyone would giveaway the embarrassing secret of his having been spanked recently.

Sitting down gingerly in the seat on the plane, his bottom throbbed with painful discomfort from his weight against the seat cushion. He forced himself to smile politely and speak courteously, if softly, to the flight attendant when she asked what he would like for lunch. When his meal arrived, he ate in painful, teary-eyed silence, shifting constantly in unsuccessful efforts to find a comfortable position to sit. Afterwards, he sat uncomfortably in self-conscious, painful silence for a while, riding on a red-hot, blistered bottom.

Finally, he fell asleep, dreaming wild hallucinations of coming of the plane to meet his parents and sisters, only suddenly to have his jeans and boxers stripped down and be taken over his Grandpas knees, writhing and shrieking with pain and shame, while being spanked in front of everyone in the terminal. He abruptly awakened, vaguely aware that he had exclaimed loud sounds just before regaining consciousness. Furtively he looked around quickly, but no one seemed to be paying any special attention to him, and he sighed with relief.

When the plane landed, and taxied to the terminal in Houston, he gathered himself and stood his long, lean frame up, and waited with eyes downcast, until he could exit. He was excited as he walked stiffly down the long corridor out to where his parents were waiting for him. The enthusiastic greeting was wonderful, as they hugged, and his sisters, circled his waist. He followed them all to baggage claim, and then out of the terminal to the car.

The more than two weeks with his parents flew by, and Todd hungrily relished the time he spent with them after almost 4 months. Although he had always been basically a respectful son, his parents noticed that he seemed to seek their opinions, approval, – even permission – more than they had remembered him. It was almost like he expected somebody else to be in charge of him. His father commented to his Mom that Todd seemed almost younger, more dependent, hesitant, and cautious than he remembered his son. Todds mother replied that he hadnt seen Todd in nearly 4 months, and after all the young mans life must be rather narrow and confined, living and working fulltime on the farm, and also going to school fulltime. Still, Todds Dad surmised, coorectly, that the changes he observed in Todd were the result of his Grandfathers dominant supervision over him.

Early Sunday afternoon, following the New Year, Todd hugged and kissed his parents and sisters at Houston Intercontinental, then boarded the plane bound for Superior, Wisconsin. When he arrived Sunday night, Grandpa and Grandma Jamison were waiting for him. His Grandfather took his bags and pushed him up to walk with his Grandmother. Todd left Houston feeling melancoly sadness about leaving his family; but when he spotted his Grandparents, his notalgia was commingled with happiness to see his Grandparents.

Monday morning his life resumed where it had left off when he flew out to visit his parents in Houston, as he also began a new semester. This time, however, he only took 9 hours, so he could be sure to have enough time to get all the work done, do well in his classes, and improve his grade point average. Once again, his Grandpa handed him another check to pay his tuition, and some cash to buy books with. Even six months later, Todd was still awed this his Grandparents would so willingly take care of him like this.

Five days later, however, on Saturday morning, January 12, after the early morning chores and breakfast, Grandpa Jamison told Todd to go out to the third level of the barn, and wait for him. The preceding five days, since he returned from visiting his parents in Texas, Todd had been worrying and wondering, off and on, about whether, maybe, his Grandfather would let him off from the rest of his punishment, and he would not have to get more spankings. As soon as Grandpa ordered him to the barn, he knew what the reality was.

For the next three Saturdays – through January 26 – Grandpa finished the remaining punishment that he had promised Todd. Each time, Todd briefly tried to talk and negotiate his Grandfather out of disciplining him; but it always failed. Each time, as he watched his Grandfather remove the long, leather strap from the barn wall, he began to tremble and weep softly. Each time, he thrashed around, bucking and bouncing on his Grandfathers knee, frantically begging, pleading, confessing, promising, to try to avoid – then to shorten – the whipping; but it always failed. Each time, he collapsed more quickly into bawling and sobbing, choking and gasping, then shrieking and wailing, for the rest of the punishment. Each time, when it was finally over, he stood, heaving, shaking, and weeping, clasping his throbbing behind, thinking over and over how sorry he was that he had lied and acted contrary to his Grandparents approval. Each time, afterwards, he painfully and unassumingly accompanied his Grandpa throughout the rest of the day, helping him work the farm.

After those six, Saturday morning spankings, Todd was an even more careful young man, about obeying his Grandparents, about being honest and responsible, and about being respectful in his talk and actions. He stopped speeding, and with only 9 credit hours, he worked hard and got a 4.0 grade point for the spring semester. He was excitedly surprised, and his Grandparents were delighted with his success – as were his parents when he told them the next Sunday afternoon when they called.

Although he wanted to go to summer school, the classes he needed were not offered. So, he worked fulltime with his Grandfather on the farm, and extended his graduation by another semester, taking the remaining courses in the fall semester. All the while, he stayed out of any more disciplinary trouble with his Grandparents for several more months.

More stories by Graham