Jackie III: Jackie Evens the Score

by Will Faber <will_faber@supernews.com>

Jackie got up at 6:30 the following morning. He had awakened even earlier, about 30 minutes earlier in fact, but he had lain in bed rubbing his head, and other places. That always helped him come up with ideas for things that he wanted to do, some of which he might even manage to do.

Jimmy was still fast asleep. Good. As soon as Jackie had thrown back the covers and jumped out of bed, he immediately felt the chill morning air nipping at not only his legs but also his bottom. Reminded of his condition, he made a face of disgust and quietly skipped over to the: chest of drawers and, opening the lowest one, pulled out clean, white briefs, which he swiftly changed Into, shucking and kicking away the seatless pair that he had been made to sleep in. Wiggling out of his pajama shirt, he quickly selected and put on a brown knit shirt and tan shorts, white knee-socks and tennis shoes. Then he was on his way, well before Jimmy awakened as he invariably did for the early morning cartoons. As for his parents, he knew it would take an act of God or Congress to get them up before noon on Saturday.

Out in the storage room behind the garage, Jackie found what he wanted: the enema set that had belonged to his grandmother or some other relative who had died before he could remember. His mother quite preferred her own equipment, thank you, and had either totally forgotten about this particular legacy or just never conceived that Jackie might ever see or want it for any reason.

IT, however, was to play a crucial role in Jackie's plans for the day. Although somewhat bulky, the case was not really heavy, even for a twelve-year-old to carry. Another fifteen minutes saw Jackie safely depositing and examining his prize in his hideaway.

About half a mile from his home was a wooded area with a swift, shallow creek running through it. These woods were too dense to be called a park, too small to harbor wild animals other than a few raccoons; even the creek was too small to be much good for fishing most of the year. Nobody was quite sure who owned this land or what could or should be done with it. In short it was the perfect place for kids to fulfill their dreams in independence from the adult world. Down a narrow wending trail one came to a small clearing by the creek. Here Jackie had built a small lean-to out of sticks, vines and grass, and spread a tarpaulin for a floor. Squatting down in this shelter, he carefully inspected the contents of the leather case. Well, there was a syringe enema with an eight-ounce bulb of red rubber and a black nozzle of plastic or harder rubber; there was also a big red rubber baglike enema that would hold about two quarts of water; the latter had a very long hoselike tube that clipped on to the bag at one end and ended in a hard tip at the other; Jackie was familiar with both items, having been on the receiving end or both models In his mother's kit several times In earlier childhood, though not on a regular basis. The kit also contained a near-empty jar of lubricant and some additional syringe nozzles, one smaller, one larger and flatter than the standard kind. Jackie was familiar with the purpose or the former, not of the latter.

Returning the articles to their case, he hid the kit in a corner of the shelter. Then he set off to see his best friend Andy, who also happened to be Phil's older brother.

"Yeah," Andy agreed after hearing Jackie's recent troubles and present plan, "those little twerps need to be taught a lesson all right. Only let's lay off the heavy stuff as far as Phil is concerned. Our parents may be in Europe, but we got our cousin Mark takin' care of us, and I'll either be dead or wishin' I was if I did anything to him and Mark found out. And believe me, he'd find out. He sees all of us bare a lot more and a lot longer than even our mom and dad, see?"'he concluded by leading Jackie down the hall and pointing into the den. Jackie looked in. At the far end of the room ten-yearold Phil and seven-year-old Brucie respectively sat and sprawled on the floor, completely absorbed in the cartoons on television. Phil was wearing socks, underpants, and the top half of his pajamas. Brucie was wearing only his pajama tops. Tiptoeing away from the doorway and back down the hall, Andy concluded: "Anything you'd do, it'd show one way or another."

"Let me worry about that," Jackie answered in annoyance. "Just you get down t. o the hideout with Phil in an hour. I'll meet you there with Jimmy."

"Brucie might want to come too. How'm l gonna keep him here?"

"Hmm... If he got sick, he wouldn't feel like going. You got any Ex-Lax in the house?"

"Brucie won't eat it. He knows what it is."

"Does he drink chocolate miLk?"

"Sure. All the time."

"Good. Then you melt down a couple of bars of Ex-Lax and serve Brucie his chocolate milk. If Mark asks why Brucie got the craps, who knows? The milk or the chocolate syrup or some other junk that he ate had gone bad. That's all!"

"Jackie, you're a genius!"

* * * * *

A little over an hour later everything had gone like clockwork, and--while a very puzzled and disappointed Brucie was stuck at home on the toilet, grunting a blue er, rather, a brown streak-- the other four boys got together at the hideout.

"So, what game are we gonna play today?" Jimmy asked.

"We're gonna play 'masters and slaves,'" Jackie answered.

"I never heard or that," said Phil. "How's that played?"

"It's very simple,"Andy explained. "Jackie and I are the masters-- you two are our slaves."

"I don't wanna play that game!" Jimmy whined.

"Slaves don't have any choice. They have to do what their masters say." Jackie informed him.

"I'm goin' home!'" Jimmy declared.

"Oh, no, you're not!" Jackie replied, grabbing him by one wrist. At his nod, Andy grabbed the other. Jackie quickly produced the locking handcuffs from his Junior Policeman kit and, pulling Jimmy's wrists around the slender trunk of a peach tree, deftly snapped the cuffs on him.

They looked around at Phil. That boy made no attempt to run away; a basic trust in his older brother, aroused curiosity, or some other force kept him present and even half-cooperative in the extremely novel scenario that now unfolded before him and involved him as a character.

"We won't tie you up if you promise not to run away," they said to him carefully. "Are you going to?"

"Uh-uh, I promise!" the smaller boy answered candidly.

" And you better not tell either, no matter what happens today."

"I won 't tell," the slender little blond boy said, a mixture of curiosity and sadness showing in his clear brown eyes,"long as you don't hurt me."

"Phil," Andy respond ed , "we won't HARM you, but you and Jimmy both have to learn a lesson."

"All right, but what, is it?"

"There's a divine right of older brothers and bigger boys: Don't make fun of them, or mouth off to them unless you're ready for more trouble than you ever dreamed of."

"But what did I do?"

"Awhile ago you walked in on Jackie after he'd just gotten a spanking and still had his bottom bare, but then you had to go and tell the whole neighborhood about Jackie's punishment when it was no little kid's business. Well, what do you tell Jackie?"

"I'm sorry, Jackie," Phil said sincerely.

"You're sorry, WHO?" Jackie asked domineeringly.

"I'm sorry, Sir."

"Show it!" Jackie commanded.

"How do I do that?"'Phil asked.

"First, get your pants off."

"Out here?"

"That's right, slave."

Slowly Phil unbuckled his belt, undid the snap and zipper, slid his jeans down over his hips revealing his clean white cotton jockey briefs, then let them fall to his knees, then to his ankles. Still seeing stern looks, he inquired: "Is that all right?"

"I said 'off,' not 'down. '" Jackie insisted.

"Step out of them, hang them on a branch, and walk away from them."

Phil obeyed, feeling very embarrassed and vulnerable. Lounging around the house in underpants was one thing; outside it was quite different. Even if he'd done it before, it was not the sort of thing that one got used to.

"Come over here, face me and turn your back to Jackie," Andy commanded .

Phil obeyed.

"Show Jackie your bottom."

"I am," Phil replied, sticking his cotton-clad behind out toward Jackie.

"Your bare bottom, dummy."


Phil lowered his underpants in the rear. At once Jackie noticed the now fading set of five parallel bluish lines acrose both bottomcheeks.

"Aha!" Jackie exclaimed, "So he got a spankin' too! And not long ago either... But your folks are out of town!"

"That's right," Andy explained. "You see, we got our cousin Mark stayin' with us, and he spanks harder than our Mom or Dad. He used a switch on Phil a week ago. He's a nice guy, but he sure does believe in spankin'!"

"He makes you keep your pants off afterward, too," Jackie stated.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Andy asked.

"Oh, Larry told me he saw you all at the shopping center last week, and instead of pants Phil had on underpants and Brucie had on a diaper (which really suits him anyway!). Was that Mark's idea?"

"Yeah. He wouldn't do that to me, though."

"How do you know?" Jackie teased him.

"Just 'cause he wouldn't," Andy replied emphatically.

The resumption of Jimmy's whining ended this banter. "Let me go, or I'm gonna tell!" he threatened.

"We'll see about that," Jackie snorted. Using a small, flat rock for a hammer, he drove a small stake into the ground a few feet behind Jimmy. Then, while Andy forced Jimmy into a position where his knees were slightly bent and his bottom thrust out like a football lineman at the beginning of the play, Jackie tied one end of a long cotton string securely around the head of the stake, the other around Jimmy's scrotum. Thus, as Jimmy real! zed as soon as Andy let go of him, he had to stay in that position:, with his knees slightly bent and his bare bottom stuck out. The only alternative to standing absolutely still was to stick his bottom out even more (of course, handcuffed to the tree as he was, even for that small freedom he only had less than a foot of leeway). Now even if he jerked to the right or left, the pain would be unthinkably awful. Utterly helpless, Jimmy wondered what they were going to do to him. He soon found out.

"OW!" he yelled as someone smacked him hard across his bottom. " OWWW! OWW! OWWWWW"'he bawled and squalled as Jackie and Andy took turns spanking him again and again.

Finally he heard Andy say resolutely, "AlI right, Jackie, that's enough. We better not spank him any more now. Look how red his butt's gettin'!

Then came his brother's reply:

"No redder than it ought to look after a spankin'!"

"Jackie, that's ENOUGH!"

"All right, Andy. Now we'll get out our thermometer and take his temperature."

At this suggestion Andy started giggling. Until this year, when they had become big seventh graders, Jackie and Andy, when certain of being alone, had a favorite "doctor" game to play at this spot: while they masturbated together, each would "take the other guy's temperature"'by gently inserting a pencil's rubbered eraser end several inches into his buddy's rectum.

"Hey, don't stick anything up my beehiney!" Jimmy begged.

"Please don't. Oh, no! NO! Quit! That's not a thermometer! Take it out! Oh, I hate you!"

Predictably, no sooner had Jackie inserted the "thermometer" than Jimmy clenched his teeth, flexed his sphincter, and grunted it out. Jackie and Andy looked down at their "thermometer" with disgust: The end of it was covered by a gob of _s_h_i_t_.

"Well," Jackie concluded,"I guess we better give them the rest of the treatment; it sure looks like Jimmy needs it."

"What do you mean?" Phil asked apprehensively.

"Quiet, slave," Jackie told him. "That's for us to know and you to find out." Nodding to Andy to keep watch, Jackie skipped off down to the creek. A moment later he returned with a wet, full, red rubber object in each hand.

"No! PLEASE DON'T! I'll do anything you say! I promise never to tell on you again! I'll be your slave! I'll kiss your feet! I'll go around naked all day if you want me to! You can give me ten spankings! Anything--only please, please, please DON'T GIVE ME AN ENEMA!" JImmy pleaded-- all in vain.

Jackie and Andy forced. him to position himself so that he had his hands, knees and shoulders on the ground and his bottom up high above the rest of his body. Spitting on the nozzle for lubrication, Jackie carefully inserted somewhere between eight inches and a foot of tubing into his brother's bowels. Then he released the flow, hanging the bag on the lowest branch of the peach tree, breaking off another one and stripping off the leaves. In a few seconds he heard Jimmy squeal piteously:

"Jaaackiee! It's COLD!"

"It sure is!" Jack! e taunted him. ("It's also muddy and stinky, but you won't notice that from that end," he mused.)

"All right, Phil, it's your turn now. Take off your underpants and bend over,"Jackie said.

"Aw, come on, please, not off... Oh, all right" Phil finally agreed when he saw both older boys approaching him. His own little _d_i_c_k_ stood up so stiff and hard that, as he submitted his behind to the older boys, he hung his underpants on his own erection, which grew even stiffer as he felt his cheeks parted and the syringe inserted in his hole. An instant later, however, another sensation made it go soft quite rapidly, and Phil had to clutch his jockeys Instantly to prevent them from fall to the damp earth:

"Yeoww! That water is cold! Jackie, that's mean!"

But at least Phil was allowed to empty his bowels in peace, wiping himself afterwards with some broad leaves. As soon as Jimmy tried to evacuate the enema, his bare bottom and thighs felt the cruel sting of Jackie's switch!

After that day, parents or no parents, Jimmy and Ph! l knew who was boss in the neighborhood!


More stories byWill Faber