Prefects Pleasure I

by FW <>

Prefects Pleasure I

Hugh Keller, 15, stared apprehensively trying to concentrate on his homework but his mind was focused on what was shortly to happen. He glanced across the prep room to Ivor Indyg and Chris Chapman who were his partners in crime. Ivor glanced up and caught Hugh's eye with a look of fear. Hugh shrugged his shoulders as if to say "we knew the risks and so we bave to accept the punishment." The three of them waited knowing that sooner or later they would be summoned to the Head Prefect's study.

That morning the three had hatched their plan to sabotage their science class by turning on the Bunsen burners and making their science classroom unfit for work. Hugh was the ringleader who hated science with a passion but Ivor and Chris were willing accomplices. The three had left breakfast as quickly as possible in order to get to the science labs before the yard outside began filling with the other students. Ivor and Chris had hoisted Hugh up to the open window and Hugh had clambered inside to turn on the gas supply. Unfortunately for the three, Evans the Senior House Prefect had observed their early departure from breakfast and, once he had completed his own, decided to see what the three were up to.

Evans was a tall, blond 17 year old student with a muscular body, and "drop dead" handsomeness and a barely hidden _s_e_x_ual disposition towards the younger students. He was regarded well by all the students and was a "turn on,' for quite a number of them.

Evans checked the dormitory first and, not finding any of the three boys he was looking for, wandered out into the school grounds just in time to see Hugh's legs disappearing through the open wmdow of the science lab. Sensing a need for action, Evans went around the rear of the building and waited until he heard the two boys on the outside assisting the third down to the ground. Evans then casually wandered around the corner of the building and feigned surprise as meeting the three lads, "Good morning" said Evans to which the three boys responded courteously.

"Didn't know you liked science that much Keller" said Evans addressing High with a sarcastic tone to his voice "Come with me, all of you" he directed.

Without any hope of avoiding the inevitable Hugh. Ivor and Chris followed Evans to the School Secretary's office where he fetched the key to the science wing and proceeded to the room in question. Opening the door, Evans immediately knew what had transpired and said to the three "Get in there and turn off the gas" and added "and I'll see each of you. tonight". With that, Evans turned to leave.

"_f_u_c_k_" exclaimed Hugh as he led the trio into the lab to turn off the gas. Their mission having been aborted, Hugh, Chris and Ivor opened the windows to let the gas escape and then returned to their dormitory to prepare for their first class.

"What do you think we'll get?" asked Ivor, breaking the uneasy silence.

"A beating for sure" replied Chris, "but how many I couldn't guess".

"Well, it was worth a try" said Hugh "and I don't care if Evans does beat us".

The day then proceeded to drag on and on for each of the three boys. During the lunch break the three got together to share their common concern and fear and each had great difficulty in concentrating on their work throughout the day.

School ended at 3:OO pm and the boys went to their dorms to change from their uniforms to sports gear along with the rest of their mates. Just as Hugh was changing his long pants for a pair of shorts, Jamie, a good friend walked past his and patting his buttocks said "these will be nicely striped tonight I hear". Hugh gave a snort and replied "yeah, Evans caught us out this morning playing a prank".

All the boys in the School House knew what had happened and what the inevitable outcome would be so each of the boys spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening being teased about the cariing they were to receive later. Generally the banter was good humored but the occasional hint of glee entered the commentary every now and then

After playing tennis for about and hour, the boys went up to the House to their dorms to shower and change for dinner, The jesting which had been prominent earlier started to ease off as the day drew to its close since each of the other boys knew that a caning was really not a laughing matter.

During dinner Hugh, Chris and Ivor were the subject of scrutiny as each of the other boys checked to see how stoically they awaited their fate. Evans sat at the Prefects table with the House Master and discussed the incident which had brought the three boys to this point.

"A sound thraslung seems in order" said the House Master who had formally to approve any beating of more than three strokes under the imformal guidelines which governed discipline at the boarding school. "Yes" he reflected, "a sound beating for entering the labs and one for doing such a dangerous and idiotic thing as to turn on the gas. Just imagine if Freddy (the boys' chain smoking science master) had walked in their with a cigarette we could have had some serious damage. No, I think you should deal with them as severely as you wish." Evans listened to the House Master's comments and glanced in the direction of the three miscreants and nodded his head as if to confirm to himself the seriousness with which the matter should be treated.

After dinner all the boys went to prep to undertake their various assignments for the next day. Some read while others undertook more demanding problem solving tasks. An uneasy nervonsness pervaded the third form prep room where Hugh, Ivor, and Chris were pretending to read their text books.

Prep lasted for two hours for the third and fourth forms and then there was time for games before turnmg in.

Evans at this time was in his study on the third floor of the nineteenth century building chatting to Williams, another Senior Prefect

"What to you reckon" asked Evans, "six of the best?"

"Don't be silly" replied Williams. "they are guilty on at least two charges and the boss (the House Master) has already indicated that they should be given a severe beating. I reckon that six on each count for the two acolytes, and eight for Keller as the ringleader is the very least I would give. "And", he added, "I would leave them with as little protection as possible. Actually, given the cute bottoms on each of them, I wouldn't mind seeing them naked but that is against the rules."

"I need a witness" said Evans, "will you do the honours?"

"Happy to" replied Williams. "When?"

"I thought I'd let them stew for a while," said Evans. "How about in half an hour?"

"Fine" said Williams as he turned to go back to his second form prep class which he supervised.

Evans remained sitting in his large leather armchair concerned about his conflicting emotions. While he knew that his duty required that he punish all three boys with equal ferocity, he also had a strong attraction to Keller and had long wanted to seduce him, Whereas Wjlliams and most of the other Prefects had well established relationships with younger boys (their "bum boys" as they were known), Evans boy Jackson had not returned to school at the beginning of the term and Evans was in need of a companion. Hugh Keller although a year older than most assistants (as they were fondly designated) had all the characteristics which Evans admired Hugh was well built, athletic, blond with a "peaches and cream complexion, witty and had a beautitful firm, rounded bottom. Beating Keller would cause resentment, Evans thought and getting Hugh to fill the role of his assistant would be therefore impossible. Evans brooded and slowly saw the elements of a strategy which might just work. He was about to go to the gymnasium to select several canes for the evenings discipline when he realised that Williams would have to agree so he went directly to William's study to sound him out.

While Evans and Williams were talking, Hugh, Ivor and Chris were starting to feel more and more uncomfortable. With the elapse of time they even dared think that, just maybe, they would escape punishment. But with each rise in hope came the realisation that their punishment was inevitable and their spirits sagged even lower. Such was their nervousness that they no longer looked at each other and simply stared at their books waiting and thinking of the pain that their buttocks were going to receive.

After a seemingly interminable wait, the door of the third form prep room was opened by Williams assistant Phillips who went directly to Ivor and said quietly "Indyg, you are required in Evans study". Without a word, Ivor got up, straightened his shoulders and walked slowly out of the room and up the two flights of stairs to Evans' room. Sweating a little, Ivor reached out and knocked on the door. After what seemed an eternity, the door was opened by Williams who stepped back to admit the wayward boy.

Ivor entered and walked to where Evans was seated.

Evans was silent for a moment, looking the boy over. Ivor was rather handsome thought Evans but it was his bottom which Evans and others had admired most - firm and round and just right for caning.

"Your prank this morning was stupid and irresponsible Indyg," said Evans. "You not only assisted Keller in breaking into the lab but you participated in an act which could have led to serious damage, perhaps even personal injury" he continued. "After speaking to the House Master, I have decided to cane you twice, first for assisting in the break in and separately for the danger your prank posed to property, students and staff, Have you anything to say?"

Ivor knew that there was nothing that could be said that would change the situation and simply shook his head.

Evans, who had. not had time to fetch the canes from the gymnasium, then gave instructions to Indyg. "You are to go to the gym" he said, "and fetch three canes from the cupboard. You will return here and we will get the first dose of your punishment over. Remember, three of the canes which are used for the senior boys - not those thin ones used for the juniors!"

Ivor was nonplused by the need to go and fetch the canes but did as instructed. Down the stairs and across to the gym be went and then to the cupboard behind the stage in the storage area. The cupboard was not locked, no one was likely to steal such things. On one shelf was a box containing many canes. Ivor knew what was expected and selected three of the four foot ones which were about the diameter of his smaller fingers. He closed the cupboard and trudged back the Evans' study, knocked and entered.

Evans took the canes from Indyg and instructed him to lower his trousers and to bend over the large table at the far end of the room. Ivor was about to protest but realised that, given the gravity with which the prank was being treated, argument would be futile Ivor walked to the table and slowly undid his belt, lowered his trousers, stepped out of tbem, folded them neatly and bent over the table, gripping the far side for all he was worth.

"A wonderfull sight" commented Evans to Williams who laughed qmetly.

"I will give you six now Indyg with the second installment in one hour's time said Evans.

Ivor thought he was going to be sick. Six of the best now and another six later was surely going to make him scream. The most he had had before was four and then he cried a little. The other boys didn't like seeing boys cry at or after punishment, but many did.

As he was trying to take in his situation, Ivor heard the little short run which Evans took when flogging a boy and the next instant felt the snap of the cane on his buttocks. He felt no pain for a moment and then a fierce flame seemed to sear into his bottom. Evans repeated the stroke five more times aiming first from the point where Indyg's bottom met his thighs up to the top of his quivering buttocks. Indyg stifled a sob at the fifth stroke and let out a slight cry at the sixth.

When the six strokes were over, Evans told Ivor to get dressed and to go and tell Chapman that he was to report to the study immediately

Ivor gingerly got up and put on his trousers and walked awkwardly out of the study and down to the prep room. As be did so Evans final comment "I'll see you in an hour" seemed to reverberate through his head.

Outside the prep room Ivor rubbed his bottom fiercely to try and alleviate the pain, straightened his hair and wiped his eyes and then entered with a manly step aware that the eyes of all his fellow student and friends were on him. Ivor walked up to where Chapman was seated and said "You're to go right up Chris".

As Chris walked out of the roorn, Ivor walked to his seat and quite gingerly sat down, He couldn't talk to Hugh who was desperate to know how many strokes they were getting so Ivor wrote "6 x 2" on a piece of paper and had it passed down the aisle to Hugh. Immediately on reading the note Hugh looked startled and fear showed in his face.

Chapman meanwhile had trudged up the two flights of stairs to his fate. The same lecture greeted him and the same procedure followed. Chris was used to the cane, having been in more trouble than most students but was genuinely afraid when told that he would get two doses in the same night. Chris took the first set of six without a sound but did a little dance outside the Prefect's room to try and ease the pain in his behind. He returned to the prep room and simply nodded his bead at Hugh to indicate that it was his turn.

Hugh Keller made his was to the study knowing only part of what was in store for him. Evans accused him of being the ringleader and therefore deserving of more severe punishment than the others. Hugh stared in disbelief as Evans said "I have decidcd to give you eight strokes for breaking into the lab, eight for endangering property and people, and a choice regarding the further punishment you deserve for using foul language when I caught you this morning." Hugh had not remembered until then that be had sworn but Evans had noted it and was going to use it to secure his ultimate goal.

When instructed to take of his trousers and bend over the table, Hugh realised that this was going to be one of the worst nights of his lift.

As Hugh assumed the required position, Evans and Williams were quietly discussing Evans' choice in boys and admiring Hugh's apparent charms. Williams seemed to agree with Evans' judgment in boys and was even perhaps a little jealous.

Evans went across the room to Hugh who was bent over waiting the first stroke and lifted the boy's shirttail. He then ran his hand over Keler's backside to remove the imagined wrinlles in the taut cotton underpants and then went back to the staring point of his short run up.

The first stroke startled Hugh because of its intensity, and its nearness to the top of his leg. As the pain leapt into his brain and registered then second arrived with equal intensity.

Hugh let out a heavy sigh, almost a sob. The next six strokes were delivered in measured time and by the last of the eight Hugh was crying quietly and his buttocks felt more pain than he could ever remember and more than he imagined possible.

After the last stroke Hugh just lay there until Evans told him to get up which he did very slowly. When he had straightened up Hugh went over to the chair and fetched his trousers. In agony he got dressed and as he left heard the same words that Evans had issued to the departing Indyg and Chapman before him. "I'll see you in an hour." Hugh shuddered at the thought.

Before returning to the prep room, Hugh stopped in one of the bathrooms to wash his face and straighten himself up so that he would not look too bad. He reached the prep room just as the prep period ended so he quickly joined Ivor and Chris, collected his books and went off to the dormitory. It was there that the three had their first chance to discuss their punishment and display their striped backsides for their fellow students as required by ritual. Each displayed evenly spaced weals which looked as they felt, extremely painfull. The time was approaching for the second session and Ivor, in particular, was trembling.

He was not at all sure that he could endure another six strokes and intended to appeal to Evans' generally good nature for leniency. With the wishes of his fellow dorm mates for luck with him, Ivor went back up stairs to Evans' study fully conscious that, now that everyone was in the dorm, they would all hear the sounds of his beating which would could often be hear through the ceiling.

As Ivor shakily knocked on Evans' study door Hugh and Chris were discussing Evans' sentence of "additional punishment". "I don't know what he has in mind" said Hugh, "I thought he rather fancied me."

Chris expressed confusion as well but noted, "After sixteen strokes I don't think I could take any more. Maybe he just intends to give you detention or something. After all, swearing isn't that much of an offbnse."

Suddenly all went quiet in the dorm as the first steps of Evans' run could he heard through the ceiling. The familiar crack of the cane striking a boy's flesh caused everyone to wince, especially Hugh and Chris. Looks of sympathy came from the other boys as each of them considered what was yet to come.

The second stroke clearly caught Ivor across an existing weal for the crack of the cane was followed by a distressed cry of pain.

While the boys downstairs were listening, Ivor was clinging onto the table upstairs for dear life. He no longer cared about keeping silent and not showing that he was hurting. All the manly bravado which was part of the students' code was irrelevant as the cane landed across the weals inflicted just an hour before. Ivor's legs shook and only his tight grip on the table prevented him from falling. While his plea for leniency to Evans had fallen on deaf ears, Ivor was being dealt wit less severely than might otherwise be the case, even if Ivor didn't appreciate the fact. Evans had taken pity on the boy and was holding back from using all his power in delivering this set of six. Evans concentrated on the matter in hand but his mind was wandering to the future when Hugh Keller would he there.

When Evans delivered the sixth and final stroke, Ivor was sobbing continuously and didn't realise that the punishment was over. Evans went across to the boy and put his hand on his shoulder and said: "Its over, you did well. Now get those pants on and go and shower before bed." There was a gentleness in Evans voice which seemed to make Ivor feel better despite the pain.

As he reached for his pants, Ivor knew that there was some broken skin on his backside and some traces of blood. He eased his trousers on with great care, said "good evening" to Evans and Williams and left. As he went down to his dormitory on the second floor, Ivor tried as best he could to dry his eyes but he knew that there was no way of disguising the fact that he had been crying, everyone would have heard.

As Ivor reached the dorm, Chris walked out. Chris put his hand on Ivor's shoulder as if to say "it's okay to cry" and went on his journey. Ivor went to his bed and got his pyjanas, hoping to go straight to the showers, but his fellow students demanded that be display the results of Evans' handiwork. Ivor stripped quickly and showed a well striped backside which bad a few spots of blood were the weals had intersected. Jamie, one of Ivor's closest friends observed that "at least most of them don't cross so there isn't much damage". Ivor was not so sure, from his perspective his bum was like a cauldron of flame. Naked, he walked to the showers, eager to get some soothing water on the fire in his bum.

Chris by that stage had arrived at Evans' study and was removing his trousers. Neither Evans nor Williams had much sympathy for Chris Chapman because he of his record as a troublemaker. Evans was determined to make Chris squeal and eyed the youth's solid backside as a sort of challenge.

When Chris bent over the table Evans immediately began tbe caning with the hardest blow he could manage. Chris pushed the heavy table forward and inch or so, such was the violence of the impact, and let out a loud cry. The following stokes were given in swift succession and each brought a sob from Chapman. At the end Evans and Williams both noted with satisfaction that Chris was crying and a small amount of blood was evident through his underpants.

For his part, Chris was in more agony than he bad expected and was ashamed that he had cried out. He resented what he regarded as his own failure and was not looking forward to having to show the dorm the results both on his body and on his face. He dressed as quickly as he could and went downstairs to the dorm.

As the ritual display began, Hugh Keller left, not wanting to see the results. Hugh's bottom still hurt from the first visit to Evans' study and he dreaded what was about to happen.


Prefects Pleasure I

Hugh Keller, 15, stared apprehensively trying to concentrate on his homework but his mind was focused on what was shortly to happen. He glanced across the prep room to Ivor Indyg and Chris Chapman who were his partners in crime. Ivor glanced up and caught Hugh's eye with a look of fear. Hugh shrugged his shoulders as if to say "we knew the risks and so we bave to accept the punishment." The three of them waited knowing that sooner or later they would be summoned to the Head Prefect's study.

That morning the three had hatched their plan to sabotage their science class by turning on the Bunsen burners and making their science classroom unfit for work. Hugh was the ringleader who hated science with a passion but Ivor and Chris were willing accomplices. The three had left breakfast as quickly as possible in order to get to the science labs before the yard outside began filling with the other students. Ivor and Chris had hoisted Hugh up to the open window and Hugh had clambered inside to turn on the gas supply. Unfortunately for the three, Evans the Senior House Prefect had observed their early departure from breakfast and, once he had completed his own, decided to see what the three were up to.

Evans was a tall, blond 17 year old student with a muscular body, and "drop dead" handsomeness and a barely hidden _s_e_x_ual disposition towards the younger students. He was regarded well by all the students and was a "turn on,' for quite a number of them.

Evans checked the dormitory first and, not finding any of the three boys he was looking for, wandered out into the school grounds just in time to see Hugh's legs disappearing through the open wmdow of the science lab. Sensing a need for action, Evans went around the rear of the building and waited until he heard the two boys on the outside assisting the third down to the ground. Evans then casually wandered around the corner of the building and feigned surprise as meeting the three lads, "Good morning" said Evans to which the three boys responded courteously.

"Didn't know you liked science that much Keller" said Evans addressing High with a sarcastic tone to his voice "Come with me, all of you" he directed.

Without any hope of avoiding the inevitable Hugh. Ivor and Chris followed Evans to the School Secretary's office where he fetched the key to the science wing and proceeded to the room in question. Opening the door, Evans immediately knew what had transpired and said to the three "Get in there and turn off the gas" and added "and I'll see each of you. tonight". With that, Evans turned to leave.

"_f_u_c_k_" exclaimed Hugh as he led the trio into the lab to turn off the gas. Their mission having been aborted, Hugh, Chris and Ivor opened the windows to let the gas escape and then returned to their dormitory to prepare for their first class.

"What do you think we'll get?" asked Ivor, breaking the uneasy silence.

"A beating for sure" replied Chris, "but how many I couldn't guess".

"Well, it was worth a try" said Hugh "and I don't care if Evans does beat us".

The day then proceeded to drag on and on for each of the three boys. During the lunch break the three got together to share their common concern and fear and each had great difficulty in concentrating on their work throughout the day.

School ended at 3:OO pm and the boys went to their dorms to change from their uniforms to sports gear along with the rest of their mates. Just as Hugh was changing his long pants for a pair of shorts, Jamie, a good friend walked past his and patting his buttocks said "these will be nicely striped tonight I hear". Hugh gave a snort and replied "yeah, Evans caught us out this morning playing a prank".

All the boys in the School House knew what had happened and what the inevitable outcome would be so each of the boys spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening being teased about the cariing they were to receive later. Generally the banter was good humored but the occasional hint of glee entered the commentary every now and then

After playing tennis for about and hour, the boys went up to the House to their dorms to shower and change for dinner, The jesting which had been prominent earlier started to ease off as the day drew to its close since each of the other boys knew that a caning was really not a laughing matter.

During dinner Hugh, Chris and Ivor were the subject of scrutiny as each of the other boys checked to see how stoically they awaited their fate. Evans sat at the Prefects table with the House Master and discussed the incident which had brought the three boys to this point.

"A sound thraslung seems in order" said the House Master who had formally to approve any beating of more than three strokes under the imformal guidelines which governed discipline at the boarding school. "Yes" he reflected, "a sound beating for entering the labs and one for doing such a dangerous and idiotic thing as to turn on the gas. Just imagine if Freddy (the boys' chain smoking science master) had walked in their with a cigarette we could have had some serious damage. No, I think you should deal with them as severely as you wish." Evans listened to the House Master's comments and glanced in the direction of the three miscreants and nodded his head as if to confirm to himself the seriousness with which the matter should be treated.

After dinner all the boys went to prep to undertake their various assignments for the next day. Some read while others undertook more demanding problem solving tasks. An uneasy nervonsness pervaded the third form prep room where Hugh, Ivor, and Chris were pretending to read their text books.

Prep lasted for two hours for the third and fourth forms and then there was time for games before turnmg in.

Evans at this time was in his study on the third floor of the nineteenth century building chatting to Williams, another Senior Prefect

"What to you reckon" asked Evans, "six of the best?"

"Don't be silly" replied Williams. "they are guilty on at least two charges and the boss (the House Master) has already indicated that they should be given a severe beating. I reckon that six on each count for the two acolytes, and eight for Keller as the ringleader is the very least I would give. "And", he added, "I would leave them with as little protection as possible. Actually, given the cute bottoms on each of them, I wouldn't mind seeing them naked but that is against the rules."

"I need a witness" said Evans, "will you do the honours?"

"Happy to" replied Williams. "When?"

"I thought I'd let them stew for a while," said Evans. "How about in half an hour?"

"Fine" said Williams as he turned to go back to his second form prep class which he supervised.

Evans remained sitting in his large leather armchair concerned about his conflicting emotions. While he knew that his duty required that he punish all three boys with equal ferocity, he also had a strong attraction to Keller and had long wanted to seduce him, Whereas Wjlliams and most of the other Prefects had well established relationships with younger boys (their "bum boys" as they were known), Evans boy Jackson had not returned to school at the beginning of the term and Evans was in need of a companion. Hugh Keller although a year older than most assistants (as they were fondly designated) had all the characteristics which Evans admired Hugh was well built, athletic, blond with a "peaches and cream complexion, witty and had a beautitful firm, rounded bottom. Beating Keller would cause resentment, Evans thought and getting Hugh to fill the role of his assistant would be therefore impossible. Evans brooded and slowly saw the elements of a strategy which might just work. He was about to go to the gymnasium to select several canes for the evenings discipline when he realised that Williams would have to agree so he went directly to William's study to sound him out.

While Evans and Williams were talking, Hugh, Ivor and Chris were starting to feel more and more uncomfortable. With the elapse of time they even dared think that, just maybe, they would escape punishment. But with each rise in hope came the realisation that their punishment was inevitable and their spirits sagged even lower. Such was their nervousness that they no longer looked at each other and simply stared at their books waiting and thinking of the pain that their buttocks were going to receive.

After a seemingly interminable wait, the door of the third form prep room was opened by Williams assistant Phillips who went directly to Ivor and said quietly "Indyg, you are required in Evans study". Without a word, Ivor got up, straightened his shoulders and walked slowly out of the room and up the two flights of stairs to Evans' room. Sweating a little, Ivor reached out and knocked on the door. After what seemed an eternity, the door was opened by Williams who stepped back to admit the wayward boy.

Ivor entered and walked to where Evans was seated.

Evans was silent for a moment, looking the boy over. Ivor was rather handsome thought Evans but it was his bottom which Evans and others had admired most - firm and round and just right for caning.

"Your prank this morning was stupid and irresponsible Indyg," said Evans. "You not only assisted Keller in breaking into the lab but you participated in an act which could have led to serious damage, perhaps even personal injury" he continued. "After speaking to the House Master, I have decided to cane you twice, first for assisting in the break in and separately for the danger your prank posed to property, students and staff, Have you anything to say?"

Ivor knew that there was nothing that could be said that would change the situation and simply shook his head.

Evans, who had. not had time to fetch the canes from the gymnasium, then gave instructions to Indyg. "You are to go to the gym" he said, "and fetch three canes from the cupboard. You will return here and we will get the first dose of your punishment over. Remember, three of the canes which are used for the senior boys - not those thin ones used for the juniors!"

Ivor was nonplused by the need to go and fetch the canes but did as instructed. Down the stairs and across to the gym be went and then to the cupboard behind the stage in the storage area. The cupboard was not locked, no one was likely to steal such things. On one shelf was a box containing many canes. Ivor knew what was expected and selected three of the four foot ones which were about the diameter of his smaller fingers. He closed the cupboard and trudged back the Evans' study, knocked and entered.

Evans took the canes from Indyg and instructed him to lower his trousers and to bend over the large table at the far end of the room. Ivor was about to protest but realised that, given the gravity with which the prank was being treated, argument would be futile Ivor walked to the table and slowly undid his belt, lowered his trousers, stepped out of tbem, folded them neatly and bent over the table, gripping the far side for all he was worth.

"A wonderfull sight" commented Evans to Williams who laughed qmetly.

"I will give you six now Indyg with the second installment in one hour's time said Evans.

Ivor thought he was going to be sick. Six of the best now and another six later was surely going to make him scream. The most he had had before was four and then he cried a little. The other boys didn't like seeing boys cry at or after punishment, but many did.

As he was trying to take in his situation, Ivor heard the little short run which Evans took when flogging a boy and the next instant felt the snap of the cane on his buttocks. He felt no pain for a moment and then a fierce flame seemed to sear into his bottom. Evans repeated the stroke five more times aiming first from the point where Indyg's bottom met his thighs up to the top of his quivering buttocks. Indyg stifled a sob at the fifth stroke and let out a slight cry at the sixth.

When the six strokes were over, Evans told Ivor to get dressed and to go and tell Chapman that he was to report to the study immediately

Ivor gingerly got up and put on his trousers and walked awkwardly out of the study and down to the prep room. As be did so Evans final comment "I'll see you in an hour" seemed to reverberate through his head.

Outside the prep room Ivor rubbed his bottom fiercely to try and alleviate the pain, straightened his hair and wiped his eyes and then entered with a manly step aware that the eyes of all his fellow student and friends were on him. Ivor walked up to where Chapman was seated and said "You're to go right up Chris".

As Chris walked out of the roorn, Ivor walked to his seat and quite gingerly sat down, He couldn't talk to Hugh who was desperate to know how many strokes they were getting so Ivor wrote "6 x 2" on a piece of paper and had it passed down the aisle to Hugh. Immediately on reading the note Hugh looked startled and fear showed in his face.

Chapman meanwhile had trudged up the two flights of stairs to his fate. The same lecture greeted him and the same procedure followed. Chris was used to the cane, having been in more trouble than most students but was genuinely afraid when told that he would get two doses in the same night. Chris took the first set of six without a sound but did a little dance outside the Prefect's room to try and ease the pain in his behind. He returned to the prep room and simply nodded his bead at Hugh to indicate that it was his turn.

Hugh Keller made his was to the study knowing only part of what was in store for him. Evans accused him of being the ringleader and therefore deserving of more severe punishment than the others. Hugh stared in disbelief as Evans said "I have decidcd to give you eight strokes for breaking into the lab, eight for endangering property and people, and a choice regarding the further punishment you deserve for using foul language when I caught you this morning." Hugh had not remembered until then that be had sworn but Evans had noted it and was going to use it to secure his ultimate goal.

When instructed to take of his trousers and bend over the table, Hugh realised that this was going to be one of the worst nights of his lift.

As Hugh assumed the required position, Evans and Williams were quietly discussing Evans' choice in boys and admiring Hugh's apparent charms. Williams seemed to agree with Evans' judgment in boys and was even perhaps a little jealous.

Evans went across the room to Hugh who was bent over waiting the first stroke and lifted the boy's shirttail. He then ran his hand over Keler's backside to remove the imagined wrinlles in the taut cotton underpants and then went back to the staring point of his short run up.

The first stroke startled Hugh because of its intensity, and its nearness to the top of his leg. As the pain leapt into his brain and registered then second arrived with equal intensity.

Hugh let out a heavy sigh, almost a sob. The next six strokes were delivered in measured time and by the last of the eight Hugh was crying quietly and his buttocks felt more pain than he could ever remember and more than he imagined possible.

After the last stroke Hugh just lay there until Evans told him to get up which he did very slowly. When he had straightened up Hugh went over to the chair and fetched his trousers. In agony he got dressed and as he left heard the same words that Evans had issued to the departing Indyg and Chapman before him. "I'll see you in an hour." Hugh shuddered at the thought.

Before returning to the prep room, Hugh stopped in one of the bathrooms to wash his face and straighten himself up so that he would not look too bad. He reached the prep room just as the prep period ended so he quickly joined Ivor and Chris, collected his books and went off to the dormitory. It was there that the three had their first chance to discuss their punishment and display their striped backsides for their fellow students as required by ritual. Each displayed evenly spaced weals which looked as they felt, extremely painfull. The time was approaching for the second session and Ivor, in particular, was trembling.

He was not at all sure that he could endure another six strokes and intended to appeal to Evans' generally good nature for leniency. With the wishes of his fellow dorm mates for luck with him, Ivor went back up stairs to Evans' study fully conscious that, now that everyone was in the dorm, they would all hear the sounds of his beating which would could often be hear through the ceiling.

As Ivor shakily knocked on Evans' study door Hugh and Chris were discussing Evans' sentence of "additional punishment". "I don't know what he has in mind" said Hugh, "I thought he rather fancied me."

Chris expressed confusion as well but noted, "After sixteen strokes I don't think I could take any more. Maybe he just intends to give you detention or something. After all, swearing isn't that much of an offbnse."

Suddenly all went quiet in the dorm as the first steps of Evans' run could he heard through the ceiling. The familiar crack of the cane striking a boy's flesh caused everyone to wince, especially Hugh and Chris. Looks of sympathy came from the other boys as each of them considered what was yet to come.

The second stroke clearly caught Ivor across an existing weal for the crack of the cane was followed by a distressed cry of pain.

While the boys downstairs were listening, Ivor was clinging onto the table upstairs for dear life. He no longer cared about keeping silent and not showing that he was hurting. All the manly bravado which was part of the students' code was irrelevant as the cane landed across the weals inflicted just an hour before. Ivor's legs shook and only his tight grip on the table prevented him from falling. While his plea for leniency to Evans had fallen on deaf ears, Ivor was being dealt wit less severely than might otherwise be the case, even if Ivor didn't appreciate the fact. Evans had taken pity on the boy and was holding back from using all his power in delivering this set of six. Evans concentrated on the matter in hand but his mind was wandering to the future when Hugh Keller would he there.

When Evans delivered the sixth and final stroke, Ivor was sobbing continuously and didn't realise that the punishment was over. Evans went across to the boy and put his hand on his shoulder and said: "Its over, you did well. Now get those pants on and go and shower before bed." There was a gentleness in Evans voice which seemed to make Ivor feel better despite the pain.

As he reached for his pants, Ivor knew that there was some broken skin on his backside and some traces of blood. He eased his trousers on with great care, said "good evening" to Evans and Williams and left. As he went down to his dormitory on the second floor, Ivor tried as best he could to dry his eyes but he knew that there was no way of disguising the fact that he had been crying, everyone would have heard.

As Ivor reached the dorm, Chris walked out. Chris put his hand on Ivor's shoulder as if to say "it's okay to cry" and went on his journey. Ivor went to his bed and got his pyjanas, hoping to go straight to the showers, but his fellow students demanded that be display the results of Evans' handiwork. Ivor stripped quickly and showed a well striped backside which bad a few spots of blood were the weals had intersected. Jamie, one of Ivor's closest friends observed that "at least most of them don't cross so there isn't much damage". Ivor was not so sure, from his perspective his bum was like a cauldron of flame. Naked, he walked to the showers, eager to get some soothing water on the fire in his bum.

Chris by that stage had arrived at Evans' study and was removing his trousers. Neither Evans nor Williams had much sympathy for Chris Chapman because he of his record as a troublemaker. Evans was determined to make Chris squeal and eyed the youth's solid backside as a sort of challenge.

When Chris bent over the table Evans immediately began tbe caning with the hardest blow he could manage. Chris pushed the heavy table forward and inch or so, such was the violence of the impact, and let out a loud cry. The following stokes were given in swift succession and each brought a sob from Chapman. At the end Evans and Williams both noted with satisfaction that Chris was crying and a small amount of blood was evident through his underpants.

For his part, Chris was in more agony than he bad expected and was ashamed that he had cried out. He resented what he regarded as his own failure and was not looking forward to having to show the dorm the results both on his body and on his face. He dressed as quickly as he could and went downstairs to the dorm.

As the ritual display began, Hugh Keller left, not wanting to see the results. Hugh's bottom still hurt from the first visit to Evans' study and he dreaded what was about to happen.


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