Short Story

by Jamie <>

Usual warnings apply. Found this amongst the Prison documents which I am still transcribing...This is one of a variety of short anecdotes written in 1978/79.


It is a hot, humid, Thursday afternoon. Rex is 15, tall, blond and possessing the deepest of blue eyes. He stands in the corridor. Two other boys, one, Ivor, is a friend, the other a year below the two stand beside Rex. Ivor and Rex are co-accused. They wait.

Speaking is forbidden and the sound of their absent voices echoes around them. Each is fearful. Each looks directly at the door across the corridor. They see the gold leaf inscription "Headmaster". They know they are doomed.

Further down the corridor a typewriter clacks away, the Headmaster's Secretary is busy working, oblivious to the panic-stricken boys. She is a kindly lady. She hears the sounds of the cane and the yelps of the victims. She knows that punishment is part of making the boys men. She accepts the ritual as part of the life of the School.

Time passes. The boys wait, a touch of sweat cloaking their bodies.

Occasionally, some boy will come by to survey the scene. It is easy to invent reasons to leave class and pass this way. Some do so out of lust, some fantasize about being witnesses to the punishments, while others take pleasure from seeing one of their foes awaiting the inevitable.

The Headmaster sweeps around the corner and enters his Study. He leaves the door open and removes his gown. The three boys can see the desk over which they will have to bend. Anxiety builds upon fear which is founded on dread.

The Headmaster attends to some papers. He writes some notes on a page or two and goes through to his Secretary's office to deliver instructions.

Upon his return, he summons the three youths into his study and closes the door behind them.

"Over there" he says, indicating an area in front of the large bookcase which takes one half of the side of the large room.

The three boys shuffle into position and stand at attention. The armpits of their shirts show their anxiety.

The Headmaster reaches for a piece of paper on his desk and reads thoughtfully.

"Sommers" he says, addressing the youngest of the three. "Smoking again I see. Your second visit here this term. Do you have anything to say?"

Sommers looks at the Headmaster. He has been caught red-handed. There is no excuse. Nothing will save his backside.

"I'm sorry, Sir" he says - the ritual plea of the guilty.

"Sommers, you know the routine," says the Headmaster. "Second offence and you lose the benefit of the protection your trousers afford you. Get into position and lower your trousers please."

Sommers walks to the desk and removes his shoes because his trousers cannot be removed without doing so. The two observers watch as Sommers takes off his trousers and see the Headmaster fetch a cane from the cupboard in which such implements are kept. Sommers has hesitated, not knowing whether his underpants are to come down as well. He folds his grey trousers and places them on one side of the desk.

The Headmaster sees Sommers uncertainty. "Those too," he explains.

Sommers duly lowers his underpants, his back to the three observers.

"Six of the best," announces the Headmaster. Sommers clenches his pale white buttocks which are covered by his shirt-tail. "Bend over."

Sommers assumes the required position. His legs are spread apart to roughly the same width as his shoulders. He is fairly small so that his abdomen just manages to accommodate the height of the desk. His hand spread out on the surface of the timber desk. Sweaty palms will leave their mark on the highly polished surface.

The Headmaster uses the tip of the cane to lift Sommers' shirt-tail away from the target area and flips it onto the boy's back.

Sommers' fourteen-year-old buttocks look pathetically small.

The Headmaster has had plenty of experience. He measures the distance to the target and then takes two steps back. He takes the cane back almost parallel to the floor and quickly moves forward as the cane 'swishes' through the air.

The 'crack' of cane meeting backside occurs as the Headmaster is directly beside Sommers. This avoids any unintended damage from its tip.

The Headmaster steps back as Sommers presses his hands firmly on the desk as he wishes the sudden, biting pain away. The two other boys see a bright red line immediately appear across both of Sommers' cheeks.

Sommers is a brave lad and is determined not to cry out. He takes each stroke with incredible stoicism and by the time six parallel lines mark his backside he has achieved respect from the witnesses.

Slowly, Sommers peals himself off the desk and seeks out his underpants and then his trousers. As he bends to retrieve his shoes, the two older boys can see the tears rolling down his face. With a wan smile, he resumes his position in line and gently tries to rub the pain away.

"Mr Chadwick" intones the Headmaster.

Rex walks a pace or two forward and stands in front of the Headmaster.

"I should have thought you would have learnt from last Term that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable!" declares the Headmaster.

Rex wonders what is so terrible as to incur such anger. He was caught in the toilet with Ivor's hand wrapped around his admirably long but thin penis. But many boys did this sort of thing, so where was the crime?

Rex is jolted from his thoughts as the Headmaster indicates that he should position himself over the desk. He moves forward and places his hands wide apart, spreads his legs and bends forwards.

Ivor feels his own penis filling with blood as he looks at the deliciously rounded buttocks of his friend. He hopes that he will not get and erection.

Sommers considers that this in unfair. Rex is getting the cane over his trousers. He rethinks as the Headmaster goes across to the cupboard and selects a cane of larger dimensions.

Rex stares at the wood grain of the desk and notices the tears and sweat which Sommers has left behind. He loses his vision momentarily as the first stroke lands.

The second stroke lashes at the sensitive area between thighs and buttocks. Rex's head jerks up as the pain registers.

The following four strokes are neatly placed between the initial two and Rex's has tears in his eyes. His legs tremble slightly. He is told that he may resume his position in the line.

Rex quietly rubs away the tears in the vain hope that the others two boys will not see his agony. Neither boy fails to see the bloodshot nature of Rex's eyes as he resumes his position.

Rex places both hands on his buttocks and starts to massage them.

Ivor is required to repeat the ritual. When he bends over to expose what is generally regarded as the prettiest backside in the school, he encounters difficulty. He surreptitiously moves his erection to the side. He knows it will quickly subside, for the pain of receiving will soon outweigh the pleasure of observing.

And subside it does. By the fourth stroke it has gone.

Two more strokes and he too is told to resume his position with the other malefactors.

Rex looks sympathetically at the boy who occasionally shares his bed after the House Master and the Prefects have gone to bed. He knows the pain which his friend is enduring for the pain in his own posterior has barely started to ease.

"Chadwick," delcares the Headmaster.

Rex is startled but he knows from the tome that his torture is not yet complete. He steps forward.

"Six is for being out of your class without a legitimate reason. Now," declares the Headmaster with all the solemnity of Judge Jefferies, "we shall deal with the other matter."

Rex moves into position and starts to bend over. He is wondering how many more strokes he can take.

"Mr Chadwick?" asks the Headmaster.

Rex straightens and turns his head towards the voice, an inquiring look on his face.

"This is your second offence this Term!" states the Headmaster.

Rex sighs and turns his attention to removing his trousers and underpants and then assumes the required position.

Ivor and Sommers can see the livid red stripes which run across Rex's backside. Ivor feels his erection returning. Sommers knows that his own pert backside must look much the same.

Rex looks through the windows of the Headmaster's study to the gardens beyond and tries to focus on the beauty of the statues (mainly naked men for some reason) and the colours. He sees red, as the cane slashes into his backside and his centre of focus is quickly shifted to his posterior. He knows that the cane is not ploughing virgin territory. He assumes that there will be some bleeding before this ordeal is completed.

Rex now listens for the slight run-up that the Headmaster uses to such good effect for it helps him anticipated the rod reaching his backside.

Nonetheless, the next stroke still is more painful than he expected. He lets out a sharp yelp, and immediately blushes: making any noise is a betrayal of oneself.

The third stroke arrives. Rex yelps a little more discernibly. The pain is greater than any he has experienced before.

The audience cringes ever so slightly at the damage being wrought. Blood vessels, previously willing to show their displeasure at the impact of the rod, now give vent to their anger. Many turns purple in outrage while a few burst their confinement and break through the skin.

The fourth stroke slashes across the most tender part of Rex's backside and he collapses onto his elbows briefly with an audible intake of shocked breath. Slowly he resumes his position and ponders how long this might continue. He recalls that the Headmaster has been known to give as many as eighteen strokes and offers a silent prayer that that might not be his fate.

The fifth stroke is aimed diagonally and blood vessels issue their protest in greater numbers, for the stroke crosses all the lines previously inscribed on Rex's fair buttocks. Rex yelps loudly. His brain is unable to comprehend the pain.

The Headmaster pauses. Perhaps he thinks that he has wrought enough damage on the trembling flesh. Perhaps he thinks that he should leave something for Rex to dread in the future. He shrugs and steps back.

The final stroke is vicious and low. Something for Rex to remember. Rex cries out in pain: an expletive which could warrant further punishment.

The Headmaster tells Rex he should restore his clothes and resume his place in the small line.

Sommers has stopped rubbing his backside for although it hurts terribly, it can be nothing to what Rex is feeling.

Ivor knows that his time has come. He is relieved that his erection has subsided. He doesn't have to be told but simply walks to the desk, trying in the process not to look at his friend's tear-stained face.

Rex wipes his tears away and stands, hunched up against the terrible pain which throbs in wave after wave through his body. He watches Ivor remove his trousers and his underpants. His pain diminishes the thrill he always gets in seeing the pretty backside which he has known so intimately. He chokes back a sob as the existing damage to Ivor's luscious backside comes into view. He hopes the Headmaster doesn't notice.

Ivor knows that the beating is going to be severe. He also knows that he has the plumpest backside of the three and therefore a larger target area. He recalls how Rex tends to praise his arse as being more perfect than any he has seen or known. He is almost smiling at their intimacy when the cane cutting across his already damaged cheeks shatters his world. Surely it is not meant to hurt this much.

The second stroke takes Ivor's breath away and the third sears into his brain and involuntarily explodes in a cry. He stands bolt upright for a moment and then resumes his position. To his horror, he recalls noticing that, whilst standing briefly, not only is his frame erect.

Noneone notices that Ivor has an erection. Ivor himself cannot believe that he is deriving some _s_e_x_ual pleasure from the situation. He is not an exhibitionist by nature and tries to tell himself that this cannot be happening.

The Headmaster delivers three more strokes in a measured cadence, ignoring the increasing volume of Ivor's cries.

Sobbing, Ivor restores his underpants. He is careful not to let anyone see that he is on the verge of an orgasm. His trousers replaced and shoes tied up, Ivor resumes his place in the line.

The Headmaster replaces the cane in the cupboard and then opens the study door. He shakes each boy by the hand as they depart.

Sommers heads to the right along the corridor while Rex and Ivor go to the left.

Rex and Ivor turn from the corridor into another which will take them to a bathroom in which they can wash their faces.

Out of sight, Rex touches Ivor's hand. Unexpectedly, Ivor has some sort of fit and shakes in response to the touch.

Rex is concerned.

Ivor simply hopes his seed will not leak through to his trousers before he has a chance to clean himself up.

Rex looks at Ivor. Through the snot and tears, Ivor is seemingly smiling. Rex is even more confused.

The End

More stories byJamie