Thansgiving Day Spanking: Jamie's Not to Thankful

by Vincent <>

"One more word from you young man, and I'll reintroduce you to what a good bare bottom spanking is all about!"

Jamie grimaced openly, as his Dad made this announcement in a voice not to far from blaring. Besides his father's ire, was the fact that two of his best friends were standing right there, not to mention several family members within earshot, especially with his father's very boisterous declaration.

Tom Paulin, and Laura Vaith stood next to him, in quiet anticipation of whether Jamie's Dad was venting or in deadly earnest. Both knew that throughout his childhood, their dear companion had received many a good butt pounding, but Jamie had not been punished in this fashion, for nearly two years. They stood in silence. Awaiting either the boy, or his Dad to speak.

Jamie didn't care for his fathers tone of voice. He had heard it too often in his younger days, always before a grand butt roasting. His parents were never cruel, always giving him ample warning to amend his behavior if it were possible. Sometimes Jamie like most little boys had been alone or with friends, without an adult perspective to warn of impending danger to his nether region.

What had him terrified was the awful mood his Dad had manifested, as soon as the week had begun. His Aunt Florence had arrived, her 'two charming devil spawn' as his Dad put it, in tow. Both children were home schooled, and hence it was no problem for his mother's sister to show up and stay the entire week of the Thanksgiving holiday. She would instruct them in their studies in the morning, and then loose them upon the house for the remainder of the afternoon.

Jamie's father had taken off the entire week, as his wife had planned an extra large amount of company this year. He had been less than pleased when his mother had shared the news of Aunt Florence's imminent arrival. Though generally a moderate drinker, his level of imbibing had gone up markedly. This of course gave the hen, something more to judge him on.

Of course, Jamie had the two little bastards as he called them, out of the hearing range of any adult, to deal with. While Jamie was at school, or baseball practice, his annoyingly curious cousins were into everything they could possibly get into to. So, on top of everything else, his collection of Playboy's, that all of his friends, except Laura, had contributed to, found the light of day. Under normal circumstances, his Dad would have done nothing more than to instruct his horny son into hiding them better. But with the holier than thou Florence testifying to Jamie's sure and rapid fire journey to hell, Dad had lost it.

He pointed out that her two little angels, were not that, since they'd been caught with them. Florence argued that had the filth not been in attendance, her sweet boys would never had been tested. A test they failed his father said with little venom left. His parents hated it when others pointed out the faults in raising their child.

So now, any small indiscretion on his part, and his parents were all over him. He'd gotten into several fights with his cousins, who would start them, and then scream bloody murder, backing each others story that Jamie was being a mean old bully. If his Dad didn't hate them so, his reeducation to the spanking might have started then. Aunt Florence certainly commented that since they'd not spanked him for some time, he was obviously degenerating into hooliganism.

Spats were common place the whole week. His father and mother were almost constantly at odds. His mother of course attempting to placate everyone, while his father bemoaned the fact, that the time he'd taken for his family, was being spoiled by his insufferable sister-in- law. Jamie kept his head low for the most part, but one afternoon when returning from hanging with his friends, he discovered his comic books spread about his room. His cousins saw them as mere entertainment, and not as a worthwhile investment. Jamie went blind hysterical, threatening all sorts of painful and grotesque deaths for his younger relatives. His Mom understood the situation, but in trying to calm her son, ended up on the worst side of his temper. When his Dad returned, he gave Jamie a chewing out, swearing that if he ever used that tone with his mother again, sitting would be a near impossibility.

Tired of all the tension, Jamie conned his mother into letting him take the family car while his Dad drove his aunt and her devil brood to the nearest shopping center. He was able to pack in his three best friends, and a few others as well. Fortunately station wagons had not yet picked up the stigma of the uncool car. Most of the other families, had a second car for the mothers in the family, and hence were treasured beyond gold. And of course, nobody got Dad's car out of the driveway, unless he was in attendance. In Jamie's case however, his mother was not so attached to the car, and enjoyed giving her dear son some freedom.

As most kids will do, they discover a place where other kids congregate; and usually they are up to no good, as Aunt Florence would say. Tonight, they lived up to her concerns. Beer was easier for kids to get hold of at this time, and they did so in spades. Jamie had enough sense never to drink when he had the car, but was not so observant, when it came to his passengers.

His Dad went into his wife's car the next day to get some insurance papers, when the smell of stale beer assaulted his nostrils. Two empty cans, and a partially full one, were found nestled beneath the driver's seat. Jamie was able to convince his father that he'd not touched a drop. Fortunately for him, arguments with Aunt Florence, had yanked the will to argue from him. However, the anger pool was brimming. Now, Jamie stood face to face with his father, that anger searching for release.

Jamie didn't wish to test his father. His Dad had no compunction about paddling his bare ass in front of witnesses. When Jamie was just nine, he had been dragged into the house in full view of the neighborhood kids, who somehow always could tell when a kid was in for it. Instead of heading for the bedroom, or his study where most spankings were administered, his Father headed left, pulling his son along to finally stop in the garage. Jamie didn't understand why, and was heartily afraid to question his father, bringing his rage to an even higher degree. His Dad quickly drew down his jeans, and his underwear, meshing them around his ankles. With no hesitation, he easily placed his son across his lap, raising his hand back behind his head, stopping as he saw the cluster of children that had gathered around the windows of the garage door.

He lifted Jamie to his feet, rushing forward, the faces scattering as he approached. Satisfied they were gone, he returned to his son, once more placing him into a suitable position for punishment. Once again the curious faces of the neighborhood children filled the square cut glass that lined the door. Jamie was blushing furiously as his Dad once more stood him up, attempting to cover his hairless groin from sight. The youth of the neighborhood had once again vanished in the wink of an eye. Jamie's Dad for the third time laid his son over his lap, pausing to see what he knew was inevitable. With almost supernatural grace, the wide eyed countenances appeared back at the windows.

"To hell with it," his father growled, and began spanking his sons naughty backside, until it was akin to a bright red apple. He ignored his son's pleading, and cries of solicitation, that he had indeed learned his lesson. He spanked young Jamie until he was a quivering mass, barely able to draw a breath.

The next time such an occurrence took place, the local kids once more gathered for the show.

"Please Daddy," Jamie complained, "not here in front of all those kids!"

"Well, young man, next time you'll think twice before you do something so stupid. This is a just part of your punishment. Now stop whining, or I'll open the door and give them a ringside view."

And so, with a vengeance, and a attentive audience, Jamie's backside was treated to a round of hand spankings, followed by twelve with the belt. All this assured a sizzling backside, along with a thorough taunting the next day. It was only with a concerted campaign before his mother, that ended such a humiliation from occurring again. At least for a few years.

Now these terrible memories came flooding back, along with every other humiliation, private or public, and that little voice of machismo stiffened Jamie's resolve and said, 'we're too old to be spanked, or treated like that.' Unfortunately, something died in the translation, and what seemed like a logical, and well thought out idea, came out as, "Don't even think about Dad!"

A photo would be needed to determine who's eyes bugged out the furthest, but not who's face flushed red with anger.

"Oh, you think not," his Dad roared. "We'll just see about that boy."

Once again, as they say, if you don't learn from the past, your are doomed to repeat it. Now Jamie was dragged towards his father's study. He was less concerned now with witnesses, as he was with the fact that his tight ass was about to relive a very bad experience. His father stopped, an odd look coming upon his face. He glanced back up the hallway, where his sons friend stood, unsure as to where they should be.

"Laura, Tom, come here please." This was said in a frighteningly calm voice, but in a tone that was unmistakable in it's message. The two teens all but vaulted down the hall. As they reached father and son, Jamie's flight to his fathers study continued.

This was beyond belief. Not only was his ass due for a tanning, but before his two best friends, especially Laura. Since they 'd all turned fourteen, Jamie had begun to realize his feelings for her were slightly more involved than for the two Toms. Her burgeoning female attributes, became more seductive, and weighed heavily upon Jamie's mind. He tried without success to keep her from his juvenile _s_e_x_ fantasies, wishing to keep his feelings for her pure, and high upon a pedestal of respect. He realized though, that what he felt, went beyond the simple love of a friend.

He wanted to die. Laura, as well as the rest of the world, knew Jamie had suffered from more than one spanking in his lifetime, but to have it done now after two years, and in front of the girl he dreamed of, life could get no worse.

Jamie's Dad pushed him on ahead, standing by the door until his son's longtime companions had entered as well. He slammed the door, and directed them to sit upon his leather sofa. Both teenagers did so, Laura's face blushed with fear and embarrassment, Tom a grin so wide it was a marvel his head didn't collapse in upon itself. It was amazing what pleasure one boy could gleam from another boy's punishment, even a dear friend.

Jamie's Dad didn't waste time on lectures, especially now when all involved, knew precisely why Jamie was having his butt pummeled. His torment increased as his father unbuttoned the fly on his new jeans, yanking them down to the floor. Perhaps in a small modicum of mercy, or perhaps he felt it wrong for Laura to see, he faced Jamie away from his friends, as he stripped his jockeys from around his waist, depositing them around his ankles. He then pulled his son's smooth, lanky, muscled toned body across his knees, bringing his hand up and then down, in a quick fluid movement.

Jamie's memory played catch up with the pain that flowed through his young tight cheeks. His father's hand gave no mercy, striking back and forth, causing them to bounce then resume their normal shape. Jamie had hoped he would be able to take it, but his fathers regimen of exercise had made sure his strength had not lessened over the years. Agony smacked it's way left than right, up and down, all areas being covered. His father had not forgotten how to apply a spanking either. Jamie was soon kicking and screaming for mercy, all pretense of macho fleeing like his dignity. Tears began to spill upon the carpet, his body struggling to provide the breath his cries of distress needed.

Jamie was torn. He hoped that Laura was not watching, that her feelings for him were mutual, and that she could not, or better still would not, look upon this most horrible of events. However, he could not bring himself to look, fear that he might look up into her beautiful blues eyes, and see her pitying him as he was spanked like a naughty little boy. He was sure that Tom was sitting there, taking in every detail of this most heinous of events.

In his mind he was back in the garage, the guys pointing and laughing, the girls covering up their smirking grins. He remembered vividly the teasing he had to endure, especially at school. Greg Parsell had once dragged him in his underwear into the girls locker room, pealing them down as he announced their arrival. He pushed Jamie to the floor, who attempted to pull up his shorts, whilst the girls stared and pointed at the obvious stripes his father's belt had left. Laura tackled Greg at he tried to leave, and being caught by the female gym teacher, was given a bare bottom spanking right there in front of the girls. This took the attention of off Jamie for that moment. Unfortunately Greg took out his embarrassment on Jamie that weekend, only to be knocked out by Laura.

Soon reality infused itself, as Jamie realized the spanking had ceased. His father stood him up, allowing him to turn his back towards his company. Jamie snuffled quietly, his ragged breath coming in short, hitching gasps. His father walked to the door, opening it with determined grace. The gasps that flooded the room drew Jamie's attention. He swiveled his head to see his mother, aunt, and his two hated cousins standing at the door, shocked by the intensity of his reddened bottom.

"Marge, get the brush."

Fresh sobs escaped Jamie as he realized the implications of what his father intended. He thought the spanking was over, but instead his father had sent his mother for an implement to continue his torment.

"Uncle Frank, can we come in and watch. That way we'll be sure never to be naughty like Jamie." Jamie bit back a desire to turn and scream multiple curses at the little _s_h_i_t_s, but he neither wanted to expose himself, nor to rankle his father any further. He had more to come, and didn't wish to insure further punishment beyond this.

"Yes," his father replied. "You should see this. And if I hear one word from you, your next!"

As Jamie awaited his mothers return, he gingerly rubbed his stinging buttocks, praying that the two small boys would be unable to resist some comment, and then at least he'd have the satisfaction of watching his father spend more of his wrath upon their backsides.

"I'm sorry sweetie," his mother whispered, placing a comforting hand upon his shoulder blade as she surrendered the dreaded hairbrush to her husband.

Once more with no preamble, Jamie was hauled down to lay across the broad lap of his Dad, the brush going to work instantly. Jamie's cries came with the first blow, and continued to match then as they rained down upon his already abused bottom. The swats continued forever, or at least it always seemed so when Jamie was hanging upside down, his ass beaten red. His father continued placing stroke after stroke upon his son's swollen, crimson behind.

Finally, his Dad's ire spent, Jamie was made to stand, but again for his modesty, or for moralities sake, was faced away from the assembled called in to watch him receive his chastisement.

"Now," his father said loudly, but with more calm, "I don't care who's kid you are, anymore aggravation, and I'll paddle you black and blue!" All the children blanched, as he resoundingly voiced his views. With that he stalked out. Jamie's mother quickly hustled the others from the room. Moments later, Tom made his way back in.

"Man, I cannot believe you mouthed off to your Dad, you are the coolest. But don't worry, nobody will hear about this from me."

Jamie looked over at his friend. Tom looked sorrowful as he gazed into Jamie's puffy, red rimmed eyes, gently touching his best buddies heated bottom. As he gently rubbed the sting from it, he leaned over, whispering into Jamie's ear.

"Laura was cryin when you got spanked, I think she's sweet on you lucky bastard." Tom then exited the room, but not before delivering a quick slap of his own. Jamie jumped in response, but the feeling in his heart overrode anything life could throw at him now.

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