The Lid Protocol --Part Four

by Jason A. Andresen <>

Lancet Point Boys Reformatory carried out no executions, of course. It had no electric chair, or gas chamber, gallows or lethal injection room. But since the introduction of the LID Program, the room into which Richard was now led, was a rough equivalent of these forbidding rooms -- albeit on a scaled-down level. It had quickly been named the "CP Room" by those on the reformatory staff who needed to refer to it at all. It wasn't a large room, measuring some thirty feet square. It was located immediately next to the room in which Richard hadjust had his enema administered and a brief pre-paddling medical exam conducted. Two doors at either end of a short twelve foot hallway separated the two rooms. As with most doors at Lancet Point outside the administration building, these doors were always locked.

Attendant Bloodworth now unlocked the first door and held it while, first, Warden Proctor followed by Dr. Hanks, then Richard and Attendant Stoney walked through. Nurse Bielford and then Bloodworth followed. Bloodworth hurried to the head of the line and unlocked the other door and again held it while the other five filed through. He then entered the CP Room and closed the door behind him. It locked automatically.

Richard was very frightened as he entered and Stoney held him loosely by his right elbow to both steady and guide him. "Relax, son," Stoney whispered. It was a waste of breath, Stoney knew, but he said it anyway. Dr. Hanks and Nurse Bielford took seats along the "back" wall of the room. Bloodworth remained at the door, Stoney stayed with Richard and Warden Proctor walked to a man in Attendant's uniform. This new person in the group had been seated, but stood when the others came in. He was Attendant Captain Willman, the senior Attendant/Guard at Lancet Point. All other guards reported to him and he reported to Warden Proctor. He was a slightly heavy-set man in his early forties. He would perform the actual paddling and switching on this day. His grim, serious expression matched that of Warden Proctor as the two conferred at the side.

Richard looked around the room. He saw thick, heavy looking pads hung on all four walls -- much like the pads placed on the floors of gymnasiums for wrestling. These pads were covered with a rough-looking canvas material. Richard had no way of knowing it, but these pads were meant to help absorb sound. The walls themselves were standard cement masonry blocks no different than those of the walls of his room. The ceiling was twelve feet above the floor and was lined with office-like acoustic tile -- again to help absorb sound. Several recedded flourescent lighting fixtures were set in the ceiling along with three spotlights. The floor was covered by one-foot square linoleum tiles much like the floors throughout Lancet Point only these tiles were a dark brown color instead of the light green found elsewhere. There was a row of comfortable looking office-type chairs with arms along the back wall. Richard saw Dr. Hanks and Nurse Bielford seated in two of these chairs. There were twelve others chairs -- two of which were occupied by two men. Richard noticed had not seen these two men before. These were "invited guests" of the LID Program -- observers. On this particular day one guest was a state legislature member. The other was a Chief of Police from one of the state's larger cities. Richard also saw the large mirrors attached to the front wall. In fact, looking in the mirrors now he saw Doc and the nurse. He also saw two very small red lights in the corners of the back wall, near the ceiling. With a sinking heart, he realized that his punishment and humiliation was being taped.

But the object that caught Richard's rapt attention was, of course, the object upon which he would be fixed to receive his punishment. It stood in the center of the "front" wall back about three feet into the room. It was simply a cross beam about six inches wide and padded with some soft-looking material that Richard couldn't readily identify. The beam -- about four or five feet in length -- was attached at each end to a vertical "inverted V" support which appeared to be bolted to the floor. There appeared to be some provision for raising or lowering the cross beam a few inches, Richard guessed to accommodate LID participants of different heights. Toward the middle of the beam, Richard saw a study leather belt and buckle arrangement which he assumed (correctly) was fastened over the lower back and adjusted to keep the person's middle torso in contact with the cross beam. Two pairs of sturdy eye-bolts were fastened into the floor. As he looked further, he saw a platform extending from the front of the beam for a distance of maybe two feet. It was padded. Richard assumed (again correctly) that this platform was intened to provide support to the chest and head.

The punishment stand -- as it was referred to -- was the design of two guards on Willman's staff. The design had been approved by Dr. Hanks. It was well built.

Proctor stepped to the center of the area, half-facing the "audience", half-facing Richard and Attendant Stoney. After putting on a pair of glasses, he read from a piece of paper he held in his hand. His speech began with a very brief synopsis of the LID Program, its basis in law and its intended purpose. He turned to a second page.

"Richard Allen XXXXX (he read Richard's last name), you are hereby sentenced to twelve strokes with a paddle followed by twelve switches. May they serve their intended purpose." And that was it. A short speech. Proctor took a seat next to Hanks. Richard's heart began to race. Captain Willman pulled a regular desk chair over to where Richard and Stoney were standing. Stoney removed Richard's handcuffs.

"Remove your robe" Willman said to Richard. "Help him if he needs it," he said to Stoney. Stoney nodded. He had been present at all of the preceding twelve LID punishments in this room and he knew the Protocol well. As Richard untied the waist string of his robe, Stoney saw the boy's hands shaking slightly. Stoney took the robe and placed it over the back of the chair. Richard started to pull his T-shirt off. Stoney stopped him.

"You'll do that over there," Stoney said looking at the punishment stand, just 12 feet away. Richard stood bare-footed in just his undershorts and T-shirt. It was time.

"I don't know who all of these people are, he said just loud enough for Willman and Stoney to hear.

"Don't mind that, son," Willmer said. "They're authorized to be here." His voice carried a tone of "quit stalling". Richard turned to Stoney. Stoney read Richard's thoughts, Richard was asking Stoney for help.

"I can't help you, son," Stoney said. "Just relax. It'll be over that much faster." Secretly, Stoney thought that Richard should be told who everybody in the room was. He had argued for that to be added to the Protocol, but so far he had lost that argument. After all, Stoney had said, these boys are about to stand naked and go through the pain and humiliation of a public paddling and switching. Granted they deserved their punishment but they also deserved to know who was watching them. Until very recently, the LID punishments were highly attended and a room had been provided with a one-way glass. The use of this room had been discontinued however as attendence had dropped off. Besides, observers had complained that they could not hear the "sounds" of the punishment clearly through the small speakers. So guest observers were now seated in the room itself.

"Willman stepped to the punishment stand and faced Richard.

"No! _d_a_m_n_ it, No!" Stoney put his hands on Richard's shoulders. They all react differently at this point, he thought to himself. Richard reached up and pulled Stoneys hands away violently.

"No!, I don't know who all these people are!" He looked at the chairs in the back of the room.

Bloodworth immediately came to life and stepped the short distance to Stoney and Richard. The nervous tension that had been building up in Richard since he had first heard that he was to be given an enema that morning, came flooding out of him. Stoney managed to get a firm grip of Richard's arms. Without any signal from the Warden or Stoney, Bloodworth pulled his tickler wand from his belt and touched it against Richard's arm chest -- just as he'd been taught. Richard went limp immediately, unable to move either arms or legs. But the tickler didn't affect his senses or his voice. As Stoney held him and kept him from sinking to the floor, Richard continued to yell but not as loud.

There was some embarrassed coughing in the audience. Stoney still held Richard tightly, waiting for the effect of the tickler to wear off. It usually took about a minute with the size zap Bloodworth had given.

Doctor Hanks got up and quickly came to Richard. Nurse Bielford followed right behind. Hanks was all physician now as he took Richard's pulse and checked his pupils. "He's okay," he said. Richard felt Stoney still restraining him but couldn't move his arms or legs to resist. He was still limp but could move his head. He twisted it back and forth now. "No!" He yelled as loud as he could.

"Get him over there and restrain him," Proctor said as he too came up to the group. Proctor was referring to the punishment stand.

"Let him recover, first," Hanks said. Richard was a pitiful site as he was obviously fully awake but not able to move to any extent. He continued to shake his head back and forth. It was the only physical opposition he could express. Bloodworth stood close by, tickler wand ready. He was probably the only one in the room who was anywhere near enjoying this.

"I'd prefer we get him fastened to the stand," Proctor said. "This has to be carried out if he's medically able, Doctor." Stoney had managed to pull Richard to the nearby chair and let him slip onto the seat. Richard was still unable to move his legs or arms. He looked like a lifeless rag doll as Stoney held him and prevented him from sliding onto the floor completely.

"Gentlemen," Stoney said loudly. "As a guard, I'll do as the Warden tells me." He lowered his voice and looked at Hanks and then Proctor, pissed and obviously upset. "But as the third member of the LID Committee in this room -- even though I'm a non-voting member -- I must have my say." Proctor, Hanks and Willman looked at Stoney in silence.

"Go ahead, Seargent Stoney," Proctor said, "We're listening. You have a right to speak."

"Gentlemen," Stoney began, more controlled, "this boy has just been through a embarrassing and humiliating experience. He now faces another humiliating and painful experience. He's frightened, as you would be and as I would be. I don't argue that he doesn't deserve his punishment. I believe he does. I believe it's the best thing for him in the long run. But, gentlemen, are we to drag him to the punishment stand and strap him there in his current condition? There are two observers in here whom he doesn't know and there are the five of us whom he does know, even if slightly. Do we not owe him at leat the opportunity to remove the last piece of clothing he has on that hides his nudity by himself -- as difficult as it may be for him to do? Keep in mind, that he's more than a boy but not yet a man. And, gentlemen, do we not owe him at least the opportunity to walk, by himself, to his punishment with some degree of dignity rather than be dragged like a stunned animal?" Stoney paused, looking at Hanks and then Proctor. There was silence.

"I agree with Attendant Stoney," Hanks said, looking at Proctor.

"Yes," Proctor said, "I would want that opportunity if I were in his place. Thank you, Stoney."

"Am I to understand that we're going to beg him to walk to the punishment stand?," Willman said with a tone of disgust.

"No," Proctor said, "we'll tell him like we have all the others and then see if he goes willingly. If he doesn't, well we've had to push a few of the others over there. They seem okay once they're there.

"I agree," Hanks said. "But we should at least wait until he's recovered and given the chance to walk over there by himself, with dignity. If he refuses -- as about half of the LID participants do -- then we'll do what needs be done. But give him the opportunity."

"How long do we need to wait, Doctor," Willman asked.

"Perhaps another minute, probably less. It depends," Hanks said. "The effect doesn't last long, Attendant Willman We have the time."

"He'll let us know," Stoney said.

All eyes were on Richard and he soon began to move his arms and legs. He reached down to cover his hairless genitals.

"How do you feel, son," both Proctor and Hanks said simultaneously.

"I'll walk over there to the _d_a_m_n_ thing by myself," Richard said, defiantly. Stoney tried to hide his smile as he helped Richard stand. Richard now appeared to be fully recovered from the tickler. He stood his full height. He still covered himself with his hands. One of the two observers along the back wall stood, noisily scraping his chair.

"Son," he said loudly, "My name is Peter B. Xxxxxxx and I am the representative to the state legislature from you and your parents' district. I voted for this program. You should know that." He sat down. The uniformed policeman got to his feet.

"And, son, I'm William Xxxxxxxxxxx. I'm Chief of Police for the city of Xxxxxxxxxxxx." He started to sit but stopped. "And I have my doubts about this program. I don't think it's harsh enough. And you should know that." He sat.

Stoney bent to pick up Richard's underpants from the floor and placed them on the seat of the chair. Hanks, Bielford and Proctor all took their seats again. There was another silence.

"It's time, son," Willman said. "Put your hands behind you. I have to handcuff you." Richard slowly removed his hands from in front of his crotch and placed them behind his back. He turned without being told and Willman removed a set of cuffs from his belt and placed then on the boys wrists. Richard jerked his cuffed hands away from Willman and slowly walked to the punishment stand. He stopped, facing the stand's cross beam and the large mirrors on the wall, looking at his own nakedness and then at the audience's reflection. "Is this where you want me," he said, softly but with a definate 'attitude'.

Richard now stood in front of the stand. He looked at the leather belt that would soon be fastened across his laower back. It looked strong and for the first time he noticed that it was lined with a fleece-like material on its underside. He thought how incongruous it was to make the belt comfortable. He looked up in the mirror and saw his reflection, standing in the strong lights in only his T-shirt and underpants. He also saw the reflection of Doc Hanks, Warden Proctor, Nurse Bielford and the two observers. They were looking at him, of course.

"Remove your shirt, Richard," a voice from Richard's left said. It was Willman's voice. Richard reached down then pulled the shirt up over his head. He tossed it on the floor defiantly. Let them pick it up if they want, he thought. He saw the reflection of his practically hairless chest in the mirror. The reflection of the cross beam hid his underwear but he saw his legs from knees down and his bare feet. No one bothered to pick the shirt up.

"Now your underpants, Richard," the same voice said. Richard knew this was coming, of course, and he immediately slid the pants down past his buttocks, held them there for a moment , than let them fall to his ankles and kicked them aside. He saw them slide a foot or so behind his feet in the mirror. He stood there for what seemed a long time before Captain Willman and Sergeant Stoney came up behind him. "Bend over the bar," Willman said and put his hands on Richard's shoulders to guide him. The bar cut across his belly button and the padding felt fuzzy against his stomach. He bent forward, holding the bar with his hands for support. "Rest your head on the pad," Willman said. Richard put his head forward and down, resting his chin on the platform so that he could continue to look in the mirror just a few inches from his face now. The padding on the platform wasn't all that soft he thought.

"We'll need to lower this bar a little, Stoney said. "When he spreads his legs it will be to high."

"Stand up," Willman said. He thought that he had become good at adjusting the bar beforehand just from reading the boy's height from his record. He had missed it by a couple of inches today. Richard stood and Willman and Stoney quickly had the bar lowered and locked in place again. "Back over, son," Stoney said and Richard bent over, chin on padded platform again.

"Now place you hands behind you, son," Willman said and placed handcuffs around Richards wrists. With the addition of the handcuffs, Richard really felt restrained for the first time. He was off balance and in an awkward position. His butt was raised above the level of his back and very little weight was on his legs and feet.

One of the most recent additions to the LID Protocol was informing participants that they were allowed to yell, even scream, as loud as they wish, saying anything they wished. Participants usually did this in any event and there was nothing that could be done about it. The number of strokes with the paddle or switch could not be increased as punishment for the use of foul language. So the committee decide to tell participants to yell as they wished.

"You can say anything you want, as loud as you want, son," Willman said. "The room is sound proof. I must delived the prescribed number of blows with the paddle and switch with the same velocity, no matter what you say. I'm required to tell you that."

With a little effort, Richard raised his chin from the platform. He wanted to be understood. "_f_u_c_k_ you, Sergeant Wilbur," he said loud enough for all in the room to hear.

Richard had scored a coup. Willman was used to hearing the phrase '_f_u_c_k_ you' from inmates. He'd heard it hundreds of times both to his face and more often behind his back. But for this young LID participant to not only mispronounce his name but add insult to injury by addressing him with a lower rank than he held was a severe blow to Willman's sizeable ego. He had to concentrate to hide his hurt. Stoney had to hide his smile and he wondered if Richard had made the double mistake on purpose. He thought that he probably had. Thus his smile which he hoped no one saw reflected in the large mirrors.

Willman recovered from the insult Richard had just given him and went to the side of the room and opened a cabinet. He removed two leather collars and two lengths of chain. Like the belt, the collars were leather and were lined with a soft fleece. They were designed to be fastened around the participant's ankles and held closed with Velcro. A D-ring was sewn securely to the collar. Willman handed one collar and one of the chains to Stoney. They both knelt down and attached the collars around Richard's ankles, then attached the chain. They pulled Richard's legs apart slowly and fastened the other end of the chain to the eye bolts in the floor. This spread Richards buttocks apart exposing not only the insides of his buttocks but his anus as well. With his legs splayed and fastedned securely, Richard's butt dropped a little but still provided an excellent target for Willman's paddle and switch. Richards shaved buttocks appeared snow white in the strong light.

Willman next placed the leather belt across Richard's lower back, just above where the cleft of his buttocks began. He passed the belt through the buckle and fastened it tightly. Richard was now essentially in a jack-knife position with his head lower than his back, his butt above his back and his feet widely splayed. Anyone sitting in the seats also had a view of his asshole and the back of his balls and _c_o_c_k_. It was, to put it mildly, a humiliating position. And to make it worse, Richard could look in the mirror and see the others looking at him. He was immobilized and could only squirm and thrash around in reaction to the sting of the paddle and switch in a limited way.

Doctor Hanks came forward to take a last look at the participant to ensure that he was medical ready for his punishment, that his testicles were safely out of the way, for example. He checked the belt, the leg cuffs, the hand cuffs and the position of the cross bean across Richard's stomach. "How do you feel, Richard," he asked, sincerely.

"Oh, just _f_u_c_k_ing great Doctor Hanks," Richard said. "Why don't you stick you _d_a_m_n_ finger up my ass again. Might make me feel better." Hanks understood the boy's fear and frustration and his need to strike out at authority. He just walked back to his seat.

While Hanks was checking Richard, Willman had gone to the cabinet again and removed the LID paddle. It was the prescribed 18 inches long -- excluding handle -- and 4 inches wide. Ii was 1/8th inch thick and made of Walnut. The LID Committee had consulted several sources about this paddle and had received many recommendations. They had settled on this design as being a good compromise between the various designs considered. Willman approached Richard. Richard saw him in the mirror. Willman took his stance and after looking one last time at Proctor for approval to start, he drew the paddle back and then forward. The paddle landed with a distinct "crack" sound on Richard's bare buttocks. Richard's entire body jerked reflexively and a second later he raised his head and opened his mouth wide in a silent scream. It had begun.

Willman had two teenage boys himself and he was not new to paddling. He knew how to time the strokes so that the sting of one smack was just dying away when the next smack hit. He also knew to cover the boy's entire butt, especially the more sensitive parts low, near where the butt meets the upper leg. He also knew how to land a smack on the inner portion of the buttocks, so that the end of the paddle landed near the anus. He knew all of these tricks and techniques and he used them all on Richard very effectively.

By the third smack, Richard could not keep from calling out but lowly and softly, more of a moan. By the sixth smack, Richard was twisting his butt as much as the belt across his back would allow. By the tenth smack he was yelling loudly, uncontrollably and saying such things as, "No!!, and Stop!" He was kicking his legs as much as his restraints would let him and tossing his head back and forth. As he arched his back in pain it only raised his butt better for the next smack. As was his custom, Willman landed the eleventh and twelfth smacks on the inside of Richard's upper legs. Richard screamed at each blow. Willman was an expert and he proceeded slowly but with a steady rhythm. His manner was calm and unemotional. He was doing his job.

"You have two minutes until the switch, son," Willman said looking at Richard through the mirror refection. Doc Hanks and Nurse Bielford came forward. Bielford took Richard's pulse. It was 122. He face was covered with sweat and his buttocks and the inside of his upper legs were a bright red. Hanks noted the redness immediately next to Richard's anus where the paddled had landed.

"_s_h_i_t_," Richard said trying to kick his feet to alleviate the pain. His wrists struggled with the handcuffs. After a minute he turned his head on its side and rested it on the padded platform. He was still breathing hard. The sting in his buttocks had changed to a dull numbness.

Willman got the switch from the cabinet and returned the paddle to its hook. The switch was made of hard phenolic plastic. It was 24 inches long and about the diameter of a common pencil, tapering slightly along its length. It carried a terrible sting and, if used improperly, could easily break the skin. Hanks was particularly worried about this aspect of the switch and he had cautioned Willman on several occasions to be careful. He was concerned with infection. But Willman knew to use the switch lightly. After all, even a light application in the right place with the right interval between switches was all that was needed to place the participant in severe pain quickly.

Willman looked at Hanks and then Proctor for the "okay" to start the switching. He approached Richard and without a word landed the first switch. Richard yelled immediately and he continued to yell and squirm about violently as each switch was delivered. After the fourth switch, Richard lost all control and began pleading that the switching stop. "Please, please. No more. Stop!!" _f_u_c_k_, _s_h_i_t_!!! Owwwllllll! No more, Please!" His thrashing about was continual. He raised up on his toes several time and pull hard against the chains holding his legs apart. The muscles in his buttocks flexed as he attempted to bring them together to prevent the switch from hitting the tender area around his anus. Willman landed two switches on Richard's upper legs. Richard yelled in protest.

Finally, it was over. Tears were rolling down Richard's cheeks, mucus pouring from his nose. Hanks examined Richard's buttocks closely. "There will be some weals, I'm afraid but no broken skin I'm happy to say." He turned to nurse Bielford who was standing nearby. "A&D ointment with procaine, topically, prn," he said. "There's some in the exam room. Sitz baths with Epsom Salts tonight and tomorrow morning and after any bowel movement. Watch for infection. Confined to his room until discharge. I'll sign these orders later. Call me if there are any complications whatsoever. I'll see him later this afternoon in his room."

"Yes, Doctor," Bielford said, expertly taking the notes down on Richard's medical sheet.

Hanks turned to Willman. "I need to see him on his feet and walking before I leave. The sooner the better. Willman and Stoney immediately loosened and removed the ankle restraints, then the belt across Richard's back, then the handcuffs. They helped Richard stand. He was obviously ashamed of the tears on his face and immediately wiped them away as soon as he had use of his hands. Nurse Bielford held out a box of moist towellettes.

"Can I get dressed now," Richard said. Stoney held the boy's underpants out to him and Richard put them on quickly. Then his T-shirt, and finally his reformatory robe.

"I need to see him walk, by himself," Hanks said to Stoney. Stoney looked at Bloodworth to open the first door. Bloodworth held the door open as Richard walked through and into the short hallway back to the medical exam room. Stoney followed close behind, then Bielford and Hanks. Proctor remained to talk to the "observers".

In the medical room, Hanks looked at Richard for a second, shook his head, and started for the door. "I'll see you in your room this afternoon, son," he said and left. Bielford went to the cabinet, took out a tube of ointment and held it out to Richard.

"Doc Hanks wants this spread on you butt. It will help. I imagine you will want to do this yourself." Richard took the tube and set it on the gurney. "I'll be by your room in about an hour. Do you want a breakfast?"

"No, thanks," Richard. He was apparently still embarrassed that he had cried since he looked at the floor.

"I'm leaving now, then," Bielford said. He looked at Stoney. "He'll have to take his Sitz baths in the infirmary. You know my extension. Call me if he has a bowel movement -- which I can't see happening anytime soon, but call me. I'll be by his room sometime after 3 o'clock."

"Got it," Stoney said. Bielford went to the door and then turned to Richard.

"Relax, son. It's over." He left.

"Get dressed," Stoney said. "Unless you want to put some of that ointment goop on now."

"No," Richard said, finally looking Stoney in the eyes. "I'll take it with me."

"This time tomorrow, Richard, you'll be about four hours from getting out of here. That's good news, isn't it?" Richard said nothing for a few moments then looked at Stoney again.

"Yes, sir," he said.

"I hope I never see you again, son," Stoney said. He wanted to hug the boy but didn't dare in front of Bloodworth. Richard was putting his trousers, shirts, socks and shoes on. Stoney watched. "Your butt sore, son," he said as Richard zipped his trousers.

"_f_u_c_k_, yes," Richard said.

"Okay, let's get you back to your room," Stoney said as Richard finished buttoning his shirt.

Bloodworth opened the door and held it. "You go ahead," Stoney said to Bloodworth. "We'll be close behind you. Wait outside." Bloodworth shrugged his shoulders and walked out.

Stoney looked at Richard. "I was serious, son," he said. "I don't want to see you again after tomorrow when you leave this place. Okay?" Stoney put the handcuffs on Richard for the thord time this morning.

"Yes, Sergeant Stoney," Richard said, on the verge of tears. "Thanks for what you did in there. You know..."

"I know, son. I hope you were worth it." Richard said nothing. "Let's go," Stoney said. They started to the door. Stoney stopped. "Tell me one thing, Richard."


"What's the name and rank of the guard who paddled and switched you just now?"

"Captain Willman," Richard said and suddenly smiled. Stoney smiled back at him.

"Right. I thought so." Stoney put his arm around Richard and shook him a couple of times gently. "Let's go, son."

More stories by Jason A. Andresen