New Home For Naughty Boys #1

by Strict Guardian

The 3 boys were standing in front of the large desk behind which I sat. The boys had been my neighbours but then their father was sent to prison for the umpteenth time and then their mother had dumped the boys at the social services office saying she was unable to cope or control them any more.

Whilst they had been my neighbours they had helped me a lot with such household chores as gardening and cleaning my car. Their father was not a nice man, in and out of prison, and was glad to get the children out of his way. They, in turn, were glad to stay out of his way, especially when he came home drunk. Drinking was what had gotten him sent away this time, he had become involved in a bar brawl, which had resulted in the hospitalisation of a man. His wife, the boys' mother, saw this as her chance to break free and took the action of abandoning her offspring.

There was no other family and when the kids were interviewed by the social workers Victor, the eldest, said that maybe Mr Brown, that's me, would take them in. I had never had a family, my wife having been unable to bear children and in any case leaving me after 5 years of marriage, and so I said I would give it a go. The social worker in charge of the case had told me that the boys, especially the 2 eldest, were dangerously close to going off the rails and would need, as she put it, "firm guidance". This was the purpose of the lecture I was about to deliver, the boys having arrived at my new, larger, house that same day. The 3 boys stood nervously in front of the desk . Victor,12,was dressed in a white t-shirt, black shorts and white ankle socks. Craig, who was 11 stood next to Victor wearing a light blue vest which clearly showed his sun tan, and white shorts and socks. The youngest, Robert, wore all white, t-shirt, shorts and socks. Robert was 8 and would celebrate his 9th birthday in a fortnight's time.

"Welcome, boys" I began. "Before you finally decide to live with me I am going to explain certain rules and regulations which will apply whilst you live here. Firstly if you think you will get away with the sort of behaviour which caused your mother to leave you then you had better think again. I will not tolerate any misbehaviour either at home, at school, or while you are out. I have been given the social worker's report which says you are in need of firm discipline and I will tell you now that if you should step out of line you will be punished most severely. You may think that coming to live with me is a soft option compared with the children's home but I promise you if you step out of line you will regret it. This room is my study and I promise you if I have to call you in here for any reason you will most certainly regret it. I hope for your sakes this is the only time you see the inside of this room. Now, tell me, are you quite sure you wish to live here, under these rules, or would you rather go back to social services. If you have any questions before you make up your minds ask them now".

The boys shuffled uneasily and finally Craig spoke. "How will we be punished, sir, our dad used to hit us with his fists when he was drunk. Will you do that?"

"No", I replied, "if I need to punish you it will be proper discipline administered in this room. You will be told what you have done wrong so that you know why you are being punished"

"What will we be punished with, sir ?" Victor wanted to know.

"That will depend on the level of misbehaviour" I replied. "Minor offences will be dealt with using a slipper (I had a size 10 gym plimsoll in the top drawer of my desk), more serious misbehaviour will warrant a beating with a cane, and, finally, persistent misbehaviour will result in punishment with a riding whip. Does that answer your question ?"

Victor nodded and glanced at Craig. Robert seemed ready to burst into tears but managed to hold them in check. I suggested the boys spoke amongst themselves before they made a decision as to whether or not they wished to stay with me. I felt sure they now saw me in a totally different light to the man who used to let them help clean his car or dig his garden On my instructions the boys went to the bedroom I had set aside for them should they decide to stay to make up their minds about their future.

After about 30 minutes I heard a timid knock at the study door and I told the boys to enter. They trooped in and stood in front of the desk. "We've decided we would like to stay here, sir" announced Victor. I asked all 3 boys individually if they were quite sure and three times I was answered with a firm "Yes, sir"

"Very well" I replied. "Tomorrow morning I will introduce you to Miss Fowler, my housekeeper. She will do the sort of things your mother used to do, cooking, washing and so on. It is important you are polite to Miss Fowler and do as she says. If she tells you to do something you will do it".

"Will Miss Fowler punish us if we are naughty", Craig enquired.

"No" I answered, "but she will undoubtedly tell me and I will punish you. Remember, boys, if I have to see you in this room after today you will regret it. If you want to avoid punishments all you have to do is be obedient, polite, tidy, and do your best at school."

For the first time Robert spoke "I'm not very clever at school, sir. If I get my work wrong will I get the slipper like you said".

"If you are not very clever you cannot help that" I reassured him."But I expect you to do your best. If you do your best you will not be punished, however bad your work is. But if you do not try your hardest your teachers and I will know and you will be punished".

There were no more questions and so, it being 9 p. m.I sent the boys to bed and told them to report to the dining room by 7.30 the next morning for breakfast and to meet Miss Fowler.

Miss Fowler gave the boys her own list of rules. She expected dirty clothes to be brought down to her in the morning, beds to be made, teeth cleaned. In fact she expected the boys to do things any responsible mother would. As I had done she reminded the children of the consequences of and failure to comply with her standards. "If you fail to do as I tell you I shall report you to sir and you will regret it". Robert had not brought his dirty clothes down and looked sheepish but Miss Fowler told him he would not go on report this time as he had only been told just then of the rules. He shot up to the bedroom and brought his old clothes down post haste.

Eventually the boys having finished their breakfast the school bus arrived, the boys were to continue at their old schools but would have to travel by bus as our new home was about 1 and a half miles from where we had lived as neighbours, and the three lads trooped off. Victor to the local comprehensive where he was in the first year, Craig and Robert to the junior school nearby. It was the start of a new life for them and I felt sure with firm discipline I could mould these 3 boys into responsible citizens. Time would tell if I would be proved right.

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