Humble Pie, Inc. (Part 3)

by Joe Kari <>

After twenty good pops or so, the stern spanker let the bad boy up, pleased with his work. The officers took off Medford's restraints, remarking on the angry red and white circles covering his bare hairy ass. The Guest of Honor now got a pair of oversized boxers to put on, that said "Correctional Facility Punishee--IN THE DOG HOUSE!"

It was time for round two. Rubbing his backside, Medford yanked the lever. Whizzz!! The lights flashed and the melody played as the selector whirled. "Round and around and around she goes--!" yelled a man in the front row. "Dunking!" said a man behind us, "Let's see him on the trap door!" "Nope, paddle!" said his neighbor firmly. "Board of Education for the Bare Behind!" "What about that Cage?" said another, "How about that spanking machine?" Around it went, beginning to slow, as the punishments slid by the stopper, Principal's Office, Bonus Spin, The Spanker, Convict's Choice, Dunking, Fuller Brush Man, Spin Again, Public Whipping... Tar and Feathers... and... The Cage... and... was he getting a break? It looked like 2nd Chance... maybe...! Yes!??...No...! His punishment is... The Stocks!

Immediately the illustration clip flashed on the screen as the room was rocked with laughter. Amidst a crowd of onlookers, a middle-aged prisoner was being put on display. In go his head and wrists, as the old colonial device gets slammed and locked. Shake and rattle all he wants: he's stuck! Uh oh, he looks down with disbelief--down come the pants! Now he gets the dunce cap put on him. Ha ha ha, look at him there with his britches down! Oh look at this, a guy is getting a pole with a long pointed feather on it. A man with a can and brush has sauntered up to the angry confinee now and is painting a big red moustache on his mug, while the other, ho ho, he's teasing the man's penis with the feather! Oh, ho ho ho ho! It's starting to respond, ha ha ha! Uh oh, oops! looks like the confinee just broke the law of silence-- What's this?? Profanity!?? The officer now seizes the switch! He's going to spank the convict! Whhappp!! It's the Rod of Correction for this man, ho ho ho ho!!

The camera freezes on the look of shock as he gets the lick, and the screen reads "THIS APPOINTMENT ONCE A WEEK!"

The spectators showed their hearty approval at this prospect, and Medford looked blank, as if unable to grasp the experience he was going have to to go through. But he didn't have to time to think about it for long; it was time for Round Three. McCluskey and Wells spun him around to face the Wheel, grabbing him by the ear. "Select your punishment, prisoner!" they warned.

Whirrr!! The merry dealer of doom roared about the axis, a blur of colored lights and sounds, playing it's goofy melody as the little posts slapped against the stopper. Soon it began to slow, Convict's Choice, Dunking, Fuller Brush Man, Spin Again, Public Whipping, Principal's Office, Bonus Spin, The Spanker, the Cage, Tar and Feathers, Second Chance, the Stocks... Dunking... Principal's Office... and... Fuller Brush Man... and... Convict's Choice......and......the Spanker......and it looked like the selection would be...... Spin Again!

There were surprised murmurings in the punishment chamber, and the folks were a little confused. Did this mean he got to skip a penalty? That wasn't going to sit to well. The Sergeant set us straight though. He still faced Round Three, but it meant Medford would have another spin to go after the third punishment had been determined. Well, that was fine! The Sergeant asked for volunteers to come and spin the Wheel for the Guest of Honor. Meanwhile the man himself had to bend and touch his nose to a post in disgrace.

The man sitting behind us got picked. He gave the Wheel a mighty yank and stood back to view his handiwork. He looked at the embarrassed Medford as he "stood in the corner." "What will this bad boy's punishment be!" he crowed." Guys around the chamber started to call out their votes for the verdict. Some were for Dunking, some for Tar and Feathers, others wanted to see Medford in the Cage; but far and away, most men that day wanted to see the prisoner get licks. They wanted him on the hot seat; they wanted the paddle.

Whizzz! Round and round it went, slowing, slowing... losing speed... not much longer now, as his fate hung in the balance... here it came... Winding down... almost there... and the punishment would be... Uh oh, tough luck Medford--Principal's Office!

"YOU HAVE SELECTED A SPANKING!" a man yelled sarcastically, and the whole place rang with eager guffaws.

"PANTS DOWN!" warned the screen, and showed an old fashioned schoolhouse paddling. In the jolly cartoon a young man with a red-hot fanny was bawling as the Principal was paddling him with the Board of Education! "The School of Hard Swats," ran the caption.

The prisoner rubbed the seat of his prison boxers, starting to weep. The Sergeant turned to the spectators. "The date and time of the punishment will be posted to the public," he explained, "although the prisoner himself will not be notified until it's time to get his paddling.

"Medford, think about what happened here today as you do your time, and remember what it's like to serve these punishments. Now comes your bonus spin. Step up to the Wheel!"

As if in defiance, the prisoner grabbed that handle and yanked it with every ounce of strength he had, and that was considerable. Being disciplined like this, the fact that he was a physically robust man probably added to his punishment. It was sure a fine sight to see him get put in his place. The Wheel spun furiously, and he had to wait there in his punishment shorts. His strength had made the Selector fly, but the law of gravity was against him: soon it began to slow; down and down, for the last time; click click click click click, the merry Wheel of Chance ran down as the punishments went past. Dunking, Stocks, Paddle, Bonus Spin, Brush Man, Cage, the Spanker, Tar and Feathers. I couldn't decide which one would be best, they were all incredible! I wondered what it was like to be standing where Medford was right now as his potential punishments clicked by. Here they came: Board of Education... Convict's Choice... Second Chance... Whipping Post... the Stocks... and... Principal's Office... and... The Spanker...... and...... the Cage...... and...... Oho, it looked like Fuller Brush Man!..... No!..... He was gonna get The Spanker!..... Or was he...? No, it hadn't finished yet..... it was only two slots away from Second Chance! Would he get off scott free!?.... Oh, here it came....His punishment was..... The Dunk Trap!!


Wells and McCluskey grabbed him by the ears, laughing heartily, and marched him to the Pit. They stood the big man stand on the trap door, and Miller got the hazing paddle. Medford placed his feet on the footprints. Now he got the dunce cap! Ho ho ho, look at this guy! They're pulling his boxers down; what's this? Wells has a jar of grease! Oh man! "We're gonna embarrass you a little," says Wells, and begins to spread the stuff on Medford's whoppin' tool! Now it's big and tall, McCluskey goes over and grabs the lever that works the dunk trap. "Hold your testicles," says Miller, and Whhapp!! Medford starts to bawl as Miller swats him with the paddle! Whhapp!! It's his favorite method of punishment. Whhapp!! He gets a good two-handled grip and winds up! Whhapp!! Whhapp!! Tears are running down Medford's face as he bends forward, holding his balls!! Smmmaackk!! I wished it coulda been me with a two-handed grip on the hazing paddle, Swwwaatt!! After ten licks, McCluskey yanks the lever; we hear the pop! as it trips the mechanism; a look of sudden alarm on Medford, the trap drops, and the big man goes down nude! Into the waiting pit he drops, ha ha ha! Down the Shoot in your Birthday-Suit, ha ha ha ha! We hear the splash as he hits the contents, to a roar of laughter and explosive applause. "Now he's gettin' his punishment!" Gardner yelled, slapping me on the back; the screen showed the victim via cameras mounted in the pit, casting about and sputtering in the thick muck as he reaches for the rungs in the side. Not so fast, Medford! The trap doors were quickly hoisted into position and locked; first you get to spend a little time thinking down there in the Contemplation Hole!

That's when we got a big surprise. Wells and Miller swung the punishment selecting wheel around and showed us the other side. Instead of bright colors with penalties, the fields on this side just had numbers on them. They let us look at it for a while, watching us with an odd kind of smirk. After about a minute, we started to hear groans from around the little auditorium as the spectators made the connection: the fields on the Selector corresponded to the numbers of the seats we were in! Guys started to jump up and make for the exits, but they were already manned with armed security officers.

"Remain calm gentlemen," called Sergeant Miller. This event is voluntary!" Many looked unsure. "I repeat, no coercion," the sergeant reiterated, "the exits are temporarily blocked so that no one loses out on an opportunity they may be sorry to miss. Reluctantly, the spectators resumed their seats--there seemed to be no alternative anyway.

"As some of you have guessed, these numbers represent the seats in our auditorium. We're about to select an unlucky audience member!"

Despite the apprehension, you started to hear a few approving chuckles and guffaws. Guys are just like that man, we love to see it get dished out.

"If he's got the balls, the selectee will have the opportunity to personally experience this punishment. Both as a personal exercise, and as an example for others. The embarrassment of the Dunk Pit, right in front of everyone. And of course," he chuckled, "we're gonna introduce his butt to the Board of Education!"

The exits were now opened, and we were free to leave. No one did.

"Outstanding," said the Dunkmaster. "I take it we understand that one of you will be stepping front and center?" There were grunts and nods of cautious assent. "Long as it's not me!" I heard a guy say over to our left. "Are you gonna swat hard?" Bob Gardner asked.

"You bet!" said Miller, holding up the big three-foot hazing paddle, "The gentleman in question is gonna get a spanking. But it's not a criminal proceeding, so just three good licks!"

As there appeared to be no more questions, Miller turned to the Selector and gave the Wheel a yank. Whhhizzzzzzz!! _d_a_m_n_! This was going to be interesting...

I didn't even realize what was happening until I felt Wells and McCluskey haul me out of my seat. Everyone was laughing! Everyone was pointing! They had me front and center, and Sgt. Miller was waiting with the dunce cap. I'd barely even grasped the situation as my pants were coming down. Wells and McCluskey were ripping off my shirt! I was standing in my shorts, and all the guys in the place were on their feet laughing and pointing. They were 100 percent into the spirit of this thing. A red hot wave of embarrassment poured over me as I lost my underwear; and Wells cuffed my hands behind me. McCluskey started rubbing that stuff on my penis; I tried not to look, I shut my eyes; but _d_a_m_n_, he was taking his time! Up and down, up and down my shaft he spread the thick, glistening goo, slowly and carefully; and my, uh...umm... oh brother... it was, uh... my dick it was getting bigger now and... ohh!... Oh boy, oh wow... Now it was really big... high up and big around, uh...oh _s_h_i_t_... big and wide now, ulp! Taking another load of goo from the jar, McCluskey carefully made sure he hadn't missed a spot, and tears started rolling down my cheeks as he applied it to my nuts. Miller now stepped to the dunking-pit with the paddle. The place was in an uproar! McCluskey grabbed me and painfully twisting my ear, he forced me to stand on the spot; I felt it dip under my weight as I stepped on the doom trap.

"Three swats!"

McCluskey stood at the dunk lever as I bent and grabbed my balls.

BAAMM!! Miller's paddle slammed into my butt!

The impact shot straight through my ass to the end of my _c_o_c_k_. I was in a state of shock.

BAAMM!! The Board of Education burned my ass.

I never thought anything could sting so bad and make me wanna cum so hard at the same time! Guys were laughing and standing on their seats to see me get licks! I was in the doghouse, and it was time for a paddling!

BAAAAMM!! Number three, right across the buns!

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggghhh!!!!" I yelled, grabbing my ass. Gaaaawwwd, it hurt!! But I hardly got time to deal with it...

"INTO THE PEW!" yelled a man, as McCluskey threw the lever. There was a mighty bang! as the trap dropped, and I grabbed my jewels for dear life as I fell in the Pit, plummeting downward. Spl--latt! About ten feet down my bod hit the muck. I experienced what it was like to go into that goo! Down I shot in the warm ooze, where I joined Mr. Medford; and we considered our shortcomings together for the next twenty minutes in a session of harrowing, bare-ass penitence!

Well, I sure got a lesson that day, and it's an experience I hope I never have to repeat. I thought of Medford as he was marched off to start his sentence, while I got to shower off and go home. In later years I attended many sessions at the "Humble Pie Club," as we called it, and believe strongly in its methods. I made myself a handy little swat paddle I call "the Fanny Warmer," and it comes with me on Saturday afternoons when I visit the penitentiary. I have gotten to use it several times.

More stories by Joe Kari