An Erudite Perv's Reading Journal Part Ten

by Jawan <>

I have been reading Playing Fields: School Days at Eton by Eric Parker. Published in 1922 by Carroll and Nicholson. Rather a tedious book on the whole, but it has a chapter called "Fagmasters" on the English public school institution of fagging.

Filland, who is a fag, ignores the summons for a fag by one of the older boys. "Chinnock discovered him [Filland], and F was told what he had to do. Lidden, captain of Chamber, chose the biggest hairbrush he could find with a handle, and Filland stooped over the big oak coalbox. [Parker's grammar is not that good. Shouldn't "with a handle" be placed next to "hairbrush"? Maybe Parker should be made to bend over the coalbox>]

'Tighter Filland. Bend right over. Tighter than tha.' Seven. A brushing. It was the first brushing you had seen. Bending over the coalbox where people were always brushed. You all looked at Filland's face when he got up again." (125) [The perv likes "a brushing," and needs to use it when he beats his dinge boy with his little polished hairbrush. By the way, this is the first time I have come across a hairbrush being used in English public school fiction.]

Later on in the section "Fagmasters," Filland reflects on how " [he] shouldn't like to fag for Melbury . . . Lidden spoiled his toast two dayls running; burnt it one day and tried to scrape it, you know, but of course Melbury spotted it, and second day he dropped it in the bath - - he hadn't emptied it before breakfast, otherwise it'd only have been on the floor and Melbury'd never have known. Well, he'd also him late and brought him water that was stone cold, so I suppose Melbury was raather shirty. Anyway, he worked him off - - eight. [The perv likes worked him off also.] Swiped him beastly hard too. And of course without any waarning. Lidden hadn't any time to pad or anything - - though Melbury makes you bend over so as even a handkerchief would show - - and it hurt like sin, Lidden said. Should think it did too - - you could see every single one afterward.'"

Ah, the joys of English public school. The perv must sign off as he is off to adminster a brushing.

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