Semi-True Survey --- Memories of Leather & Wood

by Scotty <NONE>

1. Were you spanked as a child? Pre-teen? teen? Was there a difference in the way you

were spanked if you were spanked as a pre-teen vs as a teen.

Until I was 11, I never experienced any physical discipline more forceful than a "time-out".

That -- as I learned much later -- was because both of my natural parents were true-believers

in the then trendy "Doctor Spock school of child-rearing" and simply never really even considered


Then, the summer I turned 9, my real dad was killed in a car accident, and mom and I suddenly

found ourselves alone. Unfortunately, I wasn't a very mature kid, and reacted to the whole change

in our lives in a very self-centered way. Within a short time after the shock had worn off, my

behavior started to go down hill and I became more and more rebellious and troublesome for mom

both at home and school. Mom just didn't know how to deal with it all.

That changed a little more than a year later, when mom met -- and less than a year and a half

later -- married my stepfather. AND HE knew EXACTLY what to do with me, as -- returning home

from their 4th date (and learning from my sitter that I had acted up) -- gave me my first

"introduction" to a folded belt, dragging me into the livinroom, yanking me over his knee, and

energetically applying it to my bare backside -- much to the enthusiastic approval of my

sitter, an older woman, who assured my somewhat more doubtful mother that it was "just what

I needed."

Moreover, mom was so impressed by the subsequent alteration in my attitude following this

incident, that she not only gave HIM permission to repeat such discipline as often as HE deemed

needed, but -- shortly thereafter -- went out and bought an old fashion wooden hairbrush (that

apparently had been recommended by one of her lady friends). Within a VERY short time, it too,

was in regular use, as my mom herself quickly became an advocate for traditional over-the-knee

"attitude adjustments". In fact, by the time mom married my "new dad" about six month later,

it was made clear to me that spankings were to become the disciplinary tool "of choice" in our

household -- for virtually ALL forms of misbehavior or improper attitude.

Whether my "sin" was as big as getting caught in a lie, or as little as being late for my curfew,

these spankings were always delivered on the spot, bare bottom, over the knee. The only difference

in outcomes was that for a minor sin, I might only catch 5 or 6 spanks with my mom's hairbrush,

while a more major sin -- always repented for across my stepdad's knee -- might earn me a tanning

with his folded belt that would leave me with little desire to sit down for a day or more. As I

became older -- and apparently (in HIS opinion) more "acclimated to proper discipline" -- I also

"graduated" to an old razor strap (which HE had inherited from HIS father), for any really big

sins (like the time I got caught cheating on a school test at 14...I swear,

I didn't sit down for a week)!

2. If you were spanked at school did your parents have a rule about what would happen at

home as a consequence. What was the rule? the consequence?

The schools in our district didn't technically allow teachers to spank, but I still ended

up over my 9th grade teacher's knee, thanks to my stepfather. It happened as a result of

the cheating incident I mentioned earlier. What happened was that Mr. Jenkins sent a note

home, and the very next afternoon I found myself back at school after hours with dad.

When Mr. Jenkins told him what I'd done, and suggested that -- "although he realized I was

probably too old to be accorded the kind of 'Bare Bottom Justice' my actions might have

otherwise earned me if I had been a bit younger -- he hoped that my stepfather could "find

the proper medicine needed to impress upon me the seriousness of my misdeed".

Dad slowly looked at me, looked at Jenkins, stood up, removed his belt, handed it to my

teacher, and told him that -- as far as HE was concerned -- Jenkins knew exactly the kind of

medicine I needed, and (considering my offense had been against the school and he, as my

teacher) was undoubtably the best "doctor" dad could think of to "administer the cure".

Responding to Mr. Jenkin's initial disavowal of authority for such an action, my stepfather

assured my teacher that HE would GUARANTEE that there would be no repercussions, and quickly

wrote out and handed him a note specifically authorizing Jenkins to administer such a cure,

then, and any time in the future that he felt it "useful. A surprisingly few moments later,

following a quickly aborted outburst from me, I found myself already bare bottom over Mr.

Jenkin's knee, as dad departed -- but not before giving me one final look and chillingly

cautioning me to "be SURE to remember to bring his belt home with me when Mr. Jenkins was

finished...since WE'D have use for it". He DID!!!

More to the point, thereafter, anytime I was again to find myself "in conference" over Mr. Jenkin's

knee, I KNEW I could COUNT on an encore with the razor strap at home. And unfortunately, Mr.

Jenkins was to find this "medicine" useful three more times that year.

3.If you were spanked, what was the usual setting?

Spankings were always administered in a manner designed to remind me that I had acted like a

naughty little child, and deserved a child's discipline: bare bottom, over-the-knee. If my mom

spanked me, she usually took me to my bedroom to do it. By contrast, when I'd get in trouble with

my stepdad, he often yank down my pants, drag me over his knee, and spank me on the spot...more

than once, in front of other people...including one memorable occassion when I was horsing around

and knocked over this big display at the mall. I still cringe when I remember that incident, because

he actually had me over his knee and had started to drag my pants down before the department

manager suggested that dad relocate my punishment to the store's men's room, where he "could

attend to my needs at his leisure". And that's exactly what happened: dad dragged my back into

the men's room, found this uphostered bench against the wall opposite the open area where the

sinks and urinals were, sat down on it, pulled off his belt, yanked me over his knee, and --

stopping only long enough to announce that he intended "tan (my) bare backside, and did anyone

have a problem with that?" -- preceeded to pull down my pants. Moreover, when I made the error of

initially trying to resist and making a fuss about being spanked "in public" -- my stepfather coldly

informed me that "if there were ANY further defiance, he'd ask the half dozen or so other men in the

restroom for 'volunteers' -- to EACH take turns with me over their knees".

When five of the men (two of whom were actually older teenagers) enthusiastically offered their

"assistance" and actually began taking off their own belts, I saw the handwriting on the wall, and

quickly begged "dad" to keep the matter between us. A moment later he was once again to prove

that I obviously WASN'T TOO BIG, as he thoroughly tanned my bottom until I was crying like a girl

...while my "audience" smirked and actually applauded. It was SO embarrassing -- yet in retrospect --

probably a "safer" outcome then I might have OTHERWISE experienced. Because as dad finally dragged

me back to my feet, through a haze of humiliated tears I noticed more than one of my erstwhile

"volunteers" sporting frighteningly hungry looks upon their faces -- and all too obvious bulges in

their pants. In fact, when one of these guys laughingly offered to take dad's "little girl" out to

his van in the parking lot for some "real discipline", I almost passed out in fear when dad slowly

looked at me and asked: "What do you think Scotty, should I let this gentleman find you a frilly

little dress and some panties, so he could properly introduce you to some "real discipline"...and

whatever else he feels might prove "instructional" out there in his van? I very nearly wet my


4. What was said to you, before, during and after the spanking?

Most times, when HE spanked me, it wasn't so much WHAT he said, as HOW he would announce

the spanking: he'd slowly and forcefully say my full name out loud, look at me with this look that

always made my legs turn to jello, then -- if I hadn't already stopped whatever it was that had

angered him -- he silently and slowly undo and remove his belt, double it up, open and close the two

ends with a loud snap once or twice, and then allow to hang from his right hand in a he'd

grap me with his left and hustle me to the nearest armless chair or bench.

The only exception to this routine was when I had done something bad enough to earn me a multiple

punishment, like the time I had just turned 15 and went joyriding with some older guys in a car

that I THOUGHT belonged to one of their parents. When my stepfather bailed me out and got me home,

he lost no time in dragging me out to the garage for about ten minutes (that felt like an hour) of

serious "discussion" -- across his knee -- with the razor strap. Still, I was somewhat surprised

when he let me up, thinking he had actually let me off easy for once -- right up to the moment that he

corrected that misperception, by informing my that, because he didn't believe in allowing a spanking

to go on so long as to become abuse, I DEFINITELY hadn't yet paid my debt, but could rather expect a

similar spanking EACH night -- every night through the remainder of the week -- at 7 pm sharp.

Unfortunately, my stepfather was a man of his word. Moreover, three night later, when guests dropped

in a little before 7, I was to learn just HOW literal that word could be. Thinking myself safe as our

guests settled in around the living room, I was literally shocked when dad announced to everyone that

they'd have to excuse he and I, since it was 7 pm and he had promised to take me out to the garage

"to thoroughly warm (my) bare backside". When I nervously suggested that I'd be happy to wait until

our neighbors departed, dad simply asked me if I'd prefer to follow him out to the garage immediately,

or instead be allowed to fetch mom's hairbrush -- with which I'd be spanked like a naughty child in

front of our guests -- and THEN hauled out to the garage? This time I avoided the audience.

5. How frequently did you get spanked? How long and severe were most of these?

Actually, even though there were periods (particularly when I was between 11 and 13) when it sometimes

seemed that I ate MOST of my meal standing up, the truth is that usually I didn't need more than one

to get the message that I had crossed the line. My parents weren't really so much abusive, as they were

enthusiastic in their belief in the "curative" value of a sound spanking -- and the "memory enhancing"

effects of a well-blistered behind. As to the embarrassment, my stepfather never made any apologies,

insisting that the "humiliation factor" of being disciplined as a child for behaving like a child -- in

short, having my bottom (or hennie, as he often insisted on calling it) bared, upended across his knee,

and given a good sound spanking, particularly in front of someone else, constituted the MOST effective

part of a spanking. As to how long a spanking went on, there was only really one answer: sincerity.

For my stepdad that always translated out to mean a sincere tears, futilely kicking legs, and a bright red,

strap-heated and (usually) well-wealted behind.

Final Thoughts:

Now, nearly 15 years since my last spanking at 17, I almost wish I were 11 (and knee-size) again.

How much earlier it would be to "pay for my sins" THAT way, instead of the all the grief and REAL pain

I have to go through when I screw up as an adult. Anyone know where I could find a time machine?

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